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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39 WZ Chapter 39

Camilla lay on the cot, shivering. She never realized Blue Moon had a prison. The cells were clean, though sparse. Hers only contained the

cot firmly attached to the wall and an Asian-style toilet beside a sink also firmly attached to the silver-lined wall. They left her in the

minimum security wing where the interior wall was only bars, allowing her to see down the hall and the empty cells across from her own

The pack warrior hadn't even asked her name before, tossing her into the cell without a second thought. Securing the door, he left her

without a word or blanket and her dress was still somewhere on the alphas floor. The silver bars, as well as the silver rebar in the walls,

prevented her from contacting William, so she was forced to stay put through the long, cold night

Memory of the confrontation on the alpha floor was burned into her mind. Jason was everything she imagined. But with that was also the

image of his company and the way he practically devoured Phoebe fresh out of the shower. The smell of their recent lovemaking was thick

in the steam, wafting around them. He was clearly eager for more

He had taken one look at Camilla’s voluptuous form and flew into a rage. Tossing her aside like a piece of trash, he immediately turned back

to Phoebe. As much disgust and anger as he had exhibited towards Camilla, he was filled with longing and lust as he swept Phoebe off her

feet and carried her away. Jason was clearly wrapped around her finger. How did such a petite, inadequately endowed she-wolf manage to

snag the most desirable Alpha in the entire world?

“Here she is.”

Chapter 39 WZ

Camilla jerked to attention at the sound of the deep, male voice

Jason stood at the front of the cell staring at her through the bars with a look of disdain. He was joined by another and her stomach

dropped as William came into her view. William curled his lip in disgust

“Pll leave her to you,” Jason said, before departing without a second look

Her guard appeared, unlocking the door and granted William access before disappearing. Camilla stood as William entered. Licking her lips,


tried to make an excuse. Before she said a word, he slapped her across the face, causing her to stumble back in surprise

“So I'm not good enough for you, is that it?” William growled. “All that talk about being chosen mates was all lies. You just want to be Luna,

you don’t care whose!”

“Of course I care.”

“That's right, you want to be Jason's even though he already has his Luna”

“She's just a wolfless...”

Another slap cut her off, stinging her other cheek

“She's a Luna! A true Luna! Something you will never be!” William growled. “Get back to the room and get some clothes on. There are pups

around here!”

He stalked out of the cell and left her to make her own way back to their suite. Her face burned with embarrassment thinking he would

eventually return to escort her, at least bring her something to cover herself up with, but the cells remained silent. Not even the guard came

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back to check on her. Eventually, she had no choice but to accept William wasn’t coming back

Finally, she slowly made her way out, moving along the wall to the

Chapter 39 Ww exit. A guard stood by, but said nothing as she continued past the first gate and slowly made her way to the entrance where

a pair of guards manned the front desk. They barely looked at her despite her nudity. With her face burning red, she marched toward the

door. They buzzed her out, allowing her to leave without a word

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The morning breeze was cool against her heated skin. Her wolf was a whimpering ball of self-pity in her mind and no amount of prodding

succeeded in stirring her. With a disgusted growl, Camilla tuned in what she thought was the direction of the packhouse. Wolves had very

little inhibitions when it came to nudity, but Camilla couldn't shake her feelings of shame as she finally made it to her goal

slinking through the back door, smells wafted from the kitchen telling her breakfast was being served. Breathing a sigh of relief, knowing

the hallways would be empty, Camilla quickly made her way to the fourth floor and finally reached William's suite

She would make that b***h pay. There was one surefire way to put Phoebe in her place. Camilla would challenge her for her Luna position.

In front of so many witnesses, Phoebe wouldn't be able to say no. There was no way that wolfless b***h would be able to fend off Camilla’s


Then everyone would see her for what she was: worthless, weak and rejected. And Jason would realize the mistake he made

He was a strong Alpha and needed a strong Luna. Camilla had no doubt in her mind that she was that she-wolf. Everyone would agree with

her. They wouldn't be able to deny it


“Mommy! Pancakes!” Emma squealed, showing off her plate as Phoebe sat next to her

“Emma, are you getting any of that in your mouth?” Phoebe chuckled,

Chapter 39 Ww gently wiping the pup’s face before rubbing noses with her

“So I heard you had an interesting night,” Lucille said, eyeing her to gauge her response

Phoebe gave her sister-in-law a waning look. She wasn't surprised rumors were floating around the pack after she summoned a warrior to

take the she-wolf away before Jason killed her. It certainly wasn't a pleasant experience to be interrupted in the middle of their nightly

activity, but she didn’t think it made appropriate table talk, especially not in front of the pups

Lucille seemed to catch the hint and smirked as she sipped her coffee in silence, or perhaps she never expected an answer in the first place.

