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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 5
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As was the tradition | was bathed the morning of the tournament. | had herbs and scent blockers placed all over me.

| was dressed in a simple blue dress that was cotton and flowed. It didn’t go past my knees so that | wouldn't attract attention.

My mother put my hair in a simple braid. She coveredin a jacket.

She k*ssed my cheeks and leftwith Gia and Cea.

They had to watchuntil it was time.

| wasn’t allowed to leave until there were only five men left.

I had selected 10.

| didn’t even know who to hope for. | hadn't said a word all morning. | ate what they placed in front ofand drank when told to. | felt hollow.

Something was missing. | felt like | was betraying a part of myself. | didn’t know everything | needed to.

| felt like | should be doing something anything to fix this.

Then at the stime, | was so ready to find the person | was going to spend my life with today. The outcwasn't the problem, it was the Who.

| felt like | was hurting someone. | had no clue why.

My mother closed the door and my heart picked up pace.

What was | missing? Why was there this gnawing feeling clawing up my arms and wrestling into my tummy? | had done everything | could this week to find someone [x They still had to prove their strength but | believed in them.

Believed in who? There was someone | was hoping for. | felt it like a pinprick on my tongue. There was something that | knew was waiting and | couldn't quite get to it.

“You ready for this?” Cea grabbed my arms and spuntowards her. “I'll run if you want as fast as we can,” | shook my head before | even thought.

There was something about to happen.

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“Are you alright?”Gia rubbed my shoulder. “You look like you're gonna pass out,” “No,” my voice was so serious. “I'm ready. I'm ready,” | was ready. | wanted to be there to go now. | felt a strong pull forward.

*Something was going on. * Everyone in our pack would be there. They would all help to mask my scent and witness the strength of the man who wanted my hand.

| started to pace the room anxious that | was not out there yet. | hadn't even heard a single commotion.

Then my father’s voice cleared through the air.

| spun towards the window itching to hear more.

*I needed more. * All ofneeded more.

“What is going on with you?” Cea walked into my line of sight.

“I want to be out there,” “Patience,” Gia smiled at me.

*That was not what | needed. | needed. | needed. * I don’t know.

But it was out there that | knew.

“Anna?” The cheering crowd made my heart leap a little.

*Yes hurry. Hurry. * “Anna?” *Please letget out there. * This desperation and certainty were like smoke in my lungs growing with every breath making my b*dy into a flame.

Soon there were growls and a smile broke out on my face. | heard grunts and cheers from the crowd, calls of anger, and calls of happiness the tournament was on.

All the men would fight at once in an all-out battle. They could either take wolf form or human form; that choice was up to the group of them.

They all chose human for sreason.

| heard yelps and gasps and screams. People japong at the men who fell and others who were cursing them to get back up.

*Letgo. Letgo. | want to go.

“Anna?” | could smell the blood now. It’s iron scent wafting into my room. They were falling and | could see them soon.

*Letbe there. * “Anna!” I spun quickly looking into the eyes of my bewildered best friend.

She searched my eyes confused as to my actions. | was too but most ofcraved to be out there. Burned to be out there “It’s...time,” she slowly stepped out of my way.

| took off running leaving my shoes where they had been waiting forall morning.

| could not stop myself. My b*dy was like an arrow loose for its target. There was a strong pull in| had never felt.

There is not one part of my mind that wants to turn around now. No need to stay here in the golden childhood. | had to get there.

| ran down the hall and steps watching my feet while maintaining my pace, careful not to trip over myself.

| burst out the front door of my hand did not even notice the tile change to haarp gravel.

| spurred forward desperation was all | could manage.

*Takethere * All the fears | had were gone. This destiny was all | had to find and nothing else would matter.

| kept going down the road kicking up the rocks behindfurthering myself faster so I could see it.

| saw the crowd of my people in a circle and | smelt it.

I smelled him.

The pine.

The wood.

The ice.

He was there. And he was bleeding.

| ran even harder my legs burning for the first tin forever.

| battled through the crowd not caring who | shoved aside.

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| was supposed to remain hidden until the end.

But | had to get to him. He was in danger.

| shoved and tossed people out of my way growling and heaving deep dark breaths.

My eyes blurred except for the bright spot in the distance.

His scent grew stronger.

| saw the top of his head.

Black curly hair.

| elbowed my way through the people. Finally seeing all of him.

His tall frwas the tallest | knew to exist. His muscles were not the kind for show but the thick ones that cfrom use. His eyes gray like a stormy day.

If I had wanted to stop the scream that escaped me. | don’t think | could have.

It was a loud ear bleeding scream of terror that only cfrom true pain.

They all stopped.

Two of the men were behind him ready to pounce while he was distracted looking for me. A third was in front of him on the ground.

They all looked atas though | was crazy.

| walked up to him, my eyes glistening.

It dawned on everyone in one moment.

We were mated.

Authors note: Theyve finally met thanks for holding out so long. | will warn you I'm a fan of a slow burn. But | belive that you guys should get sromance.

So you guys have stated you like the longer chapters however itll be more expensive for you guys to buy them so im going to break the longer chapters into parts so itll be cheaper for you guys to read but dont worry if its supposed to be one chapter all parts for that chapter will be posted together on the sday.