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Spoil My Sweet Widow By Billionaire

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62

“I don’t think the customer service cares about how expensive you think their goods are and then ask

for a return. To them, it’s not a scam,” said Harold.

Crystal was perplexed.

“Why are you so upset?” Harold said, “It’s not that I can’t afford to keep you.”

“I’ve never thought that I’m that expensive to keep.”

In the past, living in the Haye family’s house, as long as she was alive, everything was fine. Their

spending was infinitely low. When it came to Harold, any piece of clothing she wore was actually worth

four digits.

Her living expenses weren’t just increased. It had been rocketed!

Harold check the time then said, “I’m going out. Do you want to stay home and mind your own


Crystal immediately stood up. “I want to go out too.”

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She had to find a job. Otherwise, she wouldn’t even be able to cover her tuition fees.

It was now June, and the new term would start at the end of August. There were still two and a half

months left. She couldn’t waste more time.

Oh yeah, someone was wearing expensive clothes but didn’t have a dime to pay the tuition fees. Alas.

Harold didn’t refuse. He went upstairs to change his clothes and went out with Crystal.

He was going to have a meeting about a new cooperation. It was boring as all he faced were old men.

Thinking that Crystal wouldn’t find it interesting, he asked Luke to drop her in a shopping. square.

Crystal looked at the crowded shopping square. Just as she was about to walk away, Harold called her,

“Come here.”

She turned around and walked back to the car. Harold took out a stack of money from his genuine.

leather wallet. “We spent 5$ for the candies last time. This is the remaining amount.”

Crystal quickly took the money and put it into her pocket. “Thank you, Master White!”

Harold raised his eyebrows. “What are you going to buy?”

Crystal shook her head. “Nothing.”

At first glance she knew things in this place were so expensive that she couldn’t afford them. The last

time she bought candies, it was 5$. It already made her distressed.

Harold laughed, “Then what are you going in there for? To count the people?”

“And you won’t take me with you.”

“I’m going to listen to a bunch of old men talking about financial theories in a conference room. It can

last for two or three hours. Do you want to go with me? If yes, get in the car.”

Crystal took two steps back. “No.”

Harold pinched her cheek. “You don’t wanna go with me and you still complain. Hey, Luke.”

Luke smiled and took out a card. The card was completely black with a light silver six-pointed star

printed on it. It didn’t look like a famous bank card.

“Ma’am, this shopping square is a property of Master White. If you want to buy anything, just show this

card. Your expenses will be paid from his account.”

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Crystal took the card and looked at it in the sun, whispering to herself, “I thought it was the black card

like in the drama series.”

“Do you like that kind of cards?” Harold said, “If you like them, I’ll have someone look for them. I’ve had

some but I don’t know where I put them.”

“I’m just curious what one looks like.” Crystal said, “Is there any money in this card?”

“No, Ma’am,” Luke said. “The card has only a chip.”

Crystal thought that this card was pretty good. Since it didn’t have money in it, she could accept it. She

bent down and kissed Harold’s cheek. “Thank you.”

After kissing him, she turned and ran away.

Harold tutted. “I thought she would be disappointed when she heard that the card doesn’t have money.”

Luke smiled, “Perhaps she doesn’t know that this card is even more precious than the black cards.”

After all, when someone used this card, as long as it was a business under Harold’s name, every

expense would be debited from his account. Harold’s business also involved various industries not only

in Fairby, but also in other countries.

Only Crystal that silly girl could maintain her calm face seeing the special card!