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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 28
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Chapter 028 If it wasn‘t for Nova‘s strong attitude, he might have rushed up and hit Henry. Nova smiled

and shook her head, “The society is governed by the rule of law, so he dared not

bully me.” Zona gritted her teeth. “I haven‘t seen Henry like this before! Sure enough, Henry is a

scumbag! He has gone too far!” Viola took Nova‘s hand, too. “I can‘t agree more that you decided to

divorce him. In fact, Rory is the model husband for women!” However, in the second half of this

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sentence, Viola‘s voice was a little choking. Rory blinked his eyes and sighed. “Nova, I shouldn‘t have

sent you roses today. You‘ve just divorced and probably haven‘t recovered yet. But I can wait, Nova, call

me whenever you need me, I‘ll always be behind you.” I will always support you behind your back.

Though, these few words were spoken in his heart. Nova‘s eyelashes fluttered slightly. She was very

touched by his kindness. Since Nova married, she automatically alienated male and felt ashamed. But

Rory promised to wait for her just now! Rory spoke again just when Nova was indecisive whether she

should say something “Nova, you don‘t have to worry about my feelings, and I‘m content when I know

there‘s a

chance.” “Oh my! Don‘t show off your tenderness and love with me! Am I dead?” Zona made fun of them.

At this time Viola swept away the haze in her eyes and echoed Zona. Nova shook her head, “I‘m not

going to think about this anymore. If we are friends, don‘t persuade me anymore. Otherwise, it will be

difficult to keep the relationship for the long


Viola‘s blinked slightly, and she finally nodded. “Okay! I‘ll keep quiet! Come on, let‘s

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cheers!” Zona was also very smart to play some brisk music, as if what followed was really just for

celebration. It wasn‘t until two hours later that they left. Rory wanted to drive Nova home indeed, but he

followed her thought. However, they never thought that they had already become a hot–button topic and


conversations on social media.