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Spoil My Sweet Widow By Billionaire

Chapter 955
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Chapter 955

After going back from the dinner party, Crystal had been a little down. Natalie comforted her. "20 million! 20

million! Think about it. We can even build a building with that money. It's reasonable to suffer a little."

Crystal scolded, "He actually said that I seduced him."

"?" Natalie said, "Didn't you plan to seduce him? You dressed like a fairy today..." Then she pulled Crystal around

and said, "It doesn't make sense. My treasure, even I'm fascinated by you. Is there something wrong with him?"

Crystal said, "How would I know?"

She cursed again, "It really was an accident... Alright, I admit that I deliberately splashed the wine, but I went into

the lounge to hide from Anselm. Who knew that as soon as I entered, I would see him changing clothes there? If I

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had known earlier, I would have taken out a gun and killed him."

Natalie held her in her arms and patted her back. "All right, all right. Don't be angry. Let me tell you, he's just over-

confident. As long as a woman gets close to him, he will feel that she's interested in him. Maybe he will say a greasy

line like Td eat you up'."

Crystal was speechless.

Crystal pushed her away. "Thank you. You made me feel disgusted."

"But." Crystal paused for a moment and then continued to analyze, "It's not that Harold is over-confident.

After all, most people who approach him have bad intentions."

"You're also a member of the army with malicious intentions. It's normal for him to refuse you." Natalie said

nonsense, "It's because he was blind and had brain problems... Can we eat now? I'm really starving."

Crystal said yes. Only then did Natalie begin to wolf down her food. Confused, Crystal asked, "Didn't you have


"No." Natalie patted her chest and said, "I was going to eat spicy crab soup, but as soon as I pushed the door open,

guess who I saw?"

Crystal raised a finger with no expression on her face. "First, you didn't even call me when you were going to eat

spicy crab soup. Second, do I still need to guess when you look so guilty?"

"I just thought you should be enjoying yourself at the dinner party, okay? I didn't expect that you were more

incompetent than me and you only drank two mouthfuls of soda... Well, I’d better tell you about my exciting

experience tonight."

Crystal stuffed a piece of stir-fried beef into her mouth before she started listening.

"As soon as I entered the door, I saw Marcus and a woman coming out. Both of them were wearing sunglasses and

masks. I guess that woman is also a star, otherwise, she wouldn't be so tightly wrapped... It doesn't matter. What's

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important is that I didn't know why I lost my mind at that time. I didn't see the threshold when I walked out!"

Natalie covered her face in pain and Crystal said, "And then you fell to the ground in front of Marcus?"

"This is not the most embarrassing thing!" Natalie looked even more painful. "The most embarrassing thing was

that I knocked him over at that time, and we rolled on the ground. The female star was shocked, and the passers-

by were also shocked. Marcus's mask was loosened, revealing half of his face... I was very guilty at that time. I

thought that if he was seen with his lover by his fans on the scene, how bad it would be for his future, so I...”

"So you?"

Natalie said dryly, "So I rushed over and threw Marcus, who was about to stand up, down again—and firmly hugged

his head."
