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Spoil My Sweet Widow By Billionaire

Chapter 954
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Chapter 954

"Poppy..." Anselm was like a puppy abandoned by its master. His voice was lowered as he said in a low voice, "I

snuck over to Hallbury just to meet you and talk to you. I'm going to go back soon, or else my manager will

definitely scold me. Can you open the door? I'll go after taking a look at you..."

Crystal sighed in her heart.

Don't love me. There won't be a good ending. I'm just a legend.

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded. "Who are you looking for?"

Anselm was stupefied.

About two or three seconds later, the tall white boy standing outside the door blushed and stammered, "I, I'm sorry.

I thought..."

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He thought that Crystal was inside, but it was a man, and he had said so many disgusting words to others...

He was extremely embarrassed. He didn't know what to do at all. He said in a random manner, 'Tm sorry for

disturbing you!"

Then, there was a burst of fast footsteps.

Crystal heaved a sigh of relief and looked up at Harold. "Thank you."

She smiled and said, "When I first came back, people kept telling me that the person I couldn't offend the most in

City W was the White family's Master White. Now it seems that you, Mr. White, are a nice person."

Harold's eyes were expressionless. After staring at her for about two or three seconds, he suddenly stepped

forward and blocked her in between the door and his body.

Behind her was an ice-cold solid wooden door, and in front of her was an iron wall made of hot flesh and blood.

Now Harold's momentum was even more oppressive than two years ago. Crystal even unconsciously slowed down

her breathing and slowly clenched her fingers.

—Natalie was right. It was not easy to earn 20 million dollars.

Not only did Harold have a complicated relationship, but he was also a special forces soldier. In his era, no one

dared to challenge him.

Crystal knew that even if she got a chance to get close to Harold, she could not easily kill him.

"Mr. White?" Crystal tilted her head slightly. "What's wrong?"

Harold's thick and long eyelashes hung down. After two years, she could no longer see any true emotions in those

eyes. They were as dark as the night.

Her chin was pinched by a slender and strong finger, and then she was forced to raise it. In fact, it was a very

frivolous posture. Coupled with Harold's slightly lowered head, it was really very ambiguous.

However, only Crystal could see the faint sneer on his face. "Are you seducing me?"

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Crystal was speechless.

She smiled, and her fingertips gently slid down Harold's Adam's apple, stopping at the collar of his collar. The charm

in her eyes was enough to make one's soul go crazy. "Then..."

"Have you been seduced?"

Harold grabbed her slender wrist and instantly distanced himself from her. "Don't play this kind of trick."

Crystal raised her eyebrows slightly. She held her arms and said, "You're so heartless."

Harold picked up the jacket on the sofa and put it on. Without saying anything, he reached out to pull the door

handle. Crystal leaned over and whispered in his ear, "You don't like your fiancee, do you?"

She narrowed her eyes and smiled wantonly. "Because the way you look at her is the same as looking at me."

"It's like ice that can't be melted."

Harold glanced at her, then opened the door and went out. Soon, he disappeared at the corner of the corridor.

Crystal sighed softly and muttered,"... It's really hard to deal with him. Even the honey trap won't work.