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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 70
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Chapter Seventy WZ Chapter Seventy

“You and your brother play a dangerous game,” Reed commented after the princess left them

“What can she possibly do to us?” Lucille shrugged

as “Power or not, she is still of royal lineage,” Reed reminded

“Maybe they should reconsider.”

“Lucille!” Chloe gasped. “I don’t think you should say that so freely. It could be considered treason.”

1d his Luna what 1 just said is the least of their worries,” Lucille warned. “They are

Reed frowned but on the whole he agreed. In fact he found it rather disturbing the princess spent so many years trying to seduce Jason

when it

was clear he was not her mate. The royal family was meant to be examples of werewolf kind and as such they should have more loyalty and

reverence toward the Moon Goddess than anyone else. And yet..

There were many rather disturbing rumors. The King and Queen were chosen mates and it was rumored that not only did the King reject his


mate he might have had her beheaded to ensure she never found a second chance. The first Prince was said to not only be deviant in his

desire for multiple mates but that his sadistic pleasure usually killed his bed partners. It was rare for them to survive one night let alone two

The only one who seemed to be decent enough was the second Prince. He had yet to take a mate but he avoided needless trysts and


Chapter Seventy LJ

Though the royal family had very little power they flaunted their influence as if they were untouchable. Reed didn’t know of a single alpha

that held them with any particular respect. It was all lip service done to ensure the royal family didn’t interfere with their pack. And yet he

wasn’t sure what would happen if Jason truly challenged them

He watched the princess return to her suitors selecting a tall alpha with dark hair. Reed couldn't help but see the similarities between that

unfortunate male and Jason. He was a little leaner and lacked Jason’s maturity with almost boyish good looks. Even so it was clear the

princess was trying to set an example

After selecting her partner it was tradition for the princess and her escort to celebrate with a dance. It was something Jason begrudgingly

participated in keeping Selena at arm’s length despite her attempts to get closer. With a more willing partner she sashayed into the middle

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of the courtyard using every opportunity to rub and grind against the young male during their dance. She cast furtive glances toward Jason

at every turn hoping to see him watching in envy

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If Jason noticed he gave no indication as he and Phoebe continued to greet alphas and lunas he had close ties to. Moving from the

Strawberry Moon pair they next met with Alpha Hymen and Luna Kleio of the New Moon pack. Like Harvest Moon, New Moon was a pack

of intellectuals and prided themselves on preserving the history of their kind as well as their predecessors, the Lycans. Even from a glance it

was clear Phoebe and Kleio were getting along famously with no sign of awkwardness. Though surprising at first glance, Reed realized it

shouldn't be given Phoebe’s formal education

It was clear Jason had lost the train of the conversation as the lunas chatted amicably. While he remained silent he smiled and marveled at

Chapter Seventy YL Phoebe’s ease and grace as she held her own with such learned wolves. His embrace tightened and he continually

nuzzled her, reveling in her intellectual prowess. The attention earned him the occasional elbow. Not once did he spare a single glance to

the couple on the dance floor

As Selena’s partner spun her Phoebe’s laughter rang out from Jason’s amorous advances. Burning with rage the princess couldn't take it

anymore. She twirled away from her partner and stormed toward the happy couple. Neither took notice of her even as she neared them and

declared, “I challenge for the position of Luna!”

Phoebe blinked finally noted Selena who stood pointing at her. Jason growled glaring at her audacity. All around them, conversation and

festivities ceased. Not in anyone's lifetime had they witnessed such an event before and certainly not with a Luna who was already mated

and marked by her Goddess-given mate

Phoebe frowned, “Is that even a thing?”

“Well,” Alpha Hyman explained, “since Lycans didn’t have fated mates they freely challenged each other for titles, land, honor, mates,

whatever and since most of our original laws were copied from theirs challenges are still technically legal. Though, I've never heard of a

Luna being challenged after she’s been marked.”

“Princess Selena,” Jason somehow maintained an even voice, “have you lost the last of your senses?”

