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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 47
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Chapter 047 Kelly was surprised too, she didn‘t know what Nova would do on stage. She believed that

there was no way that Henry would prearrange this, so the only one who got the power to put her on

stage was sure to be Chester. She wondered what they were up to. Kelly was purely curious now,

because she was sure that Chester would never help Henry and Nova get back together. so it intimate

with Chester, that meant she already planned to keep Henry away and had no intention to go on with

Henry, so then... Kelly started to expect, hoping that Nova could keep her self–esteem high and never

meet Henry again! Chester turned his head and looked at Nova with a little smile on his face, he said:

“Do you need me to go with you?‘ She replied: “That won‘t be necessary.” Nova looked calm and had not

any internal conflict at all.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Chester and Henry were the focus of attention, and now Nova was standing next to Chester, so

everyone could clearly see that. In that case, everyone present stared at her and saw hier walk onto the

stage. Mr. Smith in the master seat looked in the direction of stage and quickly frowned, he asked: “Who

arranged this?” Hiram had a grim look and said: “I‘ll have someone look into this.” The Smith Family

would never do anything that might offend the King Family and Don Family! On top of that, the Smith

Family had cooperation with those two families, so they would never take sides. But now, since Nova

was standing on the stage, that had only one explanation, Chester squared someone from the Smith

Family. The look on Mr. Smith face got grimmer and he said: “Chester is really a cunning bastard!”

Hiram‘s eyes blinked and but said nothing. Mr. Smith looked at Hiram coldly and said: “You‘ve always

been close to Chester, did you order this?” Hiram said: “Dad, I also have a close relationship with the

King Family, why do you think it was me?” Mr. Smith frowned and uttered not a single word, he thought,

what happened tonight might offend the King Family indirectly. The future cooperation... He shouted:

“You stupid! How dare you! Hiram frowned and replied: “Dad, I already said this has nothing to do with

me.” Mr. Smith took a breath and turned away not to look at him. He knew that there was no way to stop

this since things had come this far. The King Family already had a grudge against the Smith Family, so if

they stopped her from saying anything, and then the purpose of Chester and Nova would reveal, and

Henry would know it one day and felt unhappy with the Smith Family. Besides, if they really did that, they

might offend the Don Family as well. So there was no way that the Smith Family would offend two big

families. At this moment, Nova was already on stage while Henry was sitting on a chair, gripping the

glass in his hand firmly. The look in his eyes was like he was gonna rip Nova apart the next moment.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Nova took the microphone and stood in the center of the stage. In a blue formal dress, she looked so

elegant. And when the spotlight shone on her, her exquisite face was more clear to everyone present.

Maybe she was that kind of woman called Helen of Troy! Nova was Henry‘s woman after all, and now

Chester had a design on her, all this was particularly interesting. She couldn‘t care less about the strange

and disrespectful look thrown at her, and just held up the microphone and said: “I think I don‘t need to

introduce myself, all of you know me.” Everyone said of course in their hearts! Actually they all wanted

more to hear what she was gonna say next. Kelly looked at Henry with worry and said: “Henry, Nova, I

believe she won‘t do anything stupid. Though your love doesn‘t last forever,

you were husband and wife after all.” Henry kept his grave look on his face and remained silent, staring

at Nova! Nova put on a small smile and said: “But starting from today, I‘m not Mrs. King anymore, so I

hope that you could call me Miss Bush when you see me next time.”