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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 16
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Chapter 016

Nova‘s lips twitched. It was such a small world.

She wanted to ask Henry when they could get divorced, but this man seemed to be deliberately against

her, so she just kept silent, and turned around to go back to her box.

But…! It was as if the sky was spinning, and before Nova could react, she had already been forced by

Henry into another unoccupied room! Bang...!

He slammed the door shut! Henry clasped both her wrists, making her unable to move. Looking at the

paranoid man in front of her, Nova frowned and sneered, “What does Mr. King want to do to me?” He

was the one who wanted the divorce, and he was the one who wanted to be with Kelly, so why did he

have to get so angry when she was just seen by him to have dinner with Chester? He almost misled her

that he still had feelings for her. But she knew clearly how these years came to pass between them. And

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she would never

repeat the same mistake to imagine one day she could win his heart. She had given up Seeing that she

no longer had any feelings for him in her eyes, and she was obviously very

impatient with him, Henry‘s eyes were cold as ice. He said in a cold voice to her, “The marriage is not

over yet, do you need to be so impatient?” Nova laughed angrily, “What do you mean I am impatient?

Who is the one who is really

impatient?” During their marriage, Henry had been taking care of Kelly all the time. He put that woman in

the first place in everything, and she only had contact with Chester after the divorce, and it was all about

business matters. For the first time, she found this man so unreasonable! Henry‘s sharp gaze never left

her face, as if he wanted to cut her off with his gaze. But Nova didn‘t fear him, “Since Mr. King thinks I‘m

too much, why don‘t we divide labor and choose a suitable time for us to get our certificates of divorce?”

“Nova!” Henry said, grinding his back teeth, looking at the disdain in Nova‘s eyes, he snickered out,

“You think I don’t want to divorce you?” Nova raised her eyebrows and said calmly, “Then please hurry

up.” Although she was a little sad to meet this man again, she had been mature after these three years

of torture and indifference by him, and she no longer felt as hard as before to leave him.

Chapter 10 Henry‘s heart wan pounding with ragel He wanted to tear this woman apart right now, and he

was holding her wrist tighter and lighter. Nova frowned, “Mr. King since you are so disgusted with me,

can you let go of me?”

II really hurt

She knew that he would never pity a woman. On not true, he never pitied her indeed, but

Henry was very gentle to Kelly. Henry looked at her coldly, “Nova, I don‘t care what you think or who you

like to be together with, but now as we are not completely divorced, you are still Mrs. King! As Mrs. King,

you have to do what a good wife should do! And you should learn how to be a good daughter–in–law of

my family! As long as you remember how good my grandmother was to you, you should not cause any

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trouble to the King family like that!” Nova‘s eyelashes trembled slightly, she felt sarcastic... Fortunately,

she just did not make a fool of herself. Henry was so angry, only because they had not divorced now, so

she could not do anything detrimental to the King‘s family, or there would be a certain impact on the

company‘s stock market value. Henry looked at her coldly and saw that she seemed to be compromised.

He sneered again,

“Nova,” He just opened his mouth, but Nova suddenly smiled and spoke, “Mr. King, grandma had never

cared about this external wealth, not to mention the reputation, she only wanted us to be good. Since

you, as her grandson, can not do it, what could I do to fulfill her wish? So I will find another way to repay

your grandmother.” Looking at Henry‘s face getting black with anger, Nova raised her eyes and talked in

a cold

voice, “I would never let you use your grandma‘s goodness as a capital to threaten me.”