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Sentenced to Marriage by MadlainQ

Chapter 75
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Secret mission Aren and | left the Wintons” mansion soon after | had promised to meet with Augustus after the weekend.

“You did an excellent job, my beautiful wife,” he commented as we were going back to the penthouse.

“You knew that your grandfather would approach me, didn’t you? Was that why you suddenly chose to leavealone in that hall?” | narrowed my eyes at him. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. “Of course. | knew that my grandfather would naturally assthat you are naive. That was why he waited for the moment | wasn’t around you. He was afraid that if | was listening to your conversation, | would make the choices for you, and | would make you refuse his offer.” “Now, he thinks that | am willing to listen to him and use the diamond as an investment. What do we do next?” | asked.

Aren sighed. “We would have to use the fact that you're going to meet my grandfather in his office, but the plan that I'm thinking of is a risky one...” “What do you mean?” | asked, my heart speeding as | saw his uncomfortable grimace. “You would have to search for it,” he said. | blinked my eyes at him. “But how can | search for a flash drive with your grandfather around? He smirked. “You're quite a good actress. Use the fact that he thinks you are dumb, and I'm sure that you will figure out a way to stay alone in his office for a minute or two.” | smiled nervously. “What if | can’t do it?” Aren shrugged. “Then we will find another way.” | nodded, trying to hide the fact of how restless I'd just become. Aren had hoped to get this flash drive for a long time. He had lost his chance to look for it trying to save me. | wanted to make sure that | wouldn't lose this chance to find it..

“Um... Aren?” | muttered, hesitantly. “Can | engage Alan and Norton in this flash drive operation?” He laughed. “Of course. What's on your mind?” | took a deep breath. “I think this will require a few gadgets, kind of spy gadgets that is...” ork My meeting with Augustus was supposed to happen on Tuesday at noon. Our tto plan everything was quite limited. A few hours before the meeting, my husband, Alan, Norton, and even Neil, all assuredthat it was going to work. | wished | had their confidence, but despite a courageous smirk on my lips, | was shaking inside. Nonetheless, | put a spy-like earpiece into my ear and my enhanced by a few super-apps phone into my purse, and prayed that | wouldn't mess everything up.

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Aren grabbedby the shoulders and pressed his forehead to mine. “Remember, we will be right outside the gate of the mansion. We will hear you and know what's going on. If something goes wrong, | will get there in less than a minute.” “I know.” | smiled at him.

He placed a quick kiss on my lips. “Good girl.” | wanted to calm down, but | felt the pressure only increase. Aren counted on me, although I couldn't say that he was comfortable with the fact that | was the one going on the mission, not him. Yet, it was only logical to assthat Augustus was more likely to lower his guard in front ofthan in front of Aren. Our current leverage was based on the fact that, in the eyes of Aren’s grandfather, | wasn't a threat at all; | was nothing but a mere, foolish woman. Well, for a while, | needed to be one.

Benjamin stopped the car in front of the main entrance. | took a deep breath and turned on the magic earpiece; the show was about to start. As soon as I got out of the car, | was greeted by Lucious, who apparently was sent by Augustus to leadinto his office.

Seeing his uncomfortable act in front of me, | couldn't help but tease him a bit. “Hello, Lucious. How is your day? Is your mistress doing OK?” “My day is like any other day, and if you want to ask about Mrs. Winton, you'd better ask her yourself,” he replied coldly before gesturing at the door at the end of the corridor. “Master Winton’s office is the last door on the right.” | smirked. “Oh, Lucious. I'm seriously waiting for the day you take that stick out of your ass and act like a human.” | patted his arm as | passed him by. “Have a good day, Lucious.” He didn’t reply. | guess he was offended by my language, but | didn’t fail to amuse my husband and others who listened to every word | said. Their laughter spread through the earpiece loud enough to ring in my head. “Guys, mind my eardrums, please,” | murmured as | headed to the office. “Sorry, sunshine.” | heard Aren’s voice through the earpiece. “We just all admired your sharp tongue.” | chuckled and shook my head. “Just don’t do that when I’m in Augustus’s office. | need to focus now.” | walked to the end of the corridor and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Augustus opened the door and invitedin with a grin glued to his face. As | entered his office, | saw long rows of bookshelves on every wall and a grand wooden desk standing near the floor-to ceiling window. | felt an incoming headache just by looking at the number of possible places where the flash drive could have been hidden.

