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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 352
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"With all due respect, it surprised me that Miss Bush got divorce because of your cousin."

Nova pursed her lips slightly.

It was supposed that others may not be clear that how important Kelly was in Henry's heart.

However, Michelle could say whatever she wanted to say. Anyway, Nova didn’t care about Henry any more, so she

didn't even feel the undertone of bitterness in Michelle's words.

She just smiled and didn't say anything.

Michelle looked at Nova with a trace of surprise within her eyes, and the woman in front of her was not as same as

she imagined.

After a pause, Michelle smiled and said, "I hope you are not my opponent."

Nova nodded very casually, "Don't worry. I have run my head into a wall enough and I will not humiliate myself

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

again. If you are smart enough, you will figure out why he brought me to this banquet in public."

With her status, means and rights, Michelle naturally knew what Henry cared about as well as the situation of

Henry's family.

Even if she didn't point it out, Michelle could also figure it out.

As expected, Michelle nodded, "I hope so.”

The two women should have stand in sharp opposition, but now the two of them got along so well that people

couldn't find out they were enemies.

Many people looked in their direction, expecting they could see some gossip.


The fact disappointed them.

Nova came to this banquet so hastily and passively that she didn't know that this banquet was broadcast live.

People outside couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, but they could see whom they was talking with and

what they were doing.

Attracting all eyes on them, Henry and Nova walked together, which had been talked on various forums at this

moment. Everyone was talking about it like crazy, and some people were about to cry with joy.

--Little Bird: [Oh, I knew the two of them would definitely reconcile with each other. Their relationship was so good

before. There must have been some small conflicts between them. The couple quarrels now, but will make up in

second. I am waiting for them to reconcile! They remain to be my one true pair. Without their public display of

affection during this time, I'm starving to death!]

-- The merry-go-round: [No! I definitely don't want to see them reconciled! There must be something wrong with

Nova! Henry was always so good and so dedicated that she didn’t cherish him! She even cheated in marriage! Now

she is still by Mr. King's side! Go to hell! Mr. King is always mine!]

--Coco: [No one can tell about this sort of thing. It’s difficult to say right or wrong.]

--Chester is my husband: [Oh, no, I take a good view to Mr. Don and Nova. How can she be related to Henry again!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I'm not happy!]

--Nancy: [Nova always thinks one way, but acts another. And she even sat on two chairs. Why could she still have

God on her side?]

Chester was watching the discussions at this moment. He, who always had a smile on his face in the past, also saw

the scene of Nova holding Henry's arm in the live broadcast, which made his eyes gradually freeze at that moment.

The voice of his assistant Bob in report still came to his ears.

Chester said in a faint voice, "I have already known that before. Say something I don't know."

Bob nodded and slowly spoke again, "Miss Bush's mother preferred for sons. But Miss Bush's father could not let her

get pregnant again, so she left alone without the father and daughter, and now she cannot be found."

Chester's fingers continued to flick the phone.

"Feeling that there was something wrong with the death of her father, Miss Bush has asked Stella from the law firm

to start investigating. And there were some clues at present, but they were not comprehensive."

"Baron has moved with his wife and daughter, and the original house has been vacated for Miss Bush."

Chester was not very interested in this, but Bob’s words made him raise his head instantly.