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Strings of Fate

Chapter 64
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64- Silence and sass Bellamy sighs and takesby the hand. He leadsto the living room and sits on the couch, draggingto sit next to him.

“I don’t want to argue. Let's talk about this properly.” He insists. | sigh and nod my agreement.

“I just really don’t think | need them.” | start. Bellamy nods.

“I understand that. But | can’t trust that you're safe when | can’t see you. | might be overreacting, | probably am.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

But my sister was just nearly killed by her fiancé and that was in a room full of people who care about her.

Someone has already threatened you once and I'm on edge. | can’t stand the idea of leaving you unprotected. | have plenty of enemies and while people might not really know about us yet they're still a threat to you. | couldn't live with myself if something happened to you because of me.” It’s really hard to hold firm to my argument after his confession, I'm wavering and | know it. | try not to completely give up.

“Surely we can cto skind of compromise? What about something like what Megan has where she only has a guard when she goes out?” | suggest. Bellamy scrunches up his face and shakes his head.

“Your hisn’t as safe as it is here.” He complains. | sigh.

“I'm trying here Bellamy, givesomething.” We fall into a contemplative silence for a few minutes. When Bellamy finally answershis tone is begrudging.

“I suppose you could have a guard during the daytonly if your hwas safer. Security windows, a better lock and an alarm system so that it's properly secure. | could have the guys set it up.” He responds. | think for a moment. It’s not the worst compromise, if an alarm and a better lock will make him feel secure then it's not really that much of a problem for me.

“I would be okay with that, as long as Maggie approved it of course, it is her building.” | agree. Bellamy smiles at me.

“I'll have it installed today. I'll talk to her myself if | have to.” He pullsinto a tight hug 1/4 64- Silence and sass and | relax against his chest.

“Thankyou for putting up with this.” He mumbles into my hair. | pull back and sigh.

“Just don’t makeregret it.” Bellamy calls Aaron to cpickup then steps into his office and begins making calls, | assto arrange my new security system. | head back up to Megan's room to get my shoes and bag. It takesa few minutes because | can’t seem to find one of my socks anywhere. Eventually | find it on the floor underneath Megan's discarded pyjamas. Finally dressed | briefly borrow Megan's hairbrush and run it through my hair before heading back downstairs. Aaron is already waiting. Bellamy is already in his office on a call. He holds out an arm forand | give him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek before | step away. | can’t help but make at quick glance at Aaron who is waiting forin the hall. He looks unsurprised. He giveshis arm as we head out to the car in silence. | ask him to takestraight home. | want to shower and change my clothes before | worry about shopping and cleaning. The drive is comfortably silent. I'm still not sure I'm completely happy with the while security arrangement, but that’s now Bellamy’s life is and since | want to be part of it | should try and accept what | can. | don’t think he’s completely happy with our compromise either so | guess that means it’s successful? | do think that maybe | need to think about ways Bellamy can fit into my life as well so | don’t have to feel as weird about shoving my way into his. Or being. dragged into his, honestly I'm not even sure what's happening. A lot had changed in a short amount of time. Bellamy comes with a huge amount of extras; family, friends, responsibilities. I've only ever really been responsible for myself. | do believe | can handle it all, but maybe not all at once. Figuring out an acceptable security arrangement is an okay start, maybe next we can work out a routine that we both find comfortable. As much as I enjoy spending tat the Kane household, | do have my own hand responsibilities. | need to take a break sometimes.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Aaron parks the car and wordlessly offershis arm as | climb out. | take it and we begin the hike up the stairs to my front door. | unlock it and invite Aaron in behind me. “Feel free to take a seat or whatever, i'd say grab a drink or something but | have literally nothing. | need to go shopping after I've gotten myself cleaned up a bit.” | hesitate a moment then turn to face him properly, my face is probably burning red.

“Also... I'm sorry about the last few months. | was upset and | made you stay outside while you were just doing your job. It was unkind of me.” | apologise. Aaron givesa nod and look that night mean ‘No problem you don’t even need to apologise’ or it might mean ‘really 2/4 64- ce and sass you think that lapology is going to make that up to me?” Okay so | don’t actually know what it's meant to mean. | know if | ask he will probably answer but I'm not sure | want to know. I'll just have to be extra nice to him from here on out to make up for my awful behaviour before. I'm about to step into my room when Aaron clears his throat behind me. | pause and look back over my shoulder. Aaron gestures to one of the chairs at my little table. He wantsto sit. | approach it curiously and he pulls it out forto sit. As soon as | do, he takes the other seat across from me. | wait to see what he wants.

“With your approval | have requested to becyour permanent guard.” He states. His voice is quiet and assured. I'm shocked.

“You... you want to do this permanently?” | question. Aaron nods. | chew my lip and tilt my head.

“Did you need to ask Bellamy? | mean he’s your Alpha, it’s up to him isn’t it?” Aaron nods again.

“Alpha Kane approved.” He answers.

“Oh, well okay then. If you want to then I'm okay with it. | think you're the only guard that doesn’t constantly addressas ‘Miss Gale’ every two seconds. Probably because you barely ever talk, but it’s definitely a nice change, it freaksout when you guys are all... obedient?” | smile at him. Aaron’s face doesn’t change, he nods again and | get up to go shower.

“I won't be long then we can go get sactual supplies for this house, make yourself at home.” As | close my bedroom door I think | hear Aaron respond.

“Of course Miss Gale.” | swing the door open and stare at him suspiciously. Aaron is still sitting where | left him, looking atblankly, no sign of having spoke. | close the door again. but either I'm imagining things or Aaron is sassing me. | can’t help but laugh.