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Seeking the Tao in the Mortal World

Chapter 108: Who is the Villain
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“The human shape smoke is the reason why Taoist Qing He failed his spell.”

Qin Yi sipped wine alone, listening to Liu Su’s analysis in the ring.

“If I’m not wrong, there is probably an ancient corpse deep in the leyline here, which is causing the drought.”

Qin Yi wondered, “It’s still raining today, and there is underground water too. How could there be a <a href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiderigami>drought zombie(hanba)?”

“Drought zombie? No.” Liu Su said, “The rainfall in the sky is caused by the intersection of the yin and yang of heaven and earth. To the extent that it can cause drought, the cultivation of the drought zombie has to be extremely high. It has not reached this level now. It’s just an ancient corpse that had a certain degree of cultivation during its lifetime… Of course, if this continues, it may turn into a drought zombie.”

“Then why weren’t there any problems with other people’s well? Why only target Wang Family’s well?”

“It has something to do with the lightning. Someone brought the drought power of the ancient corpse to the Wang Family.” ᴛhis chapter is ᴜpdated by ɴovᴇl(F)ɪre.ɴet

Qin Yi subconsciously looked at the fat shopkeeper on the counter.

Beastkin, has lightning, and pays attention to the Wang Family… The clues are so clear that Sherlock is not needed to solve the case.

The fat shopkeeper was pouring himself a drink leisurely. He squinted his little eyes as if he was enjoying his wine. As if sensing Qin Yi’s gaze, he also turned to look at Qin Yi. His chubby smile looked a bit cute.

“Shopkeeper.” Qin Yi raised his glass and toasted, “Opening the shop during new year and not staying at hto the Spring Festival Gala, what a tough life.”

“What is the Spring Festival Gala?” The fat shopkeeper said with a smile, “Well, that’s the life of a restaurant owner. Many regular customers are used to having a few drinks in the evening. After they leave, the restaurant will be closed. By the way, you don’t seem to be the local here. Why are you running around in the countryside during the new year? Your life is tougher.”

“For the sake of my tough life, can this meal be free?”

“Customer, don’t be joking. It’s just a small business…”

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“Then lettreat you.” Qin Yi smiled and said, “Want to have a drink?”

At this time, the last customer in the restaurant had already paid and left. The fat shopkeeper didn’t say anything. He slowly arranged the tables and chairs, then slowly closed the door. After closing the last door panel, he still looked a little out of breath, acting like an ordinary fat person.

Qin Yi looked at him with interest.

After closing the restaurant, the fat shopkeeper took out his handkerchief and wiped his sweat, walked over unsteadily, sat down in front of Qin Yi, and lamented, “It’s inconvenient to be fat. Unlike customer, who is in great health, you can just wear a green shirt during this cold spring.”

Qin Yi smiled and said, “It’s better to be fatter because it matches Miss Wang better.”

The fat shopkeeper said with joy, “Lettell you, the Miss Wang family is fertile at first sight. If anyone marries her, she can have a litter…”

“A litter of piglets or a litter of mice?”

Ugh…” The fat shopkeeper winked, “More or less the same.”

Qin Yi couldn’t help but laugh, “What’s your surname, shopkeeper? It wouldn’t be Pi, right?”

“Nonsense.” The fat shopkeeper did not answer the question, but he asked, “What did customer gain from going to the Wang Family? Have you met Miss Wang?”

Qin Yi twitched his cheek and said, “I’d better leave that lady to you.”

“Don’t tellthat you were really there to unblock the well?”

“Yes, I’m professional in clearing pipes.” Qin Yi said, “Since shopkeeper cares so much about Miss Wang, do you know about the situation of the well water drying up?”

“I know a little bit about it.” The fat shopkeeper took a sip of wine and suddenly becalert, “Are you really treating me?”

“Yes, I am. The more detailed you know about the well water situation, the more I can treat.”

