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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 14
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Chapter 014

Henry‘s expression got glumy. He knew it. This woman was cunning like a fox! It seemed that the divorce

could not be delayed, or who knew how far his grandmother would push him. This afternoon, his phone

was almost overwhelmed by the grandmother‘s call. The coldness under Kelly‘s eyes instantly turned

thick. How could she run into Nova here? Now as they had both turned around, Nova couldn‘t pretend

she hadn‘t seen them. Kelly took a slight breath, smiled at her and said affectionately, “Nova.” Nova

looked over with surprise, seeing the two of them were standing close together, the

positions were extraordinarily intimate, she forced a smile back to her, “What a


Kelly noticed that Henry kept staring at Nova. That made her a little nervous, but the next moment she

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

soon smiled, and said demurely again, “Nova, you‘re here to see Henry, right? We are going to have

dinner together. Why don‘t you join us? Two days ago you and your

senior together for coffee let Henry misunderstand, it is better to say it out in the open.” Nova smiled,

how articulate Kelly was. She deliberately emphasized the word ‘we‘ and then

treated her as an outsider. And also showed that she was a levity woman who hooked up with other

men, while she was with Henry. This was really good for Kelly. Looking at Henry‘s cold expression, Nova

did not mind at all. She said to them, “There is nothing to say, I‘d rather not disturb your candlelight

dinner.” “Don‘t disturb us?” Henry snorted coldly. Just as he was about to tell Nova that he would go to

the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow to get

the divorce papers, the door was suddenly pushed open. They were just in sight of Chester‘s figure.

Kelly‘s eyes lightened with amazement, though she thought that Henry was still more handsome by

comparison. Nova looked back, Chester just stepped in, seeing her still not walking in their box. He was

a little confused, “Why didn‘t you go in first, do you wait for me here?” Kelly: “???” So she‘s not here to

see Henry? Henry‘s expression instantly changed! When did she hook up with Chester again? Nova

smiled, “I was waiting for them to go up first.” Chester followed the direction of her slender finger and

saw two people standing in the

elevator. Chester smiled at them, “Mr. King is also here.” After saying that, he looked at Nova and said,

“Our box should be on the same floor, how

about we go together?” By the way, he wanted what kind of drama these two people would show to

them. The corners of Nova‘s mouth twitched slightly, but she also didn‘t really care about them, so

Chapter 014

+ 10 she nodded and said, “Sure.” Saying that she took a step forward and walked over. Chester

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

followed her with interest. It was the first time he saw Henry‘s face cold like that. The smile on his lips

gradually deepened, “Mr. King does not look in a good mood.” “I‘m wondering what president Don

wanted to do by bringing my wife out.” Although this was said to Chester, Henry‘s sharp eyes keep

staring at Nova. Kelly’s heart lurched. Why did Henry seem to be angry at Nova for going out with

another man? Nova was going to divorce him. Why does Henry still care about that? But the next

moment, Kelly reacted, this was a man‘s possessiveness, it was not the feelings

of love.

Chester seems to be a little surprised, “Your wife?” Nova saw Kelly subconsciously grip Henry‘s arm.

She smiled lightly, the expression in her eyes was calm mixed with sarcasm, “so I am your wife?”

Because of the conversation between them, the elevator‘s door closed once. Now as the door was

reopened, seeing that the other people did not move, Nova took the first step in. Chester looked at the

two people who did not move. His mood was still high, “Do you two want to wait for one more time?“