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Starting with A Divorce by Gloria Warren

Chapter 649
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Chapter 649 I Want to Talk to Her

Ainsley slammed the table forcefully. "It must be her! What on earth is her purpose?’

She’s really had enough of this person, who just won't leave her alone.

After that roar of anger, Ainsley actually calmed down. She sat down and quietly waited.

Half an hour later, Manuel's people finally returned.

' Mr. Gage, she's not at the Packer's home, nor is she at the Packer Group. We've checked the surveillance footage

of the area, but we haven't found any clues, other than confirming that she really did leave her residential


Ainsley clenched her fists anxiously, and Manuel patted her hand, signaling her to relax.

’I have a plan. Since she wants to act like a turtle hiding in its shell, let's force her out." Manuel's face wore a faint,

enigmatic smile.

In the suburban yard, Kaliyah immediately turned on her phone and received the first call from her mother.

"What? My dad got arrested? Why did this happen? Who did this?" Kaliyah couldn't believe that something like this

could happen.

Becky complained, "How can you even say that to me? Now tell me honestly, what good deeds have you done this


Kaliyah asked with a puzzled expression, "Why did you say that?"

' After your dad was arrested, I received a phone call. The person on the phone said that you took something very

important and demanded that you return it immediately! Otherwise, they would produce more serious evidence,

causing your dad to stay in prison for even longer," Becky said as she cried.

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Kaliyah instantly knew who was behind this, and it was undoubtedly for the sake of the ashes. However, she didn't

expect it to be discovered so quickly, as she originally thought she could stall for a few more days.

She asked with concern, "Mom, please don't cry. What happened this time that got Dad arrested?"

’Tax evasion."

"What? Haven't I always told you not to evade taxes? Once you get caught, it's easy to be found out, and it's not

worth taking such a big risk for a small amount of money," Kaliyah said seriously.

Becky became anxious, "There are so many companies in Seattle, and how many of them don't evade taxes?

Besides, don’t think that we have a lot of money at home. Ever since you angered the Glover family, our company

has suffered severe setbacks. It took us a while to recover, and now this tax issue has been exposed. What's more

important is that when your father raised funds back then, he didn't do it legally. I'm afraid... I'm afraid that next

time, those people will use this matter to go after your dad."

She was already sobbing, "And where were you yesterday? We couldn't reach you at home, and I called you so

many times in the morning, but you didn't answer. What on earth have you done? If you've taken something from

someone, return it immediately!"

Mom, don’t worry about this for now, I'll handle it." After saying this, Kaliyah didn't wait for her response and hung

up the phone.

She had hidden away after receiving the ashes last night, not knowing that Ainsley would discover it so quickly.

The original plan fell through, and they had to move ahead of schedule. However, if my father was only arrested for

tax evasion, he should have been released by now. So why hasn't he?

Unable to find anyone else to ask, she quickly called Daniel and informed him of everything that was happening,

hoping he could offer her some advice or share some important information.

Daniel didn't make things difficult for her. "I cant help with your father's situation," he said. "Manuel has something

on him, and unless he lets go, no one can do anything about it.

Moreover, I initially thought you had become smarter, but it turns out you're just as foolish as before. Can't you do

things more thoroughly? You went to the cemetery and knew to delete the surveillance footage there, but you

didn't think to delete the footage at the entrance. However, there’s no need to be overly anxious. Don't forget what

you're holding in your hand."

Upon his reminder, the heavy stone in Kaliyah's heart finally uplifted. That's right, how could I have forgotten?

She put on her calm and composed smile again, holding in her hand the most important thing to Ainsley.

Kaliyah looked at the towering Easton Group, knowing that Ainsley had been staying there ever since returning

from the cemetery. The purpose was to use every means possible to force her out.

She spoke directly to the receptionist. "I am the Kaliyah she's looking for. Please take me to the meeting room."

The receptionist was momentarily stunned, but quickly recovered. She gave a subtle signal to her colleague beside

her and then led Kaliyah to a secluded meeting room.

She first brought Kaliyah a cup of tea, then a few pastries, constantly finding various reasons to stay and not

wanting to leave.

Kaliyah laughed and didn't expose her little scheme. Wasn't it just because she was afraid I would run away?

She struggled to bring the bag to the couch beside her, placing her hand on it as if guarding against something.

Soon, a flurry of footsteps approached from this direction.

The receptionist tactfully said, "Ms. Packer, Mr. Easton has arrived."

She walked to the door, opened it, and Ainsley and Matteo came in together.

Kaliyah immediately turned around, anger in her voice as she said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

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’You finally stopped hiding." She walked to the desk, her gaze fixed intently on Kaliyah.

Kaliyah felt a bit uneasy being stared at, but the thought of Ainsley possibly asking for her help soon made her

tremble with excitement.

’Ainsley, you're the one who posted those videos online, right? Pretending to be a bystander, just admit it if you

want to deal with me. I can't believe how vicious you are! I've been cursed by the entire internet because of you,

are you happy now? I really suspect that all the cyberbullying I've experienced is because of you!" Kaliyah said


Before Ainsley could even speak, Matteo had already retorted, "What gives you the right to say that to Aisy?

Weren't those mistakes made by you? If you dare to do it, you should dare to face the consequences. When you

committed those wrongdoings, you should have known what would happen if you were discovered. Are you afraid

to face the consequences now?"

Kaliyah was on the verge of losing her temper, ’I just want to talk to Ainsley alone."

Matteo furrowed his brow slightly, while Ainsley turned her gaze to the package in Kaliyah's hand. "Matteo, you go

ahead and leave. I'll talk with her."

Seeing Ainsley's serious expression, Matteo no longer insisted, "Call me if you need anything.’

When Matteo left the room, only Ainsley and Kaliyah remained in the living room.

Ainsley took a step closer to Kaliyah, sneering as she said. "Those people were right to insult you; you're a terrible

person. I used to feel a tiny bit of sympathy for the old you, but now, from head to toe, you're just disgusting."

' What did you say?" Kaliyah's eyes blazed with fiery annoyance.

Her gaze swept over Kaliyah coldly. ’Am I wrong? Now! Give me that bag immediately!"

’Ainsley, it seems you won't learn your lesson until you face the consequences!"

Kaliyah looked at her calmly, not in a hurry to make a move.