“That’s good.” The fat shopkeeper drank wine leisurely and said slowly, “Actually, this well dried up three years ago. At that time, the taoist from the mountain performed a rite and solved the problem. It recurred three years later, Landlord Wang couldn’t bear to prepare those so-called enchanted instruments for the taoist — he said helping for free, but those enchanted instruments are all money.”

“So he posted a notice to hire someone else?”

“Yes, he even posted it on the other counties. After half a year of work, many so-called experts cto see it, but they were helpless. I heard that a small kingdom in the south even changed its emperor for three terms, but no one could still fix the well. If this went on, Landlord Wang can’t even celebrate the new year…”

Qin Yi stared at him, “Just talk about the well. If you talk about the southern kingdom, I won’t treat you!”

Oh well.” The fat shopkeeper weighed another piece of beef and ate it happily before sighing, “Taoist Qing He cby himself this time. Landlord Wang didn’t invite him at all.”

“Cuninvited?” Qin Yi asked curiously, “Is it really for the sake of peace in the countryside?”

“Maybe.” The fat shopkeeper blinked, “The Wang Family has no water, so they just troubled the others to fetch the water from all the way to their house. It caused so many complaints. Maybe the immortals can’t stand it anymore.”

Qin Yi looked at him without speaking.

It was obvious that the fat shopkeeper dried up the well. Qin Yi asked him just to probe his intention, but he seemed to be deliberately leading it to the taoist temple on the mountain.

The shopkeeper smiled and said, “If Taoist Qing He can’t solve this matter, I wonder if the two hundred and fifty years old Taoist Qing Xu will personally take action. I’m really looking forward to it.” Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

Qin Yi pondered for a moment and asked, “What if Taoist Qing Xu really takes action himself?”

The shopkeeper’s smile narrowed, “That’s great, then everyone can witness if he is really two hundred and fifty years old.”


“It’s getting late. Thank you for your hospitality.” The shopkeeper stood up unsteadily, “I’m going to peep at Miss Wang. Do you want to calong?”

“Just enjoy yourself.”

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The shopkeeper didn’t say anything more and quietly slipped out through the side door.

Qin Yi looked at his back speechlessly. He just letstay in his wine shop. Did he mean to give away all the property on the counter for free? He is deliberately makingcurious about how would he peep at Miss Wang…

“You’re wearing a thin green shirt at this time. Anyone who is not stupid can tell that you are cultivated and that you are not an ordinary person.” Liu Su said, “This fat rat’s words have a hidden meaning, which is to let you follow him.”

Qin Yi nodded and followed up.

It didn’t take long before he saw the fat shopkeeper lying next to the side door of Family Wang with his butt sticking out and looking in through the gap between the doors. Qin Yi walked to the other speechlessly, climbed onto the courtyard wall, and hid behind a tree.

This was the backyard of the Wang Family. There were many water tanks in the yard. The water had been brought here recently from other places for later use. At a glance, the densely packed water tank reflected countless moons in the moonlight. Such a scene would terrify those who had trypophobia, making an ordinary scene look like a horror scene.

Before Qin Yi could judge, he saw Taoist Qing He sneaking into the yard.

He stood in the middle of the yard and looked around the water tank. A ferocious look suddenly appeared on his face full of immortal aura. He gestured a seal and chanted.

After a while, countless green lights emerged from his hands and fell into all the water tanks.

Taoist Qing He sneered and left.

“Poison…” Qin Yi was a professional apothecary after all. He sniffed the scent carefully and identified it immediately, “It’s actually corpse poison?”

No matter what the reason was, it would have been fine to use other poisons, but an immortal with corpse poison made Qin Yi feel a little creepy.

The next moment, the fat shopkeeper released a lightning current from the gap between the doors and let it bounce in all the water tanks. Qin Yi clearly felt that all the poison was dissolved by the lightning current.

The taoist is poisoning, and the beastkin is secretly detoxifying?

I originally thought that the fat mouse was the villain, but now, it’s really hard to tell who the villain is.

It is initially just an ordinary well drying up, but the things involved behind it seem to be becoming more and more strange…

TL: Why would Taoist Qing He treat the well if he wanted to poison?

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