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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 74
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Chapter Seventy-Four

Chapter Seventy-Four

Phoebe shivered as the hot water streamed down her body. Jason's hands lazily caressed her curves carefully washing her as he nuzzled her

neck and nipped at her mark eliciting a soft moan

Their wolves had frolicked and...other things. ..for longer than he intended but it had been difficult to deny his wolf the chance to be with his

mate. He should have made time for them long ago but he kept putting it off as other concerns piled up

Eventually they had to return to the estate and prepare for their eminent departure. Though he had downplayed the potential danger,

truthfully the king still had a dedicated group of supporters. The sooner they returned to their territory the better. There Jason had much

more control and Phoebe would be safe and secure. Jason was under no illusions. The king was dangerous and would certainly kill Phoebe

if given the chance. To keep her safe Jason had to eliminate as many variables as he could and that started with getting her home where his

influence was strongest

Shutting off the water Jason stepped out retrieving a towel and wrapping her in it both to help her dry and to keep her warm. After their

wolves had their fun it was clear she had caught a bit of a chill. Phoebe blushed at his care but it felt too nice to protest. Tucking her into a

warm robe he gently dried her hair before quickly drying himself and escorting her back to their bedroom. He would have given just about

anything to take her to bed but his mind was buzzing that preparations for their departure were complete

“Dress warm, angel,” Jason kissed her temple. “We'll be leaving

Chapter Seventy-Four shortly.”

“Oh..50 soon?” Phoebe looked at him with a note of disappointment

Perhaps she wanted a little more time together

“Yes. I don’t know when the king might make his move and I want you somewhere he can’t reach when he does.”

Phoebe shivered at his warning. Jason’s embrace tightened not wanting anything he said to disturb her. He would protect her and flooded

their bond with his reassurance

Phoebe snuggled into him accepting his comfort and strength. She hated to think she would annoy him by depending on him too much

but he growled the moment he sensed her hesitation. His life belonged to her

Reluctantly parting from him she quickly went to the closet and selected something to wear. She hadn’t brought much with her but Lucille

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took her shopping almost as soon as they arrived. Her sister-in-law insisted they buy far more than she could ever wear in a week they

originally planned to stay saying she could just leave the wardrobe there when it was time to leave. Apparently Lucille kept a closet of

clothes at all Blue Moon’s properties so she never had to pack. It seemed a bit much to Phoebe who had always lived frugally but also

strangely appealing

Selecting leggings and a sweater she finished drying and changed

The sweater was cashmere and the softest thing she had ever worn. At the time she thought it was far too expensive but now she was glad

Lucille talked her into it. Stepping back into the bedroom she saw that Jason was already dressed. Here, they each had a separate walk-in

closet much to Jason's chagrin

Seeing him in black trousers, matching leather jacket and cream turtleneck she couldn't help but think how regal he looked. He was a true

Chapter Seventy-Four

Alpha. Tt didn’t matter what he wore he looked strong and capable. In contrast she was...small. She would never be able to command a

room simply by walking into it like he could

It wasn’t the first time she thought herself inferior to him. She still didn’t feel like a Luna despite how the pack treated her. There were just

some things one had to be born with and she was still just a nameless cog even if she now had more clothes than she could ever wear ina


“Phoebe?” Jason came to her side sensing her disquiet. “Are you over thinking again?”

“No, L.It’s just..”

He held her close, nuzzling her, “Angel, you really need to stop doubting yourself. I've never seen a more natural Luna than you.”

“You're bias.”

“Maybe. But that doesn’t make it any less true.”

Phoebe tried to stifle a laugh but he sensed her mirth through their bond

“You have been my Luna officially for four months,” Jason gently intoned. “The pack is whole and complete because of you. You have

changed how our pups are taken care of and educated. You absolutely changed how pack members treat and interact with each other. They

love you, adore you, almost as much as I do. So please, stop doubting yourself”

He cupped her face in his hands caressing her cheeks with his thumbs

His eyes swirled amber showing his wolf was close and in full agreement

“You may not have been born a Luna, but you were destined to be one,” Jason said. “You were destined to be my Luna.”

