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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 59
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Chapter Fifty-Nine of Chapter Fifty-Nine

“Careful with that! You caf!” a young man yelled as the Blue Moon warrior dropped his bags inside the foyer

The young male was quite bold considering he was barely twenty and the warrior in question outweighed him by over a hundred pounds

and several inches taller. To his credit the warrior simply glared at the young pup when he could have easily rolled his head

“Is this how Blue Moon treats its guests?”

“Greetings, young Alpha Erick,” Phoebe stepped forward giving the warrior an apologetic nod

The warrior bowed deeply baring his neck in reverence to his Luna

Then he turned and retreated outside leaving the young alpha in her hands

Turning back to their guest she said, “Welcome to Blue Moon.”

“And who are you supposed to be?” he sneered looking her up and down. Though not full-grown, he was quite a bit taller than her

“I'm the Luna,” Phoebe said keeping her voice neutral as Mani snorted in disgust

“You're the Luna?” he snapped in surprise

Phoebe nodded, “You maycallme Luna or Luna Phoebe. Either is acceptable.”

“And you can call me Alpha,” he smirked

“I think not.” “What?” he was clearly surprised by her answer

“A pack can only have one alpha,” Phoebe explained. “My mate is the

Chapter Fifty-Nine wy Blue Moon's Alpha. You are a guest, that is all.”

“You can't talk to me like that”

“Oh yes, I can,” Phoebe said with a small smile. “And [just did.”

“I guess that explains the carelessness of the help,” Erick sneered

“Don is not a porter. He happens to be one of Blue Moon’s top warriors,” Phoebe said. “Given he may be assisting in your training it would

be wise not to test him too much before you face him in the arena.”

“He can’t hurt me.”

“Iwouldn’t be too sure about that,” Phoebe said. “But we have excellent healers so you will be returned to your pack unharmed.”

She let her warning sink in before she gestured for him to follow

“It's nearly noon so you are probably hungry. Or would you prefer to freshen up.”

“Food is fine.”

Phoebe nodded noting his more subdued nature. She linked the maid to take his suitcases to his assigned room as she escorted him into

the dining hall. While breakfast and dinner were more extravagant affairs lunch was served buffet style over the course of several hours

allowing pack members to eat whenever it was convenient

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“Here we are, Erick,” Phoebe indicated the buffet table. “You can come back for as many servings as you wish.”

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“I'm expected to serve myself?”

“Only if you wish to eat,” Phoebe said


She turned and smiled as the daycare entered the dining hall for their

lunch. Emma and Blake chuckled helping them serve up their plates before directing them to a table. The rest of the kids quickly followed

with their

Chapter Fifty-Nine if own plates. Phoebe and their chaperones kept busy settling them in before getting their own plates

Once everyone was settled Blake and Emma happily chatted about their day. A number of kids wanted to know when they could venture

outside again. Only a month ago she had a new playset installed on the pack grounds. It had no less than seven different slides, three

bridges, monkey bars and numerous climbing walls. There were ten swings and three tire swings as well as a climbing dome

Phoebe fretted she couldn't give them an answer but promised it would be soon. Normally the pups would be taken outside several times a

day to play. For now the packhouse was on lockdown with only the warriors allowed to freely move about. Because of this the lunch room

was more crowded than usual as many pack members were forbidden from their usual duties

“Watch what you are doing you miserable wencht™

Phoebe stiffened her gaze immediately settling on their guest as he stood over an omega server

“I'm s-s-sorry,” the server stuttered shuffling back

“S-s-sorry?” he mocked loosening his belt. “Oh, you will be.”

“You will do no such thing,” Phoebe’s voice rang out over the hall as her aura suddenly filled the room

Conversation immediately halted as the pack members bared their necks in difference to their Luna. It had been weeks since any of them

incited the Luna's anger and they certainly didn’t want to be the one that incurred it now. Erick turned ready to snap at her until the weight

of her aura settled over him. It was all he could do to keep his legs from buckling

He looked to see Phoebe’s eyes shining silver. Despite her petite


Chapter Fifty-Nine frame her aura made it seem as if she was towering over him. As much as he wanted to shrug it off and assert his

dominance his wolf whimpered keeping its tail tucked between its legs

“You will not raise a hand or your voice at any pack member. You have no authority here,” Phoebe spoke low Manis voice seeping into hers.

“And since your parents failed to teach you basic manners I'l do so on their behalf. Since you don’t appreciate the work of others you will

not enjoy the fruits of their labor. For as long as you are here no one will feed you and no one will clean up after you nor do your laundry.”

Phoebe turned away placing a gentle arm around the weeping omega and whispered encouraging words as she escorted her away

“Y-you can’t do that,” Erick managed to say

“lam Luna and this is my pack, little alpha. I assure you, I can.” Phoebe glanced at him. “Your room in on the third floor, left from the

elevator and three doors down. Enjoy your stay with us.”


