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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 320
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Chapter 320 Must Have Fanned The Flames Of The Gossip.

She had been through the casting couch with Payne.

Payne was such a jerk. He would seduce a girl by making promises to the girl, but he would soon eat his words after

he enjoyed himself.

How many people suffered his humiliation in vain!

However… possibility remained that Payne signed the contract because he fell in love with a woman or was

interested in the project.

Anyway, he would never suffer losses.

Even if he was interested in a project, he would not sign a contract in the first place but try to maximize his gains

regardless of what others thought of it.

As for Nova…

Many people began gossiping.

“Has Nova been… you know!”

“No way. She is too special. Even if it is Payne, he wouldn’t dare to put his hands on her. Perhaps it was because her

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plan was good.”

“You nut? Miss Kelly Bush has made it clear that she wants to make things difficult for Nova. How would she give

Nova a profitable project? The plan must be infeasible, and she must have been… Well, the possibility is high, I


Daisy was worried about Nova. She looked at Nova and said with a weird look. “Nova, Payne accepted so readily?

Has he… has he… you…”

Nova smiled. “No.”

Daisy was surprised. “Really?”


Nova was still smiling.

She had seen the strange looks of her colleagues, but she knew that it wasn’t the right time to clarify.

Actually, she didn’t care about how they looked at her, but, now that she needed to climb to a higher rung, she had

to clarify herself at the right moment.

If she was burdened with such a rumor, Kelly would again make a fuss about it. By then, the management would

think of her as a woman who made achievements by sacrificing her chastity.

Bush Family’s Group had been dominated by Baron and his lackeys. If she was to win the group back legally and

straightforwardly, she would have to follow certain rules.

It was just that…

Nova didn’t expect that, before she could clarify herself, someone had been extremely eager to prove that she was

raped by Payne.

Three days later.

Kelly was pushed into Nova’s office by Cassie.

Gossip about Nova was even increasing as time went by,

Naturally, Kelly must have fanned the flames of the gossip.

Everyone was surprised to see Kelly’s arrival.

Chapter 320 Must Have Fanned The Flames Of The Gossip

Was she coming to clarify Nova? Or, was she coming to punish Nova?

Everyone was secretly paying attention to the cousins.

Nova raised her head and narrowed her eyes.

Kelly looked at the employees smilingly. “Guys, are you free tonight? I wanna hold a party for my cousin. In just a

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few days, she has successfully nailed down two projects!”

Everyone was shocked.


Nova silently looked at Kelly.

She wanted to see what tricks Kelly was playing.

Kelly continued, “Yes. There is also a cooperation with King Family’s Group.”

Everyone was surprised. The Kings?

No one had expected Nova’s success in reaching a cooperation agreement with the Kings. After all, Henry King was

personally in charge of the project.

Did Mrs. Mabel King force Henry to accept?

“Yes. Two days ago, Nova signed the contract with Mr. King. I was telling Mr. King that he should focus on business

and should not be influenced by anyone. He told me that Nova did great.”

Thinking of this, people’s expressions became even weirder.

It turned out that Henry signed the contract because of Kelly.

Everyone looked at Nova with greater prejudice.