Chapter Seventy-Four

Phoebe shivered as his words flowed through her touching the restless part of her soul. How did he always know just what to say to settle

the part of her that needed his words?

“Feel better?” Jason smirked

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us now and continue your journey!

She nodded, not trusting her voice

“Then let’s go home.”

Though they had arrived with luggage they wouldn't be taking anything back. Not only did Jason want to travel light but Phoebe’s

wardrobe had expanded considerably making it unnecessary. It would also make returning to the estate easier by leaving some essentials


Taking her hand he led her to the garage where their escort waited

“Finally,” Ben chuckled, “as long as you two were taking I was beginning to wonder if you decided to finish everything your wolf started.”

Phoebe blushed but Jason merely growled at his audacity

“Everything ready?” Jason asked glaring at his Gamma as he addressed the estate’s security chief

“Yes, Alpha,” Casper answered ignoring the friendly banter between the two. “Vehicles are ready and our spotters have eyes on two


“Only two?” Jason asked

Casper gave a small shrug. They knew the king would move quickly but it seemed he lacked the numbers to maintain surveillance. It was

odd considering they were essentially in royal territory or perhaps he was underestimating them

Casper was an older wolf and already out of his prime when Jason was still a pup. He had been injured during a rogue attack and now


Chapter Seventy-Four with a permanent limp. This injury was what finally took him off active duty but his mind was still sharp and his

experience invaluable

He had taken the lead position over the estate’s security as a form of semi-retirement. It was as quiet post, allowing him and his mate to

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enjoy their twilight years. His mate, Matilda, was head of the staff and ran everything with the efficiency of a drill sergeant. Yet she was

generally soft spoken and treated everyone as if they were family

“Luna,” Matilda greeted as soon as Phoebe appeared, “I wish you could have stayed longer.”

“Ido too,” Phoebe readily took her hands not minding the calluses. * Next time we'll bring the pups.”

“Oh yes! Please do! I haven't had pups to spoil since our own outgrew my knee.”

“Shall we take them out?” Casper asked, drawing Jason’s attention away from Phoebe quietly chatting with the staff


“One is in the tree across the road and another on the house just east of the gate.”

“Lets see if we can stir up the nest,” Jason said. “Take out the one in the tree.”

Casper nodded, his mindlink with their sniper already open, “Shot is

green on target one.”


Perched on the estate roof and lying flat to avoid being seen Jacob stirred. He was among the best shots in all Blue Moon, a title he took

very seriously. Most of the personnel at the estate fell under one of two categories: those who retired from active service and those on


Chapter Seventy-Four leave due to injury

Jacob was among the latter having taken a bullet for the dignitary he had been assigned to protect. Luckily the bullet wasn’t silver. Even so

it had come close to his heart. It had been a struggle to even get out of bed in the beginning of his recovery but now he was chaffing under

doctor's orders and eager to once again join the active rosters. Perhaps this mission was his chance to prove he was ready to his alpha

“Shot is green on target one.”

Asmile twitched the corners of his mouth as Jacob peered down the scope at the amateur the king sent. Sliding the bolt home he loaded

the single silver round and settled his sight on his target. Beside him his mate and spotter kept watch on their second target

“Don’t miss,” Nathan taunted not taking his eyes from target two

“If you're trying to be distracting, it’s not going to work,” Jacob snorted letting out a long easy breath as his finger settled on the trigger

and squeezed

His shoulder absorbed the kickback while the silencer ensured no sound. Watching through the scope he saw his target jerk as the bullet hit

its mark before slumping forward and falling from his precarious perch to land in a heap on the ground. Though the bullet was silver and

would kill its target unless removed it was a point of pride to make a clean, kill shot

“Target one neutralized.” 16 940 31 Comments Vote