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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 331
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Chapter 331 Eh? Miss Bush?

Henry’s face went darker. Nova tried so hard to get his hand off her wrist, but she failed. Angered, she roared, “Let


“Nova Bush! Are you deaf? Didn’t I hear what I had said to you?” Utter rage also climbed upon Henry’s face.

Nova wasn’t convinced at all. “Let me show you a voice recording.”

She directly played the recording of Kelly’s ordering her not to visit Mabel.

Henry frowned. He didn’t want Kelly to stand between them.

Nova continued, “See? You have nothing to do with me after we divorced. But Kelly is my cousin. She claimed that

she did everything for me, and I naturally would help her. Don’t you think so?”

Henry glared at Nova. “Nova Bush, you damn heartless! Grandma needs you the most right now. But you! What the

hell are you doing?” Nova looked coldly back at him. “Yeah, right. Look who’s talking.”

As Henry’s face turned grimmer, Nova decided to make it straight. “It was you! Your heartlessness made grandma


Nova confronted Henry’s sharp gaze without the tiniest fear. “Grandma had been unhappy these years as what she

hoped was to see the two of us get along well. But you failed to live up to that. What was worse, you complained

and even wanted to marry Kelly. You worsened grandma’s health. You’re a man, and you should be responsible for

what you have done. Don’t pass your buck to me. Facing Henry’s wrath, Nova continued, “You think grandma would

feel better if I didn’t announce our divorce in the public? Let me tell you

the truth. She would suffer from such unhappiness for the rest of her life as long as you refuse to treat me

sincerely. What I did could help grandma accept the truth earlier than when things goes worse. Otherwise, she

would fall asleep in anxiety every night.”

When she finished speaking, the air around them seemed to be frozen.

Henry suddenly burst out into laughter. “You think I would marry you? Grandma would like you? If it wasn’t for your

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

nasty plot in the first place?”

Then, he threw Nova’s hand off.

Nova staggered and was unable to utter a word to refute.

What should she say? That she didn’t plot against Henry? He wouldn’t believe a word. Besides, she had no


But again, was she the culprit to blame?

She had a crush on him in the first place. If she had no feelings for him at all, all the shitty things wouldn’t have


Nova heaved a sigh in an attempt to calm herself down. Then, she said in a flat tone. “I won’t go with you. I called

grandma just now. She

told me that she is resting and she doesn’t want me to be there.”

“And you just follow her words? Nova, I didn’t find you so obedient in the past.”

Nova sneered. “In the years as your wife, I would obey every word you uttered.”

Henry was rendered speechless by her words.

True, she was like a marionette obeying all his words and not knowing how to oppose them.

Her past obedience was the reason why she irritated him so much.

She was like a ball of cotton that, no matter how one trod on her, remained the same.

Kelly approached them and heard the last sentence Nova said. She frowned and hid around the corner.

Neither she nor Henry nor Nova could see each other.

Just as Henry was to open his mouth, Lan’s voice suddenly came from another corner. “Eh? Miss Bush, why are you


Chapter 331 Eh? Miss Bush?

Henry’s face went darker. Nova tried so hard to get his hand off her wrist, but she failed. Angered, she roared, “Let


“Nova Bush! Are you deaf? Didn’t I hear what I had said to you?” Utter rage also climbed upon Henry’s face.

Nova wasn’t convinced at all. “Let me show you a voice recording.”

She directly played the recording of Kelly’s ordering her not to visit Mabel.

Henry frowned. He didn’t want Kelly to stand between them.

Nova continued, “See? You have nothing to do with me after we divorced. But Kelly is my cousin. She claimed that

she did everything for me, and I naturally would help her. Don’t you think so?”

Chapter 331 Eh? Miss Bush?


Henry glared at Nova “Nova Bush, you damn heartless! Grandma needs you the most right now. But you! What the

hell are you doing?”

Nova looked coldly back at him. “Yeah, right. Look who’s talking.”

As Henry’s face turned grimmer, Nova decided to make it straight. “It was you! Your heartlessness made grandma


Nova confronted Henry’s sharp gaze without the tiniest fear. “Grandma had been unhappy these years as what she

hoped was to see the

two of us get along well. But you failed to live up to that. What was worse, you complained and even wanted to

marry Kelly. You

worsened grandma’s health. You’re a man, and you should be responsible for what you have done. Don’t pass your

buck to me.

Facing Henry’s wrath, Nova continued, “You think grandma would feel better if I didn’t announce our divorce in the

public? Let me tell you

the truth. She would suffer from such unhappiness for the rest of her life as long as you refuse to treat me

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

sincerely. What I did could

help grandma accept the truth earlier than when things goes worse. Otherwise, she would fall asleep in anxiety

every night.”

When she finished speaking, the air around them seemed to be frozen.

Henry suddenly burst out into laughter. “You think I would marry you? Grandma would like you? If it wasn’t for your

nasty plot in the first place?”

Then, he threw Nova’s hand off.

Nova staggered and was unable to utter a word to refute.

What should she say? That she didn’t plot against Henry? He wouldn’t believe a word. Besides, she had no


But again, was she the culprit to blame?

She had a crush on him in the first place. If she had no feelings for him at all, all the shitty things wouldn’t have


Nova heaved a sigh in an attempt to calm herself down. Then, she said in a flat tone. “I won’t go with you. I called

grandma just now. She

told me that she is resting and she doesn’t want me to be there.”

“And you just follow her words? Nova, I didn’t find you so obedient in the past.”

Nova sneered. “In the years as your wife, I would obey every word you uttered.”

Henry was rendered speechless by her words.

True, she was like a marionette obeying all his words and not knowing how to oppose them.

Her past obedience was the reason why she irritated him so much.

She was like a ball of cotton that, no matter how one trod on her, remained the same.

Kelly approached them and heard the last sentence Nova said. She frowned and hid around the corner.

Neither she nor Henry nor Nova could see each other.

Just as Henry was to open his mouth, Lan’s voice suddenly came from another corner. “Eh? Miss Bush, why are you
