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Starting with A Divorce by Gloria Warren

Chapter 687
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Chapter 687 Who Touched the Computer

Daniel realized immediately, "I think I know."

Without hesitation, he hung up the phone. Frowning, he called Aaden.

After minutes, Aaden walked in. Noticing Mr. Hume's face, he knew something had happened.

He stood respectfully at the table, not daring to breathe out.

"Someone has touched my computer," Daniel said coldly.

Aaden's eyes widened in disbelief, "How could that be? No one can enter your study, and there should be a

password on the computer. This is a tracking instruction made by the hacker of the company. Once someone

infiltrates, the information will be sent to the company automatically, along with a self-destruction program."

Daniel squinted. "I know who it is. During Ainsley and Manuel's visit for treatment, I was hypnotized for a long time.

In that period, there was only one person in my study - Ainsley."

Aaden boldly moved the computer screen to his side and began to operate the computer. After entering complex

codes, all the computer records of that period were displayed.

He pointed at one of them with a solemn face and said, "Mr. Hume, the records during that time shows that after

powered on, a plug-in was inserted into the mainframe and collected information.

But the guy has set up an anti-tracking program so there is no way to track it."

Daniel frowned and leaned back in his chair. He did not seem to be worried about the information being copied, but

he had a question to which he had to pay attention.

How was the computer's password cracked?

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"Does that plug-in have an automated-password-cracking function?" he murmured.

After pondering for a while, Aaden replied, "Mr. Hume, there is no plug-in that is capable of this, let alone it is your

computer. Your computer is set up with a program. If the power-on password is entered inaccurately, it won’t be

completely turned on. It was originally meant to prevent the insertion of a plug-in for cracking. Therefore, someone

must have entered the password."

Daniel became more and more curious. Ainsley should not have known his password, so who could it be?

There was a slight cough coming from the outside, which was suppressed. It seemed that the one was trying to

hold it but failed.

Suddenly, Daniel looked in the direction of the door. There seemed to be another person who could enter his study.

His eyes became sullen, and he raised his eyes to signal Aaden.

The latter immediately understood the signal and slowly walked towards the door of the study. The woman outside

still leaned against the wall and held her cough hard.

She finally could not help but cover her mouth and cough several times softly before she exhaled deeply. But then a

cold and hard hand grabbed her wrist and pulled it hard.

The tug hurt her so much that she let out a cry of pain. After the muffled groan, she realized that it was Aaden who

dragged her into the study.

She asked with a bitter smile, "Aaden, what's wrong?"

She forced a smile, but Aaden did not stop and did not even look at her. In an instant, she replayed a thousand in

her mind, wondering if she had done anything wrong again.

Aaden threw her badly to the ground in front of Daniel. Daniel walked up to Georgia angrily and stepped on her

hand fiercely. Daniel only put on some weight on his foot, the skinning-like pain made her scream out loud.

"Ah!" The woman's scream irritated Daniel. He raised his index finger to press on his lips and hissed softly.

Immediately, Georgia shut her mouth and forcibly suppressed the pain.

Daniel moved his foot away and squatted in front of Georgia, whispering, "Tell me, you know the password to my

computer, right?"

Suddenly, a shiver ran down her spine. Without a word, Georgia knew right away why Daniel was mad at her.

She racked her brains, thinking about how to reply.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she said aggrievedly, "I, I don't know. How could I know your password?"

Daniel closed his eyes and opened them again. He held her neck with one hand and said, “I hate it when people lie.

Tell me, did you help Ainsley turn on the computer?"

His hand was as solid as iron. When he held her neck, even with a little force, he could feel the arteries of her neck

beating violently, and it was difficult for Georgia to breathe. She struggled to move his hand away. Finally, before

she lost consciousness, Daniel let go of her.

She collapsed on the ground and coughed violently, and it took her a while to restore.

"N-No, I didn't!"

She still did not dare to admit it. Looking at Daniel who had fallen into madness, she knew that if she admitted it

now, she might be killed.

Letting out a sigh, Aaden squatted in front of her the way Daniel just did and held her chin. "Ms. Dawson, I don't

think you understand. If you have touched the keyboard, traces of you will be left on it, including fingerprints. You

and Ainsley must have touched it that day. Although Mr. Hume has also done so these two days, it doesn't prevent

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me from finding your fingerprints.”

Without saying a word, Georgia racked her brain as if thinking about whether she had wiped the fingerprints off the

keyboard when she left that day. She put down her cup and left, not knowing if Ainsley had cleaned up after that.

"Don't think about it anymore. As long as you have touched it, traces must be left," Aaden said coldly.

Daniel darted a cold look at Georgia. "Oh right, I forgot to tell you that there is a camera in my study that is

connected to the headquarters in Portugal in real-time. Do you still deny it?"

Looking in the direction he was pointing, Georgia saw a machine shining with red light in an inconspicuous


'Since you have a camera, why are you asking me now?" She sneered.xo.com fast update

"I just don’t want things to get out of hand. The day I had fun with you, I turned on the computer. You saw the

password at that time, didn't you? The video of our funny time must have been recorded. Aren't you afraid that I'll

post it online? Your family is hiding away, but you can't block their access to the Internet, can you?" Daniel asked.

Georgia laughed arrogantly all of a sudden, as if she had gone crazy. "Yes! It's me! I helped Ainsley turn on the

computer. So what?"

After a moment of fear, Daniel looked at Georgia coldly, signaling Aaden to go outside. Then, he stroked her cheek

with one hand.

Aaden understood and turned to leave right away, closing the door of the study.

Daniel grabbed her head and kissed her on the lips.

The next moment, Georgia bit him hard. After going completely crazy, she got rid of her fear of Daniel.

"Bitch!" A hard slap landed on Georgia's face, causing her vision to blur from the pain.

She covered her face and cried, "You're the bitch! Daniel Hume, you're the worst and most disgusting man I've ever

seen in my life.