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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1852
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Chapter 1852 Adie's stubborn expression didn't change, but finally he turned around and sighed. "Fine then!" "Fine, I'll wait for your explanation." Renee tried her best to calm down and put down the branch away, waiting for Adie's explanation.

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"It was because..." Adie swallowed, his eyes watery. "It was because Tubby and his mother were disrespectful. They said..." He trailed off, reluctant to continue.

"What did they say?" Renee frowned and warned strictly, "If you don't givea logical explanation, I'll hit you." Her threat just made Adie more upset, and he closed his eyes and stretched his palm out. "Go ahead then! You'll only be happy once you beat me, so there's no point inexplaining!" "What?" Renee had rarely seen Adie acting so unreasonably, and it only infuriated her further. She hit Adie's palm with the branch ruthlessly.

The thinness of the branch made the hit excruciatingly painful, and Adie started to cry. Regardless of how mature he was, he was still a child at the end of the day, and his mother was beating him for nothing. "Mommy, you actually hit me! It hurts so much!" "Now you know. Why did you bully others then? Don't you know it's painful for them?" Renee would not feel sorry for Adie just because of his tears. She used both gentleness and severity when she educated her children. If everything was going well, she would spoil her children, but when she was being strict, she would beat her children to make sure they understood. She wanted Adie to accept he was wrong, otherwise he wouldn't respect Renee or take her seriously. "You threw a tantrum when I asked you to explain. I think you're guilty and know that you've made a mistake, so you don't want to explain it. It's fine-I'll get the truth out of you by beating you up!" Renee raised the branch ruthlessly, wanting to hit Adie again.

"That's enough!" Stefan tried to stop Renee again. "Can't you see he's struggling with something? Why are you being so fierce? How could he be brave enough to answer you if you act like this?" "I'm teaching my child, so stop meddling! I've been with him longer than you, and I can't be as laid-back as you. I have to educate him well now, or else my children will becthe trash of society!" Renee roared at Stefan, ready to take on anyone who disagreed with her.

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Stefan stretched his hand out, his gaze firm. "Hitif you want to hit somebody so badly. After that, give him stto explain the situation to you."

"You wantto hit you?" Renee glared at Stefan viciously. "Dayou think I wouldn't dare to? I've been waiting a long tto beat you up!" "Go ahead then!" Stefan said unflinchingly.

Renee raised her arm fiercely to hit Stefan, and when Adie saw that, his eyes widened in horror. He stepped in front of Stefan protectively and braced himself for the hit. Tears running down his cheeks, he sobbed," Don't hit my dad. I'll explain everything, so don't hit him." Adie wiped his tears away and said softly, "I only did it because Tubby and his mother said that I was ill-mannered because I didn't have a father and my mother didn't teachanything... Then, they insisted on snatching away the eel I saw and kept on provoking me. I don't care if they insult me, but I can't bear them insulting Daddy and Mommy!"