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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 96
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Chapter 096

Such a sentence made everyone sink into memory at once.

At that time, Nicola was indeed the true king of drivers. After she finished the race and the contest three


ago was totally turkey shoot.

To be precise, Nicola’s two laps to the runner–up’s one lap.

But Nicola did not enter the competition again so the runner–up won the championship the next year.

Long after the competition, she was still the legend. Talk about racing! Nicola was the real top driver and

others had an outside chance to beat her.

The silence still covered the conference room.

Barnett looked at the crowd, and then spoke again, “Well, it seems that you all could recollect what a

formidable speed racer Nicola was!”

Harriet frowned. “But three years passed and nobody has any news bout her. It seems highly likely


has gone wrong with her, or she has just deserted racing. Can we have her work for us?”

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Barnett smiled at them. “Money talks.”

This was the world that money was in power and everyone was struggling for money, and Nicola was no

exception! She couldn’t live without money!

Barnett turned back to Henry’s face. “President King, in my opinion, the best bet must be Nicola

according to

the current situation.”

Henry still seemed indifferent. “Who can make contact with Nicola?”

“I can! My grandson is wild about the racing car and he was also a contestant at the race three years

ago. But

he has gotten in a crash due to a vehicle malfunction that day. The accident took his leg and he could not


a racing car any longer, which overwhelmed him badly and at that very minute Nicola came to encourage


and left her contact details.”

Barnett exclaimed. “My grandson has never told a lie to me in his life. If what he told me that day was

true, we

can know full well that Nicola is a kind person with a cold aspect. So as long as we engage her sincerely


unreservedly with a nice fat cheque, I believe that she will definitely take.”

Henry tapped his fingers on the table from time to time, as if he was thinking.

He paused for a while before he opened his mouth Hire her, and she names the price.”

Others frowned with disapproval in their eyes, they thought the boss shouldn’t take this thing on trust



No one dared to query the boss’s decision though they had doubts about it let alone President King had

deliberated on it.

“Okay. I’ll call my grandson right away,” said Barnett quickly.

The phone was answered in a minute and he called her directly as soon as he got Nicola’s phone


For the first time, the phone rang and rang and nobody picked up Harriet observed disdainfully. “Barnett,

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you have any idea about who Nicola is? I guess either you had made a mistake or that woman might

have given

your grandson a fake number, or a number unavailable.”

Barnett creased his forehead in a fluster. “No way, I’ll try again.”

The office was quiet again, and he dialed the phone again nervously

Here, a long last, someone answered the phone. Barnett’s face lit up, and the others also fastened their


directly on Barnett’s phone.

Voice boomed out from the speaker, and the whole office was silent.


The virtual voice coming from the phone startled people on this end. But soon people got used to it.


always got lots of talent.

“Hello, is Nicola speaking?” Barnett’s voice was very polite.

The speaker paused before she said again, “Yes, I am, what’s the matter with you?”