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Spoil My Sweet Widow By Billionaire

Chapter 31
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Chapter 31

How could Harold be so handsome?

When he lowered his gaze and blew the smoke, he looked like a ruffian. With his handsome facial

features, he was so attractive. His sharp jawline was sexy enough to make people infatuated with him.

His thin lips made him gloomy and cold when he wore the poker face. When he smiled, only the

corners of his mouth rose, which made him look like an elegant hooligan. At a closer look, a mole was

hiding under his upturned eyes, adding him a touch of tenderness.

Crystal looked at that mole in a daze. After a while, she pulled herself together as she choked on his

smoke. Slowly, the smoke scattered, and his face was still so stunning.

With a click, Harold closed the lighter lid and looked at her. “Why are you always looking at me?”

Crystal’s heart started to race. She pointed at his mole. Before she could speak, Harold grabbed her

and made a face for her. “Here, let me help you make an ugly face.”

Crystal pulled his hand away and laughed in her anger. “No, I just wanted to say that there’s a mole

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under your eye.”

Harold had never cared about this before. He just smiled and said, “Your focus is really strange. What,

you want to take advantage of me again?”

Crystal wanted to say that she didn’t. But she was so angry she turned her face away.

Harold put out the cigarette and turned her little face to him with his slender fingers. “Are you mad


Crystal just hummed.

Luke started the car and drove all the way to the bustling city center.

“Where are the things I asked you to bring along?” Harold sat in the back seat, asking.

They happened to stop by the traffic light. Luke took something from the passenger seat. “I’ve bought

all the things you want.”

Harold opened the paper bag and took out a red box. Out of curiosity, Crystal turned around to see.

The man then stuffed a piece of soft candy into her mouth.

Crystal looked at him in a daze.

“What are you waiting for? Eat it,” Harold said.

Crystal chewed and found that it was quite delicious. Her mood became good instantly. “Wow, it’s sour

and sweet at the same time. Delicious!”

Harold knew this girl would say that everything she was fed was delicious, just like a little rabbit turning

happy after being given a carrot. She wouldn’t hold any grudge.

“Weren’t you throwing a tantrum just now? Did you forget about it so quickly?” Harold said leisurely.

“You forget everything after eating a candy?”

Crystal’s mind was completely focused on the bag in his hand. She had long forgotten what had

happened earlier. “I didn’t throw a tantrum. My temper is the best.”

She pointed at the bag, pleading. “I want to eat more.

Harold smiled and gave her the entire bag. “Don’t eat too much sugar at night.”

Crystal looked like she had just gotten a treasure. “Master White, there are a lot of candies. Do you

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want to have some too?”

Just as Harold was about to say that he didn’t want sweets, Crystal picked out a blueberry-flavored soft

candy and put it into his mouth. The sweet candy and the naive look of the girl made everyone

want to eat.

Harold hadn’t eaten sweets for more than ten years. But when the soft candy touched his tongue, he

didn’t feel disgusted.

The car drove past rows of buildings. The neon lights were bright, illuminating the bustling city center

where desire had just awakened. Crystal looked at the men and women outside dressing in bright and

beautiful clothes. They looked very intimate.

“When we get in later, you don’t have to worry about anything else. You just need to focus on your

meal,” Harold said.

Crystal turned around and said yes obediently.

The car stopped in front of the Dreamy Restaurant, and the waiter at the reception immediately

stepped forward to open the door. Harold put on a pair of sunglasses, and Luke walked beside him.

Crystal told herself that she would just go in and eat. She wouldn’t care about anything else.