Phoebe sat watching the pups as they ate their dinner. It had been a long day and tensions were still running high as the warriors remained

on alert. Pack members who normally lived away from the packhouse elected to stay as they were still in lockdown leading to a rather full

house. Jason had not said anything else through the link and she did not want to distract

him by being nosy

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“There are my babies,” a deep voice said pulling Phoebe from her gloom

She jerked to attention to see Jason approach. He wore a new pair of sweats and tee-shirt. His hair was still damp indicating he had taken a

quick shower to wash away the day's labors. Bending down he kissed the tops of Emma and Blake's head before embracing Phoebe who


Chapter Fifty-Nine wo Jason bowed his head nibbling her neck and breathing in her scent

Ever since the patrols first sent out the alert protecting Phoebe and the pups was the only thing on his mind. They did not let any of the

rogues live although one had a radio collar they previously tagged it with almost six month ago. All of the rogues had been taken to the

research labs and patrols doubled. Jason was not satisfied until every inch of the border was checked. Ben and Luke finally prevailed on him

to return to the packhouse

His presence would reassure the pack and his Luna would calm him

“How has it been?” Jason asked resting his forehead against hers

“Oh, just a little drama from our guest.”

“Drama?” Jason repeated

“Alpha Jason!”

He tured to see a young man marching toward him. He had sandy blonde hair and a clean-shaved face though it was more likely he hadn't

yet managed to grow any facial hair in his young life. If the man would smile he would be quite handsome but right now his expression was

twisted in a scowl

“Erick, I take it,” Jason said feeling the young man’s aura precede him

Though it had no effect it was considered rude not to control one’s aura when on another alpha’s territory

“Ihave a complaint! This she-wolf here has insulted me and ridiculed me! What are you going to do about it?”

“What happened?” Jason asked

“He was rude when he arrived,” Phoebe said. “He deliberately tripped Sonya and then tried to punish her for an accident he caused. Since

he is lacking manners he is being taught a lesson in how to appreciate others.”

Chapter Fifty-Nine a

“See, she admits it! So what are you going to do about it?” Erick snarled

Jason growled warning startling the young alpha. He couldn't tell if the pup was just that arrogant or that stupid, “Nothing.”


“My Luna can do whatever she wants,” Jason smiled turning his attention back to Phoebe. “Let's eat. I'm starved.”

He directed her back to the table as a server brought out a heaping plate and set it down in his usual spot. Jason slid into the seat pulling

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Phoebe into his lap. Kissing her he nodded to the plate

“Eat up.”

“But that's yours,” Phoebe protested. “And I've already eaten.”

“I'saw your plate. It was still half full. Eat. Ill finish what you don’t

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on novelenglish.net for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away,

exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

“Jason...” Phoebe stifled a protest as he nibbled her ear. His chest rumbled with a grow!

“Eat, my angel,” Jason whispered. “You know you should.”

Phoebe sighed knowing there was no use arguing. Picking up the fork she speared some asparagus. She wasn't sure how much she would

have to eat to appease him but he was right about her leaving half her plate. She had been so anxious she barely had an appetite. Now that

he was back with her the smell of dinner was stimulating her hunger. Cutting up the roast she ate another mouthful before offering the next

to him

He gave her a somewhat annoyed glance but would never refuse being fed by her. His mother and sister chuckled but it was easy enough

to ignore with his Luna safe in his arms. For the first time all day Lobo relaxed with a sigh of satisfaction

Chapter Fifty-Nine

The peaceful moment was interrupted with a harsh growl. Jason raised an eyebrow glancing at the young alpha he already dismissed. Lobo

gave an irritated huff more annoyed that their time with their Luna was being interrupted than the young pup’s challenge

Though Jason hadn't said a word the young man took a step back feeling the weight of his aura press down on him. Jason could almost

give him credit for not baring his neck in submission but at the moment he didn’t want to give the young alpha any points

“W-what am I supposed to eat?” Erick finally stammered

“You can eat whatever you decide to make for yourself” Phoebe answered. “The kitchen is right over there. You can help yourself.”

“I don’t cook,” he snorted

“You can at least make a sandwich, can’t you?” Phoebe chastised. “ Since you are here you are free to take one of our cooking classes. Even

an alpha should learn to make a few things for himself


“Don’t you think it would be nice to treat your mate to a home-cooked meal every now and again?” Phoebe asked. “I know whenever Jason

makes something it’s quite enjoyable.”

“He cooks?” Erick snorted and earned a grow!

“Daddy makes spaghettil” Emma happily declared

“I know a few things,” Jason said. “I'm nowhere near as talented as my Luna but I do love to provide for her.”

Phoebe smiled pecking him on the lips

“Or you can apologize to the staff” Phoebe turned her attention back to the young alpha

“Me? Apologize to an omega?”

Chapter Fifty-Nine “If not. I suggest you get used to sandwiches.” Erick hesitated expecting Jason to interject but Jason's attention returned

fully to Phoebe as she continued to feed him. With a scowl he finally stormed off to the kitchen