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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 55
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Chapter 055

Henry didn‘t say a word. He stepped to get out. Sian caught Henry immediately. “Henry.” Henry stopped.

“What else?” “Are you really poing to divorce her?!” Henry looked calm. “If I don‘t divorce her, I will

become the laughing stock of everyone. How can we continue our business?” Sian looked terrible. “So

you‘re going to drop the project.” Henry scoffed. “Chester is reaping the benefits.” Although this

project had nothing to do with the harmony of the couple, but Henry has created a bad reputation before.

If it was known that he divorced at this time, there would have been a lot of doubts about his character

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and ability. But Chester was different. He‘s a playboy, but he‘s still single. But for Henry, anyone could

see that Kelly was the reason for their divorce. Playboy is different form cheating in marriage. Sian gritted

her teeth. “Damn Nova! No, we can‘t just let this go! I......” “Mom.” Henry‘s voice was very heavy. Sian

still wanted to talk, but Henry said coldly, “This is the end of the matter. The King family does not need

such a cooperation, and we may not lose to Chester even I divorce.” Sian opened her lips. She was a bit

overdone at times, but she did what her son told her to do. Seeing that he was determined to give up,

Sian stopped looking for Nova “I have something to do and I‘ll go. Have an early rest.” Sian watched

Henry walk away and hated Nova even more... When Nova returned home, it was after 10 p.m. She

tidied up and got into bed. But... Perhaps because she had something important to do tomorrow, she

was tossing and turning in bed. When she was half asleep, the morning alarm went off. Nova opened her

eyes sleepily. Her head ached. She lay in bed with her eyes closed for a while before she came to

herself. She washed; ate breakfast; put on makeup, changed clothes, and went through the whole

process without delay. When she left the house, she became that delicate Nova again. Some of the

bruising under her eyes had been covered with foundation. When Henry arrived at nine o‘clock, he saw

Nova looking so good that his heart almost stopped beating! Nova curled her lips slightly. “Morning. Has

President King had breakfast yet?” “Will you cook breakfast for me if I said no?” Henry was unabashedly

sarcastic. Nova smiled. “My cousin will make it for you.” Without saying a word, Henry began to walk

inside. There were still a lot of people in the civil affairs bureau. Maybe some paparazzi are waiting in the

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dark. After all, the president of King family group is divorced! That‘s a big deal! They‘re all waiting to hear

something. There are special passageways for people with high status in the civil affairs bureau. So as

soon as they went in, they began to divorce. When Nova picked up her pen and signed the paper without

hesitation, Henry‘s veins popped several times on his forehead. He pressed his lips together and signed

without saying a word. The staff handling their divorce was also afraid. A lot of people had heard the big

news, so...... It‘s no secret that King was probably in a bad mood. He was afraid that if he took a wrong

breath, he would upset Henry. Who dared to annoy Henry at this juncture? Until all the formalities were

completed and the divorce papers were issued, Nova‘s slightly

strained face finally broke into a smile. She held the divorce certificate in her hand like a treasure. After

three years of shackles, she finally liberated.