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Strings of Fate

Chapter 75
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75- Holding and hiding Bellamy starts towards his office door, carryingwith him. | wrap my arms around his neck to steady myself.

“Bellamy! What are you doing? Putdown!” | demand but I'm breathless with laughter. He pauses in the hallway. Still holdingclose.

“Do | have to? I think I'd rather just keep you here like this. | don’t want to let go.” | can’t help but laugh again..

“Of course you need to putdown.” | insist.

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“Hmm...” he considersbut doesn’t let go. | wriggle my way out of his arms and jump towards the ground. He catchesbut lowersto my feet gently before hooking his arms around my waist tightly holdingclose against his chest.

“Go get whatever you need to stay over at my place tonight.” | prompt him. Maybe a change. of focus is what's needed to escape him, although | can’t say it’s unpleasant having him so close, I'm a little unsure what his goal is. Bellamy leans down and kisses my neck.

“All | need is you.” He murmurs, snuggling into my neck. It tickles and | can’t help but push him back. He releasesimmediately, tensing at first then relaxing when he realises | wasn’t stopping him because he did something wrong. He reaches foragain but | dodge him.

“You're very sweet, but | would recommend bringing clothes, maybe a toothbrush and your phone charger. Go on.” | skip away into the kitchen to catch my breath. It occurs tothat this is the first tI'll be bringing Bellamy hwith the intention of staying overnight. All the other times were accidents or he sort of just happened to be there, although I’m now realising that those occasions maybe were more intentional than accidental on his end. In fact most of our interactions have been more intentional on his part than on mine. Well, except for the bracelet | bought today. Maybe that’s why he’s being so affectionate. | did say it was to reassure him, | suppose he needed that more than | thought. | grab my phone and send a message to Aaron.

Ryann- Bellamy is takinghtonight so you can relax. I'll see you tomorrow. St75- Holding and hiding as today if that works for you?” My phone pings with a response from Aaron. I'm not sure what | expected but I snort out a rather unattractive laugh when | realise he’s just sent a thumbs up. He's even quiet via text.

Bellamy returns faster than | expected and is clutching a large-ish bag. For someone who claims to only need me, he’s sure bringing a lot of stuff. We head out to his car and ever the gentleman, he opens the door for me.

We've only been driving for a minute or two when Bellamy reaches over with his free hand and grabs mine, keeping his eyes on the road. He doesn’t say anything but just smiles contentedly. That's sweet | guess. | don’t drive but | can’t help but wonder if it’s difficult driving with only one hand. He seems to be managing alright though so | guess it’s fine. Bellamy and | discuss potential dinner options and decide on an easy pasta dish after | search for a recipe online. When we reach the shops, Bellamy rushes to open my car door foragain and offershis arm. | take it and I'm a little confused for a moment when he moves my hand. Instead of lightly resting on his arm he wraps it around his and pullsclose with it. We wander the aisles together with Bellamy holding a basket while | drop in the ingredients. Every now and then Bellamy will point at a snack or other item with our joined hands and askto add it to the basket. By the twe reach the register, the basket is overflowing, even though we're only making the one meal. How much food does he really need? Maybe he’s just short on a few things and wants to stock up while we're here because he grabs a few personal items. Bellamy doesn’t release my arm until it’s tto pay. | notice that he takes a moment to brush his fingers across his new bracelet as he takes a card. out of his wallet. | hoped he would like it but | didn’t imagine he would be as pleased with it as he is. The woman running the check out appears middle aged and while Bellamy is putting his wallet away she winks at me, fans her face with one hand and mouths something tothat I'm fairly certain is ‘wow.’ | take a minute to consider what she’s seeing. Bellamy is wearing dark blue jeans and a grey shirt. His dark hair is messy from when he and | both ran fingers through it earlier. His golden eyes are stunning and as he glances atthey soften in a way that makesmelt a little. Okay lady | get it. Wow indeed. | smile at her and give a half shrug. Bellamy and | head back to the car and make the short drive to my place. The whole the keeps slippingsideways glances and smiles. | don’t think I've ever seen him so cheerful. He was stressed out earlier, the change is just so extreme. He also can’t seem to go more than a minute without finding sexcuse to touch me. Is this normal for him? If it is, how much has he been holding back? How much is he still holding back? “You're different tonight.” | comment. Bellamy goes still, his expression frozen in place.

“Is that a good or bad thing?” His tone is neutral but seems cautious.

“Neither, I'm just making an observation. You seem happy | think. Also. very... affectionate.” Bellamy lets out a snort of a laugh.

“You think I'm being clingy.” He remarks. | shrug.

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“Maybe a little. It's not a bad thing, it’s just like | said, different. | was wondering why.” | explain. Bellamy parks and cuts the engine. He turns and meets my eyes, basically lockingin place with his gaze.

“Ry, in a five minute period you gavethe most perfect gift and demonstrated how much you care for my family. The fact that you took the time, that you care...” he inhales a deep breath.

“How could | be anything but completely obsessed with you? | suppose I'm not doing a particularly good job of hiding it tonight.” He admits. My jaw drops open. That was a much more extranswer than | was expecting..

“I... I don’t want you to hide anything. | mean, | want to keep this between us and our friends for now, but...” | don’t know how to finish my sentence. Bellamy reaches out and pushes hair back from my face. His expression is serious but kind.

“Ry, don’t take this the wrong way, but I'm fairly sure you would run for the hills if | was completely honest about everything right now.” He explains then quickly continues before | can respond.

“I'm not saying it’s a problem. You've asked for tand to take it slow and | can completely understand that.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting that. But | am doing my best not to scare you off again.” Bellamy runs his fingers over his bracelet.

“Don’t worry about it too much. We're both adjusting to a lot of changes, the answer to why I'm acting weird is that the things you did this evening haveabout ready to swoon, and I'm still trying to work out exactly how far | can go before you stop me.” Bellamy winks at I'm still trying to work out exactly how far | can go b 1. me. | try to act casually, in reality | feel like I'm about to hyperventilate.