“How lovely to see you, Cora,” he said, pulling out a chair in front of his desk for me.

When | sat down, he rushed to get back behind his carved, mahogany desk. | kept looking around, calculating and trying to find the most probable spot that the former bodyguard could have chosen in a hurry. Where could it be? It must have been one hell of a good place since that flash drive was yet to be found after years... and now | had to find it in minutes! “Do you like books?” Augustus asked, smirking.

“Pardon?” He pointed at the bookshelves. “You were looking at my library. | figured you enjoy reading.” I laughed nervously. “Yes, | love books actually... You have an impressive collection.” “I gathered most of those books here myself,” he stated proudly. “Reading keeps your brain sharp.” My laughter becmore awkward. “I cannot argue with that.” He cleared his throat and leaned forward on his desk, his hands together and his fingers intertwined. “So, Cora. Have you thought about selling the diamond?” “Not yet,” | replied cautiously.

“I bet that it is a pretty gem, but it is worth money, the money you could invest,” he coaxed.

| nodded, trying to convince him that | pondered his words. His lips curled up in a smile, yet his eyes remained cold and his gaze sharp. “I could help you sell the diamond at the auction. It could be worth thirty or forty million dollars,” he said, meaningfully nodding at his own words.

I mirrored his gesture yet corrected him, “It could be worth more than fifty million, I heard.” “Excellent! | see that you have already checked!” He burst out laughing and then pointed at me. “You will beca big player in the city... and a great one with my help.” | knew what he was doing. He was trying to act as if he thought highly ofand then convincethat he should becmy mentor in business. How dumb had he truly thought | was?! Well, he brought it on himself. It was tforto turn on my skills.

| lowered my head and put on a timid smile. “I have to admit that | know little about business, and Aren is very possessive... He would never allowto make a decision concerning big money,” | said, stifling a chuckle as | heard my husband clearing his throat through the earpiece.

Augustus hit the desk with his flat hand, pretending to be mad at Aren for me. “Oh, you are allowed to make your own decisions, Cora!” “Really?” | blinked my eyes, realizing that | had never sounded more stupid than at that moment in my entire life.

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“Of course, my child!” Augustus chuckled and pulled out sdocuments from his desk drawer. “In fact, | have a perfect proposal for you. | am about to build a hotel that will bring a fortune within a year. | would gladly welcyou as my investor.” “Sounds interesting.” | smiled, reaching my hand out for the documents. Augustus stretched his hand, holding a folder of documents, but then withdrew his hand. “But if | give it to you, then you will take it hand show it to your husband. | know my Grandson. | know he is stubborn, and he won't let you sign a deal with me.” | sealed my lips and looked up, pretending to think about it before | shifted my eyes to him again. “How about | read this document now, and sign the deal if | find it interesting? | can offer you everything | get from selling my diamond at the auction,” | claimed confidently.

The old man’s eyes widened as if he had already counted the imaginary dollars. “That's a bold decision, my child. You start to sound like a real businessman... or a businesswoman.” He handed over the document and watchedclosely as | read the front page. | knew that this was it; | had to figure out something to make him leave the office...

“Um...” | chuckled nervously. “I don’t want to sound impolite, but it’s hard to concentrate like this.” Augustus grinned and stood up. “Would you rather sit here?” He offered his chair.

“No... | was thinking that maybe | could stay in here for a few minutes so | could read the document... alone?” | held my breath as | said it. Was it too much? | smiled innocently, trying to read through the faint frown that painted his wrinkled forehead. Those few seconds of silence felt like forever.

He huffed with a hint of annoyance, but then replied, “Fine. | will give you a few minutes. You are welcto use my desk. We will discuss the details and numbers when | get back.” “Thank you.” The relief in my voice was my first sincere reaction from the moment | stepped into his office.

| could feel my heart pounding faster and faster with every step that Augustus took on his way to the door. My eyes followed his every move while | tried to keep my courteous smile.

“I'll be back in five minutes,” he declared.

| acknowledged with a nod, watching him grab the door handle. Finally, he left, closing the door behind him.

“Great job, sunshine.” Aren’s voice sounded through the earpiece. “Now let's find that flash drive.”