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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 77
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Chapter 077

Nova now has a big suspicion that Henry may not have investigated the evidence at all at the time, so it

was taken for granted that she was behind it.

If Baldwin knew the truth, why didn’t he clarify it with Henry in time?

Does Henry not believe that?

It is reasonable to say that the person who has schemed against Henry will certainly be vengeful, but

why until now that

person can still be safe and sound?

Or has that person been secretly dealt with the transfer?

Nova was so doubtful when, also keep looking at Baldwin, but see his calm eyes have a few fluctuations,

the next moment will return to natural.

“You don’t know the guy, he’s in business, he tried to get his daughter to hook up with Henry, and by

mistake, the two of you

fell in love instead, and now that group has disappeared.”

Nova tugged her lips.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

If Henry could have been so thunderous and let that group go under, he wouldn’t still have so many


about her after all these years.

Of course, there is Henry originally very disgusted with her, but according to Baldwin, Henry has always

been in love with


So by inference, Baldwin’s previous statement was a lie.

He had never loved her.

Forget it.

The past is the past, nothing to remember, not to mention that it was the man who did it to Henry, not to


What happened that day, instead of other men, she would rather that man was Henry, even if she was

scolded, even if she

was humiliated by him, because he was the only man she had ever loved.

Baldwin saw Nova’s attitude return to his old self, he added: “He did not know about it, the company that

deliberately harmed him, they are their own sins, before the King family to rectify, they have already

closed down.”


Nova laughed and shook her head, “Dad, these things don’t matter, after all, you know very well that I

didn’t take the initiative to divorce Henry, it was him who came up with this divorce agreement.”

Now that her heart is dead, she doesn’t want to take any more persuasion.

Baldwin sighed helplessly, “I know you may not believe anything I say now, but you just have to

remember what I said today, and later you think carefully again about his character, you will be able to

know all the true thoughts.”

Nova smiled, “Thanks for the tip.”

Knowing that she still does not believe, Baldwin helplessly sighed again, “I only learned about your

divorce today, I have been abroad recently, Nova, you tell me the truth, if he himself also realized that he

really likes you, if he is willing to be with you

again, you are still willing to give him this opportunity?”

Nova’s eyelashes trembled slightly as she smiled, “He can’t possibly love me, Dad, you’d better not go to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

all that trouble for


“But what if that’s true, what if he really does care about you?”

Baldwin looked determined as if he was extraordinarily sure of himself.

Nova was a little surprised by his application, but she shook her head with a bitter smile, “Dad, I haven’t

felt his love for the

past three years, and I’m tired and completely done with the hope that he loves me.”

She was very determined, and even though her voice was gentle, it contained an unquestionable


Baldwin shook his head helplessly, “Maybe he deserved it too.”

Nova looked at him with some surprise, Baldwin’s character has always been very gentle, and he never

interfered in matters

between his children, but this time he came to advise her, she smiled to herself, maybe it was just

Baldwin’s pity for her.

Just as she was thinking about how to get out of here, two people suddenly passed by downstairs,

looking straight at them in this direction.