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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100 After James went to the Prosperous Dynasty, he visited Common Clinic He did not

immediately go to see Thea. He knew that Yoel would not dare to have any more thoughts about Thea,

and she would call him to come back very soon. Meanwhile, the Blithe king, who had received James’

call, was furning. He was the Blithe King and the commander-in-chief of the Five Armies. He was not

someone to clean up James’ messes! “Send troops to the Prosperous Dynasty immediately. Also, find

out the background and the owner of the place!” The Blithe king roared. He was furious and caused a

rumble throughout the military region. Hundreds of military vehicles were dispatched instantly, and the

intelligence team began to get to work.

Xander was quite a famous person in Cansington. He had his fair share in the dirty business in the

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past, and it was easy for the Blithe king to find out about him. In less than ten minutes, the information

about the Prosperous Dynasty was presented to the Blithe King Going through the documents, he was

furious and roared, “Seal up the Prosperous Dynasty and detain everyone involved. Don’t leave

anyone behind. We will regard this as a military mission.” “Understood!” After the military region

received the order, they immediately took action. It was in the afternoon. Hundreds of military vehicles

were dispatched, and the military passed through the streets in a mighty manner, causing a commotion

among the people. “What’s happening?” “Is there another drill?” Seeing the military vehicles parked in

front of the Prosperous Dynasty, the citizens began to make guesses. “I heard that the Prosperous

Dynasty isn’t a clean business.” “Yeah, the boss of Prosperous Dynasty is Xander. He’s done a lot of

dirty deeds in the past, but now he is doing legal business and has been keeping a very low profile.”

“They all say that new officials are full of passion.

I guess that the Blithe King is going after Xander.” The Prosperous Dynasty. A lieutenant general under

the Blithe king, Daniel, with a military rank of one star, led his troops into the Prosperous Dynasty. The

floor was full of security guards and gangsters all the way. All of them lay on the ground screaming in

pain. Seeing such a scene, Daniel’s face trembled slightly. “This…” “How did Xander of the Prosperous

Dynasty get on James’ nerves?” Daniel wentto the basement. There, he saw more than twenty people.

All of them were Xander’s subordinates. The unconscious David was also spotted, with Yoel laying on

the ground. He could not get up. Meanwhile, Xander’s lifeless body was beside them. “Deal with the

corpse and detain all these people,” Daniel glanced at them and ordered. Seeing this, Yoel hurriedly

explained, “General, general! Don’t detain me. I…I didn’t do anything.

I’m Yoel from the Smiths…” “Hmın?” Daniel stopped, glanced at Yoel contemptuously, and kicked him.

“Who cares about the Smiths? What family is that? Why did you have to offend James? Why do you

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have to cause our commander so much trouble? You won’t be spared if you make him mad!” Yoel was

kicked to the ground. However, he quickly got up and pleaded, “No, you can’t detain me. James…

James instructed me to bring his brother back home.” Yoel was not stupid. He immediately caught on

and pointed at the unconscious David. “This guy is the younger brother of James’ wife. He asked me to

bring him back safely.” “Oh?” Daniel glanced at the unconscious David and immediately understood the

situation. ‘Xander messed with Thea’s younger brother. No wonder…’ “Then what are you still doing

here? Get out right now,” Daniel cursed and kicked him again. It was due to these people who went

around provoking others and ended up messing with James. Thus, the Blithe King had to wipe his ss

after he caused trouble. Sob. Yoel was so anxious that he shed tears. He wanted to leave. However, he

had broken bones, and even walking was a problem, let alone taking David away. At that moment, a

fully armed soldier entered and asked, “General, there’s someone outside claiming to be York Smith?

He said his son was inside. Do I let him in?” Daniel glanced at Yoel and waved his hand. “Let him in

and tell him to take this piece of trash away quickly.” “Alright.”