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Starting with A Divorce by Gloria Warren

Chapter 18
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Chapter 18 Manuel and Serina

“The owner?” Becky was furious. “Do you know the relationship between the owner and us? This is the

house of my future son-in-law!”

Seeing that she was stubborn, the guards simply threw her luggage out. Becky struggled

unwillingly, and her original appearance of a rich lady became fierce and shrewish, attracting the strange

gazes of others.

Becky was angry and called Kaliyah. Only then did they know that the house was under Ainsley’s


Kaliyah arranged a hotel for her parents while comforting them, “Mom, since this house is given to

Ainsley, I’ll let Cason buy a house for you.”

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“What nonsense are you talking about? Why did he give this house to his ex-wife? Who does he

think you are?”

“Mom, Cason just pitied her. I heard that she didn’t have a job and her education was low. Cason wanted

to divorce her quickly, so he gave her more so that she would be willing to leave.”

Becky frowned coldly and doubted, “That won’t do! I have to talk to his family about this. Cason can’t still

be interested in her, can he?”

Kaliyah smiled with a sweet expression. “Mom, what are you talking about? How could Cason like her?

He never touched Ainsley and waited for me for three years.”

“That’s more like it. But don’t worry about this house. I will settle it for you.”

After hanging Kaliyah up, Becky called Lindsay.

When Lindsay heard this, she was stunned.

She couldn’t believe that her son had given the house to that little ***. Ainsley hadn’t even given. birth to

a child, so what right did Ainsley have to take away their house?

Lindsay was just about to call Ainsley when she found that her phone had been blocked.

Lindsay couldn’t find Ainsley, and she didn’t dare to ask Cason. She was afraid that Cason would find out

that there was a misunderstanding with Kaliyah, so things were delayed for a few days.

During this period of time, Ainsley stayed in the house she rented and picked up the knowledge.

about psychology that she had forgotten.

On Monday, Ainsley went to the Psychological Counseling Room and found that there were not. many

students who consulted at the university psychological center. She had never seen the child

of the Gage family.

On the contrary, some relevant clubs would come to Ainsley from time to time to have activities. Many

people gradually heard that a beautiful teacher came to the psychological center.

Ainsley was happy and idle. She returned to the state when she was in college, reading books and

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chatting with students.

Coincidentally, on this day, the students of the psychological club had activities and specially came to ask

Ainsley for help. After consulting the relevant knowledge, she received a call from Roman.

“Ms. Easton, have you finished moving home? Are you free today? I brought someone to


Ainsley had a much better impression of Roman. In addition, she did owe him a favor, so Ainsley agreed.

She took a detour on her way to the canteen to leave the school, and she went straight to

the supermarket.

After she left, Kaitlin, who was not far away, wiped her eyes. She could not believe what she had


Kaitlin called Lindsay in surprise and said, “Mom, do you know who I saw in my school? Ainsley! Ainsley

is actually in my school! What is she doing at our school?”