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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 315
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Chapter 315 Alternative

“Well, Miss Bush, since you’re so confident, then you may reveal your project plan to me. I’ll read and decide.”

Nova smiled and took out her program.

Payne was never led by the nose like he was at this moment when discussing business.

At this moment, he should be thrown into passivity by Nova, a woman. However, if what Nova said was true, he

didn’t think his passivity was a bad thing.

Payne took the program handed by Nova and began reading it meticulously, casting his libido to the wind.

The more he read, the more frightened he became. But, as a veteran in the business field, he didn’t show the

slightest fright on his face.

After reading the entire program, he put it down.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


Nova had already investigated Payne.

If this man was not interested in a program, he would never finish reading it. He had no respect for others.

However, the seriousness shown on his face made Nova sure that he was at least 80% interested in the project.

Nova wasn’t anxious to speak, but Payne said with a sly smile. “The plan… I gotta admit that it is a good one.

But it doesn’t have too much difference from others. Why do you think your project could make The Lloyd Group

rise to the top?”

Nova answered, “I’ve shown you the business plan. Well, since you’ve had my number, you should know that I

would be fired if I fail to make you sign the contract.”

Payne sneered. “But, Miss Bush, you should know that, with my help, you could get to the top of the Bush

Family’s Group. However, what if I refuse to cooperate with you? The other potential partner might also refuse to

cooperate with you… because they are afraid of me?”

His words sounded like a simple analysis, but Nova knew clearly that Payne was threatening her.

If she didn’t do what Payne wanted her to do, he would interfere with her negotiation with other businessmen,

making her unable to have a single contract signed.

Nova chuckled. “Well, if you insist, Mr. Lloyd, I’m afraid that we have nothing to talk about. And I could only return

to my lawyer’s office and be a good lawyer, helping the good and SEEKING JUSTICE.”

She especially emphasized the last two words.

Apparently, she was also threatening Payne. If he dared to do anything to her, she would also return like for like.

Payne immediately darkened his face.

“It seems that Miss Bush refuses to budge, huh?”

Nova, on the contrary, smiled. “Mr. Lloyd, you’re being too much of a businessman. Fate let us meet. If we are to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

part ways in the future, we should not forget that we’ve met each other, right? Being enemies would only hurt both

of us.”

Payne twitched his lips in anger. “Lawyers really are glib–tongued.”

Nova produced a faint smile. “You don’t have to think about the quality required to be a lawyer, Mr. Lloyd. You

might as well think carefully about whether you should sign the contract or not. If you want to rise to the top, you

would need opportunities and the ability to seize opportunities. You must be clear about the Bush’s way of unapter

is Alternative business. If you miss the opportunity, I might need to seek another partner. Well, you should know no

one like the Bush Family Group could be found in the world. But… your The Lloyd Group… I think I can find its

alternative everywhere.

“You!” Payne was utterly shamed by Nova.

However, Nova had put the business proposal away, and said, “That’s all for today. Mr. Lloyd, why don’t you think

carefully about it? I’ll be waiting for your call.”

After speaking, Nova was to leave. Suddenly, Payne rose and stood before Nova, blocking her way.