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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 356
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Chapter 356 We Don't Have, But Somebody Has!

Nova: Oh, come on!

It was too late to leave now for Nova, not to mention that she had attended the banquet with Henry arms in arms

for nearly the whole night. People must have seen the whole process. Sighing, Nova racked her brain to think up a

way of cover-up, but on second thought, she gave up. What are the points?

Zona: Do you know that you go viral again on the Internet? The trending topics are all related to you. You really

stunned us on air. There must be numerous directors impressed by you wanting you to have a stab at acting.

Nova’s mouth tightened into a thin line at the message.

But blue bubbles were still popping out, which perfectly showed Zona's anxiety.

Zona: Darling, could you just level with me why you get linked with him again?

Zona couldn't see Nova's tightly knitted eyebrows, and she didn't know that Nova was actually in distress.

Nova: It's not the links between me and him, it's because of our common project. I'm forced to take the banquet

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

with him. He wants to set his grandma's mind at rest. So the whole thing is just a charade, but I didn't have a clue

about the live stream.

Zona: What could you do now? You even have no grounds for quashing the rumors.

Zona's worries proved justified since there was a blaze of abuse on the Internet targeting Nova and it was

impossible to hide Nova from it forever.

Still, Zona didn't expect that Nova would see it so early. When she logged in the Twitter, Nova was inundated by a

torrent of abuse. Crap! Nova winced with irritation.

Then she made a stand from the sofa and headed to the restroom in spite of the pain in her feet. It seemed that

there was the remaining space with some privacy.

Her mind was never calm, or orderly-more like a garbled mess of thoughts.

The lucky thing was that she was not the only one with their heads crumbling into a pile of ashes.

Kelly was now certifiably mental!

God damn it!'' Kelly slammed his cell phone against the ground, gnashing her teeth. "How could this be! How could

Henry take her to the banquet!"

There was something a little sullen and severe about Sabina's face. "Dear, Henry didn't really mean it, he just wants

to reassure the Old Mrs. King. You know, he loved and respected his grandma with all his heart, in this case, how

could he sit around and do nothing about it when his grandma hasn't slept for several days on his account? His

movement is totally for the Old Mrs. King's health, it's unrelated to Nova."

For her health? I'd better he does it for her death!' Said Kelly viciously.

Baron looked appalled as well. "We can't allow things to continue like this! Only when you two get married can he

dedicate his life and affection to you and support our company firmly. I'm fed up with Nova and her presence in our

company! I've had enough of keeping up the pretense that we are family and we owe a debt of gratitude to her and

her dead father! It's time to put a stop to it!"

Kelly clenched her fists and slammed her hands against the bed. "But he just told me to wait, he is unwilling to

marry me at present, I'm at my wits end now! You tell me, what should I do now? What could I do now? His

hesitation almost drives me nuts!"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

She was bristling with anger and felt dizzy and disorientated. The tight throbbing on her head made her feel sick.

She might have to be hospitalized now.

She couldn't relate the Nova now to the past one. In the past, she was as easy to fool as her father. Such a weak

woman, how could she have been reborn as an omnipotent genius and turned the tide perfectly!

Kelly was teetering on the brink of collapse at the thought of Nova and Henry!

Sabina hastened to hold her hands tightly to calm her down. "Kelly, relax, loosen up in mind and body, it's not the

end of the world.’

How can I loosen up?" she did her best to remain calm, but there was a distinct edge to her voice. "They have got

me in the corner, and there wasn't much I could do about it for I have risked my life for him again and again! How

could he do this to me? I saved his life! How could he!'

Kelly! Calm down and cheer yourself up! Didn't you already know that before? You could only win his heart in that

way, and you did it. Then why do you belittle yourself for that now?"

Kelly moved her lips as if she was going to retort, but she didn't say anything.

"What do you think? What alternatives do we have now?!'

Sabina heaved a sigh, hesitated, and then said, "We don't have, but somebody has!’