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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 200
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Stina's Note Dear readers, al We’ve come to the end of “The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King”. 1 would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who has given this book a chance, and for following through to the very end.

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I'hope you can spare a few minutes to rate this and write up a review (without spoilers, of course!). And hopefully, you liked the story enough to drop a Gem or two (or more) :) &» When I started typing away on my iPad, I told myself that I wanted to give readers not just a story, but an experience. I wanted the characters to be felt, not just imagined. I hope that some of the characters have inspired

you, and touched your heart in more ways than one. Perhaps you've even developed a crush in the course of the ~~ story XD &» That being said, and without giving too much away, I hope that: i) Lucianne has exemplified strength, resilience, self-worth, and has shown you the upside of opening up to new possibilities; ii) Xandar has exemplified how important it is to let those you love know that you love them, and the vitality in setting your own path, one different from those taken before you; iii) Christian has shown you brotherhood and loyalty; iv) Annie has shown you that it’s never

too late to take back your power; Vv) Greg has displayed the importance ot | of one’s choice, and the effects thereafter; and vi) the alliance inspired you to be brave, and to seek out your own tribe whom you can count on. @» This book aims to be with you when you need it to be. There may be some chapters here that you could revisit when you need a boost of confidence, an assurance that you matter, or just for laughs (if my sense of humor had been up to your standards, that is).

If you liked how things played out, I'm happy to say that I plan to write a few prequels and sequels to this book. The aim is to keep the prequels between 80,000 to 150,000 words. For the sequels, however, I cannot promise

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that it will be within this word range.

: The first prequel would take me several weeks (or months), and the sequel would take me a few months at least because, as a student, I have to clock in more time to revise for my postgrad exam in February 2022. I hope you’ll check out the stories when they're published, and continue to support them. & Before we part, I'll leave you with the thought that I kept at the back of my mind from the start to the end of writing this story: Why stay a victim when you can rise like a Queen? Why stay helpless when you can choose to be powerful? @» Have a great day, everyone! See you all in the next book! €»

UPDATE: BOOK TWO is now out as a completed - The Rogues Who Went Rogue.