“She doesn’t deserve to stand beside you!” Selena raised her voice to almost a shriek. “She doesn’t deserve you at all! You should be


Jason snarled his embrace around Phoebe tightening at the thought of any other wolf in his arms. Phoebe coolly eyed her would-be rival

and almost seemed bored by the drama in front of her as far as the other guests could tell. They thought she should show a little more

concern. After all, if

Chapter Seventy WY she lost she would either be killed or forcibly demoted to Jason’s mistress while Selena was named Luna since a wolf

couldn't reject a marked


“Are there rules?” Phoebe asked glancing at Hyman and Kleio

“Oh, um...yes,” Kleio nodded. “As the challenged party you can decide when, where and in what form the challenge shall take place. The

challenge ends when one submits to the other, is too injured to carry on or . dies.”


“You can choose to fight in human or wolf form. If the former neither party can shift, not even a partial shift although you can rely on your

wolves for speed and strength.”

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Phoebe nodded turning to her wolf, ‘What do you think?/ don’t think! can take her. I've only had defensive training.”

“Let me at her. I'l tear her apart,” Mani snarled

Are you sure? Everyone will see you.” “It’s fine. Our Mate is here. We have nothing to fear” Allright.” Phoebe moved to step forward only for

Jason to tighten his embrace

“Phoebe, no.”

She turned to see him staring at her, his eyes practically glowing

Phoebe didn’t need their bond to feel his apprehension and fear considering she had no sort of combat training. If not for her wolf's

confidence Phoebe wouldn't have even trusted her voice

smiling she gently pulled his face to hers capturing his lips and pouring her love and reassurance into their bond. With a sigh she slowly

pulled away. Her eyes shimmered silver as she smiled at him

Chapter Seventy Y

“It will be all right, Jason,” Phoebe whispered. “Promise.”

Jason growled still not wanting to release her, “If it looks like you're going to be hurt I'm going to put an end to it.”

Phoebe patted his cheek. Yes. He would never allow her to come to harm. She turned back to the princess. This time he didn’t stop her but

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she still felt his concern buzzing through their bond

“Take care of Mate. I'l handle this b***h,” Mani snarled pressing forward and taking control. “Are you sure you want to do this, pup?”

Though her focus was on the princess everyone in attendance felt her aura and fought the urge to bare their necks. Phoebe’s normally soft

voice took on a huskier tone. Even Jason was surprised and would have worried if not for Phoebe’s soothing presence humming in their

bond. Lobo was fighting for control wanting to protect their mate but quieted as Phoebe’s voice whispered in their mind, “Don’t worry.

Mani knows what she is doing

Jason frowned. Did Phoebe mean her wolf was in control? It was rare for their wolves to seize control when they were still in human form

Watching as Phoebe approached there was no awkwardness in her gate which was the usual sign a wolf was trying to manipulate a body

they weren't familiar with. Yet considering how in sync Phoebe was with her wolf perhaps it wasn’t a surprise they could switch so easily

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exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

“You are nothing but an omega,” Selena sneered. “I'm the Princess and a white wolfi”

“Oh, pup. Someone has been filling your head with nonsense. White wolves are nothing special. They just get dirty faster.”

Selena scoffed nearly choking on her outrage. Ever since her first shift her mother had been praising her beauty and rarity. White wolves

were seldom seen so their appearance was always celebrated. How dare this

Chapter Seventy she-wolf claim different!

“Do you accept the challenge or not?” Selena demanded

“Accept, of course,” Phoebe’s silver gaze shimmered with amusement

“Here and now will be fine. Our wolves will settle the score. No proxies

You will fight your own battle this time.”

Selena sucked in a breath, twitching. It was a little known rule that royalty could rely on a proxy to fight their duels to prevent injury to

themselves unless stipulated before the start. She had been planning to send in a warrior. If she tried to now she would be forfeiting the


The gathered crowd murmured amongst themselves. Rumors traveled fast and many heard Phoebe hadn't even shifted for the traditional

moonlit run. Many took it as a sign she was indeed wolfless. But now she accepted a challenge and wished to fight in their wolf forms. Was

she not wolfless? And no proxies? What if the princess was injured?

And yet..

There was no denying the aura that swirled around Phoebe engulfing them all. There was a weight to it that was hard to resist. They not

only wanted to bare their necks but also take a knee in reverence

“Remember pup, you wanted this. Don’t hesitate now.”