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That Can Be Arranged (Tessa and Nicholas)

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27

Nicholas sat aside indifferently but gazed at Gregory with a pair of tender eyes. He then gently replied.

“Alright then, If you don’t like it, we’ll just stick to Miss Reinhart as your teacher.”

While Gregory was delighted upon hearing that, Yana started to hate the child, showina a darkened look

on her face.

Damn you, child! How dare you ruin my daughter’s plan!

However, Yana’s train of thought was soon interrupted by the return of Tobias and Kieran as the two

men’s tall build came into view after they entered the house. While the father’s stern look gave off an

made him look like a powerful old king, Kieran had a pair of attractive eyes and charisma on par with his

handsome brother that could take anyone’s breath away.

When the maids noticed their arrival, they immediately bowed down and greeted the two men. “Old

Master Sawyer, Master Kieran.”

Soon, Roselle walked closer to them and courteously looked down. “Mr. Sawyer… Kieran, long time no

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“You must be Roselle. It’s indeed been a while since the last time we met. You’ve grown up a lot and

become so much prettier,” Tobias replied with a smile.

Kieran politely greeted Roselle back. “Miss Gingham, Mrs. Gingham.” Then, when he shifted his gaze

away to the others, he went on to greet his brother. “Nicholas, when did you arrive…?” As soon as he

finished his sentence, he noticed Tessa from the corner of his eyes and paused in a trance. “Tessa?

What brings you here?”

“Um…” Tessa felt a little awkward but decided to explain why she was there one more time before she

greeted the father and son.

While Tobias had nothing much to say, Kieran looked at his brother confusedly and leaned closer to him.

“What’re you doing, Nicholas? Why are you still keeping her by your side? Isn’t this lady your…”

Nicholas gazed at his younger brother and interrupted him with a deep voice. “I can’t confirm her identity

at the moment, which is why I have kept her by my side until I can get to the bottom of the matter. If she

turns out to be the lady I was looking for, I’ll make sure she disappears forever!”

In that instant, Kieran didn’t dare to say a single word more because he knew what his older brother was

capable of.

Nicholas has always been a man of his word and will not hesitate to do what he means to. So, if Tessa is

really the lady who abandoned Greg back then, she will likely be as good as dead.

Meanwhile, Roselle had always thought highly of her own status as she was used to being the center of

attention wherever she went, yet she was neglected and left in the cold, again and again, this time on her

return. Thus, she quickly found herself at the end of the rope, barely able to hide her darkened eyes.

Soon, the butler came over to inform. “Sir, Madam, the dinner is ready, and you may help yourself

anytime now.”

Thus, Stefania immediately summoned everyone to the dining area. When they all surrounded the table

to grab a seat, Roselle wanted to sit beside Nicholas, but before she could do so, Gregory beat her to it

and sat there. Therefore, she was forced to step aside and take the seat next to the boy, only to be

stunned by his reaction.

“Sit here, Miss Pretty Lady!” Gregory patted the seat and called out to Tessa.

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Roselle’s face stiffened as she made her way to ihe other seat next to Nicholas on the other side, but

once again, she was one step behind Kieran, who apologized to her. “I’m sorry, Miss Gingham, I’d like to

have a word with my brother. Please sit there, would you?”

In the face of several thwarted attempts to sit beside Nicholas, Roselle was overwhelmed by the anger

that was written all over her face. Nonetheless, she forced herself to stay calm in front of everyone else

in order to maintain her decency. Upon suppressing her anger, she returned to her mother and grabbed

a seat courteously.

During dinner, Kieran’s presence filled the atmosphere with a lot of energy and liveliness, which Yana

sentimentally commented about. “Kieran and Nicholas are starting to look like their father, who

dominated the commercial world back then. The Sawyer Family is so blessed to have these two sons.”

As the compliment put a bright smile on Stefania’s face, she couldn’t deny that she couldn’t be any

prouder of her sons, but even so, she decided to react with humility. “Aw, you’re flattering me. While

Nicholas is reliable and mature, Kieran is a bit of a free spirit who worries and frustrates me because he

simply won’t want to settle down and get married.”

Kieran was displeased with his mother’s words. “Come on, Mom. I did carry out my responsibilities, didn’t

I? But speaking of marriage, I can’t force what’s not meant to be mine!”