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Strings of Fate

Chapter 117
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Strings of Fate 117- Coordinate and complicate Bonus 08:35 “Well, | want to know why I'm dreaming about her. Assuming the dreams | have are of things that are actually happening, it’s kind of like how a Seer or Oracle works. Maybe | could talk to one and try and figure out if | can control it better or see more?” | say slowly. I'm not actually totally sure if it will help, but it’s not like I'm doing anything else, and having more answers might make the dreams less horrifying.

Or more horrifying. | don’t know.

“That's a great plan.” Megan chimes in.

“And | am going to... uh.” She pauses.

“You're going to keep track of what we know and coordinate everything. That is what you're good at. It’s the reason you want to go into event planning isn’t it?” | point out. She beams at 1. me.

“Yeah it is. Thanks.” “Awesome. | need to talk to an Oracle or Seer. | know exactly one Oracle so | guess I'm calling Amber.” | conclude, “Ill call the security team and have them start investigating.” Bellamy starts.

“And | will reheat all out plates because I'm pretty sure all our food is cold at this point.” Megan finishes, snatching my plate away from in front of me.

“And | call this family meeting to a close. Carry on everyone.” Megan waves tically as she places my plate in the microwave. | glance at Bellamy.

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“When did she suddenly take over?” | whisper. Bellamy shrugs.

“I've always been the organised one, I've just been off my glately for obvious reasons. You guys might be the decision makers, but I'll always be around to pester you and help you get perspective. Now, don’t you have phone calls to make?” Bellamy grabs his phone so fast | raise an eyebrow.

1/6 117- Coordinate and complicate she wouldn't be free to ctalk to me. My phone chimes.

Amber- I'll be at the corner walking hfrom Borderline when you send him. I’m going to get called in to deal with sdelivery issue. See you tomorrow! Right, well that answers that then.

“Hey Bellamy can | borrow Shaun to pick up my Oracle friend to bring her here for lunch tomorrow?” | ask. He shrugs.

“Sure, when he brings her we can go over what needs investigating and see if he has any other ideas. It all works out. Any reason why him in particular?” he asks. | nod.

“Yeah, | told him I'd introduce him to a single friend. Amber is the only one | can think of, so...” | shrug.

“So... it's a set up?” he confirms.

“Yeah pretty much. Well, more like an introduction? | mean I'll know right away if it's meant to be, and even if it's not, there’s no harm in them spending ttogether until the right person does calong.” | clarify.

“Says the girl that rejected everyone because she knew they weren't her fate.” Megan teases. Bellamy grins and I roll my eyes.

“Okay but that’s different. | KNEW other relationships would be doomed. They wouldn't know, so they would probably learn from it. | don’t know. It just felt unfair to date someone when | knew it would end.” Megan fake gags.

+11 Bor 05: “That's both adorable and gross. You're ridiculously nice. Now, eat.” After dinner Bellamy decides to start investigating the Brooks family. He ends up on svideo call with Alex because he can’t figure out scomputer thing. Alex keeps offering to cover and fix the problem and Bellamy keeps refusing saying he can work it out and he just needs a ‘little help, I'm about two seconds away from just interrupting and begging Alex to chelp, so | think that means it’s tforto back off and let them do their thing. | head upstairs to relax and watch a movie with Megan. Once again we end up chatting with 3/6 117- Coordinate and complicate Harry.

COCK TALES Megan- Hey Harry, this is Ry and | checking in. How goes your crush? Have you made any progress yet? Harry- Hey ladies. Not sure, maybe? She used to be super polite tono matter what I said, but tonight she actually seemed a little annoyed? She even calledan idiot out loud instead of in her head like she usually does. That's progress... right? Ryann- Uh... yes? Megan- OMG you guys are both dense. It's an okay sign, at least she notices him enough to be annoyed.

Ryann- Yeah but wouldn't it be better if she actually LIKED spending twith him? Harry-Ouch Ry, but point taken. So the conclusion here is | can get her attention, but there’s no point to it because she hates me. Great.

Megan- Let's not look at it that way. We're on an optimism kick in this household right now. Think about it as, you've gotten her attention, so now you have a chance to show her something she might like.

Harry. Is that an euphemism for something? It sounds dirty.

Ryann- NO HARRY IT IS NOT. DO NOT SHOW HER SOMETHING DIRTY!!! +1 Bo 05: Harry- Spoil sport. What did you mean then Megan? Megan- | meant show her the good sides of you? Like, the respectful, nice part of you. You can be funny and charming without being obnoxious.

Harry- Are you sure? Because that does not sound like me. | have no idea what | would event say.

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4/6 117- Coordinate and complicate Ryann. Of course it sounds like you, you can be very charming. Just try and dial back the razy flirting and try to be her friend.

Harry- I’m not sure | CAN do that.

Megan You talk to us like that. Clearly it’s possible. Just talk to her like you talk to us.

Harry- It’s different. I'm not interested in sleeping with either of your Ryann- Duh Megan- Should | find that insulting? Somehow | feel like that should be insulting. Rejected by the Incubus.

Ryann- Nah, it's actually a compliment. He doesn’t wanna sleep with you and he STILL takes the tto chat and answer our messages.

Megan- Oooooh, good point. In that case, thank you Harry for not wanting to hook up. <3 Harry- No problem babes.

Harry- So what exactly is the plan? Ryann- Talk to her. Without hitting on her. Try for a normal conversation, maybe get to know her? You could ask her questions about herself, or her work or whatever it is she’s interested 1.in.

Megan- Just don’t make it too personal! At least not right away! Harry- This is getting complicated.

Ryann- It’s really not.

Megan- Okay Harry, I'm going to make it easy. Next tyou talk, keep the flirting and compliments to a minimum and ask her a question about her work.

+10 Bon 05: 5/6 117- Coordinate and complicate €0 D90% 12:06 Harry- | can do that. Probably. Okay, I'm going to go think up work-related, non-flirtatious. questions. Thanks ladies. Night! Ryann- Night Harry Megan- G’night