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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 299
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Chapter 299 How Long It Will Take

His words were flirty and frivolous but Nova could feel that he meant it sincerely.

Nova actually would rather call him coltish because he always made her feel relaxed and comfortable to stay with

Her lips moved without making a sound as she looked for an appropriate response but she said nothing in the last

Nova had to admit that Chester was really an excellently chatty and expressive man who would always add leaven

to a boring conversation. She always felt that it was relaxing to be with him chatting or eating.

In this regard…

He was much better than Henry.

“How about we talk about our cooperation now for dessert after our meal?” When they finished their meal Nova

bantered with Chester.

The lips of Chester curved slightly as he said flirtatiously, “As you like, I’m always at a beauty’s service.” Nova rolled

her eyes at his flirtatious smile and passed him the plan of the project in her hand. “Just so you know, the plan will

make your group a sucker in the early stage and require large sums of investment on your part alone. But I can

promise you that you will not incur any loss in this plan, on the contrary, your group will make a great profit in this

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project in the long run.

“So confident?” Chester fixed his eyes on her face, steadily.

He had an air of uncertainty about him given that even Nova said that. There was considerable uncertainty about

the project’s future.

Nova, knowing what he was thinking, motioned him to read the plan laughingly. Chester took it and started


He caught sight of the amount of subscribed capital as he opened the file.

“Four hundred billion.” Chester read it aloud and uncertainty was obvious in his eyes and voice.

“Just look it carefully.” Her mouth curved in an off–center smile.

She was quite outspoken and put it in a measured manner even though she seemed to be troubled by the plan

as well, which weirdly gave him the itch to learn about her plan.

But Chester didn’t read it immediately, instead, he studied her face with rapt attention. For a while, he turned

from his contemplation of her and moved his lips.

“This plan, are you sure it will work for us?”

my word.”

“To my certain knowledge that the plan after my adjustment will be feasible, you have

Chester narrowed his eyes thoughtfully and in the next moment, he focused his look on the plan.

Three pages in total.

At first, he didn’t give his mind to the project with the Bush Group and was just toying with the plan.


As he read, a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes, and was counting. Sitting up, the expression of

casualness on his face was replaced by a growing serious one. He seemed to be appreciating her plan with


He looked at Nova again until he finished reading the document in his hands.

There was a crease between his eyes. “How many changes have you made?”

“Is this also something that must be discussed before our cooperation starts?” Her eyes were very piercing for

an instant.

Chester’s lips moved to make a sound. “Yeah, I see a need to get in touch with the man at the wheel to keep up

with the work if I decide to cooperate with your company, it’s my way of working, you know.”

There was a silence before Nova answered him. “Yeah, there are some major revisions to the plan I made.” Her

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reply took him by surprise even though he had guessed about it before.

“Nova, if you do this with aim of reclaiming Bush Group, why not give me your plan and I’ll make it for you, or you

can come to work for me in Don Group, which I think will make your aim come true more easily.” Nova’s lips

quivered. “Do you mean that you are going to poach me and hog the project?”

“I mean, I believe that you will have the Bush Group sooner or later, but I can help you achieve it earlier if you work

in Don Group.” He stared at her, narrow–eyed. “You can take any places you want in my company only if

you stay there.”

“You said you know me well, Chester, then you should know that this kind of measure is out of my character.”

Nova looked away, blinking rapidly.

Sighing deeply, Chester murmured under his breath, “I knew you will say that.”

“And I know what you are thinking inside yourself, He looked straight at her. “Returning to Bush Company and

impressing them with your capability, that’s the way you adapted to recapture the company established by your

father from Kelly and Baron with justification and legitimacy. However, have you ever thought about how long it will

take and how much efforts will be wasted?“