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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 4
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Chapter 004 Kelly held her cutlery tighter as she heard Nova‘s words.

Henry had told her that he had divorced Nova. It turned out that he still hadn‘t had the divorno A

certificate! No way! She wouldn‘t allow her efforts in vain! She hurriedly said eamestly, “Don‘t divorce.

Why are you divorcing? There‘s nothing between me and Henry, Nova. Why don‘t you believe him? If

you don‘t like it, I will not have any contact with Henry in the future.” After saying that, she turned her

head, looked at Henry and said solemnly, “Even if Nova was determined to divorce, I can‘t be an eyesore

and let you just divorce. Henry, girls can be coaxed. Some sweet words will perish her thought of

divorce.” Nova narrowed her eyes. ‘Well, well, let‘s see how good a persuader Kelly is.‘ Henry would lose

his face by being dumped by a woman. And Kelly even told him that Nova just did so in a temper and

that Nova would not divorce after cooling down. Then, Henry would insist on divorcing for the sake of his

face. However, Nova didn‘t care anymore. She wanted this marriage to come to an end anyway. In that

sense, Kelly was helping her. Henry‘s sharp gaze was shot on Nova‘s face. The more indifference he felt,

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

the fiercer he

looked. Then he snorted and said, “I’m busy now. My assistant will inform you.” After that, he stood up

and left without looking back. Kelly was a little stunned. She cast a glance at Nova and followed. Stella

stood still and showed only contempt in her eyes, “Nova! That‘s right. Such a jerk doesn‘t deserve you at

all. Trust me, you will definitely find someone better than him. I think Mr. Don is pretty good.” Nova came

back to herself and laughed softly, “Mr. Don is a playboy. Are you joking with me or trying to waste me?”

“Mr. Don is a playboy, but at least he is a warm playboy. Look at that asshole. What is him?” Of course,

Stella was joking. She wouldn‘t want Nova to be with Mr. Don. “Let‘s eat.” Nova smiled. She had an

appetite after the disgusting people had gone away. Stella sighed helplessly, and before she could start

to comfort Nova, her phone suddenly rang. Nova glanced at her, and Stella answered it. “Hello,” Hearing

the words from the other side of the phone, Stella became serious and answered, “Okay, I have to

discuss with Polly about this. I will give you a reply after that.” Then, after some formulae, she hung up

the phone.

Chapter 004 Stella looked at Nova and whispered, “It was a guy named Hunter. He works for the Don

Family in the legal department of their company. He is a collegemate of yours and he wants to talk to you

about this case. Do you... Do you want to see him?” Nova raised her eyebrows, “I do. Why not?” Stella

immediately said with relief, “Okay! I‘ll let him know in a while.” Nova smiled and then left the topic

behind. Without the two nuisances, they had a pleasant

meal. Stella was afraid that Nova would still be depressed, so she forced Nova to go shopping with her

for a whole day. She didn‘t let Nova go home until they had dinner. Nova was also tired. After reading

files about the case, she went to sleep. Unexpectedly, she could live without that man! An expected

sleepless night actually brought a deep dreamless sleep. She didn‘t wake up until the morning alarm

rang. Nova chuckled. After sorting herself out in good spirit, she had breakfast and then went out.

When Nova arrived at the cafe, she found Hunter already seating by the window. Nova went to him and

said with a smile, “Hunter, you came so early.” Hunter raised his head in surprise, but when he saw that it

was Nova, the surprise in his eyes turned into shock, “Nova?” Nova gave Hunter a gentle smile and

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reminded, “You should call me Polly.” Hunter was shocked, “Nova, you...!” When they were in college, he

had liked this outstanding girl. He didn‘t expect her to be... His eyes showed only admiration and shock.

The hidden affection was all revealed on his face. However, Nova didn‘t know that a man and a woman

was standing outside the

floor–to–ceiling window. Henry‘s face was shrouded in dark clouds. Because he saw how sincere Nova‘s

smile was. And her smile was to a man! Kelly thought it an ill omen. Henry never cared about Nova

before, but why is he so angry now? She took a deep breath and, pretending to have just noticed it, said

with fake surprise, “Nova? Eh? That guy there seemed to be Nova‘s senior collegemate.” Henry pressed

his lips tightly. Kelly asked with some worry, “Henry, Nova has never been like this before. I heard from

my parents that she knew her place and behaved well these years. She is just provoking you because

she is mad at you. Why don‘t you go in and speak honey to her?” “Speak honey?” Henry sneered, “If she

didn‘t play tricks on me, I wouldn‘t marry her.”

Chapter 004 Nova was chatting with Hunter when she suddenly sensed a sharp gaze. She turned

around and found the two people staring at her from outside.