She heard enough last night and Ben had a long discussion with several guards in the morning. As much as she wanted information from

the source, Lucille supposed she could wait for a private moment

“Daddy!” Emma greeted as Jason approached

Smiling, he kissed the top of the pups’ heads. His heart swelled with pride to see his family compete: mother, sister, mate and pups. It

definitely made his long wait worth it

“Is everything all right?” Phoebe asked, sensing his inner disquiet

“Yeah. Everything's taken care of

She nodded, not needing more explanation

“Alpha Jason.”

He turned, smiling as he reached to shake the offered hand, “Alpha Reed. I've been waiting for you.”

The other grimaced, not sure if he should be flattered or apprehensive. Now that Jason was mated, his influence was certain to grow. In fact,

Reed could already feel it. His wolf was tucking its tail

Chapter 39 Ww between its legs in acknowledgment of Jason's authority. It was an uncomfortable feeling for any alpha. But even among

alphas there was rank

“Phoebe,” Jason reached for her. She placed her hand in his and allowed herself to be drawn out of her seat to stand in his embrace. *

Phoebe, this is Alpha Reed of Harvest Moon, the one I told you about

Reed, this is my mate and Luna, Phoebe.”

Reed's height rivaled Jason's and his frame was thin and wiry. What he lacked in overall bulk and strength he made up for in speed. He was

not an alpha to be taken lightly, though, like most in his pack, he was an intellectual. Harvest Moon specialized in medicine and had

developed most of the medical techniques packs currently employed. They also held patents on various medicines and equipment that

revolutionized human medical treatments

She smiled warmly as he looked at her with undisguised shock. It was clear she was not the she-wolf he expected and, like her wolf, she was

amused, “Hello, Alpha Reed. It's nice to meet you. Jason has told me a lot about you and your pack.”

“Yes. Thank you. It’s nice to meet you too, Luna Phoebe,” Reed stuttered, trying to find his words. “Forgive me, but [ wasn’t..”

“You were expecting someone else,” she nodded, feeling Jason tense though he remained outwardly calm

“You know?”

“We met briefly,” Phoebe acknowledged. “I certainly can’t fault her for her taste, but it’s rather unbecoming to covet a place that was not

meant for you.”

Reed smiled, “That is very true. 1am happy to see Jason has finally

found his fated mate. Chloe will be upset she missed seeing you.”

Chapter 39 Ww

“She didn’t come with you?” Jason asked, relaxing now that the conversation moved on

“No. She’s almost six months along with our third pup,” Reed shook his head

Jason nodded in understanding. For as long as he had known the other Alpha, Reed had been mated to his fated partner, Chloe. Reed had

been lucky that his mate was the daughter of his father's Beta. They had grown up together and eagerly accepted each other as soon as

their wolves emerged

Jason had always been jealous of him. But those days were in the past. Now he had Phoebe. Jason bowed his head to nuzzle her and

breathe in her scent, reassuring himself she was indeed in his arms. He often dreamed of his mate, but he would never be able to imagine

her scent

Reed cleared his throat, well aware of a male’s attachment to his mate. In fact, he was aching because of the distance separating him from

his own. He almost declined the invitation when it first arrived, knowing Chloe wouldn't be able to attend. But the invitation came with a

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request for a private meeting, indicating a business proposal Jason did not want to discuss through open channels

Blue Moon was a pack that specialized in security while Harvest Moon's expertise was medicine. They were two different worlds that seldom

crossed. Reed was intrigued by what kind of proposal Jason intended. Chloe urged him to attend without her and at least hear the other

alpha out. Jason was a reasonable wolf and whatever he wanted to discuss was no doubt important

Reed was already glad he had decided to attend now that he confirmed Jason had found his fated mate. With Phoebe by his side, he would

become a major influence among the other alphas, so keeping him

Chapter 39 Ww and Blue Moon as close allies would benefit Harvest Moon. It was clear, Jason had the same intention if he was already

seeking some sort of

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“My mate couldn’t attend, so I brought my sister instead,” Reed said. = This is my sister, Lily.”

He turned to the female beside him who had remained silent during their introductions. She was almost as tall and just as lanky as her

brother, standing just shy of six feet. Her brown hair was tied back in a low ponytail and seemed stringy, lacking care. She was also pale and

there were dark rings under her eyes. Phoebe recognized the signs; her heart went out to the other she-wolf. It was clear Lily was suffering

from a rejection and had been filling her sleepless nights with research

Before she could greet the visiting she-wolf, another voice intruded, ** Excuse me, Jason...”

They turned to see William approach. His expression was downcast and shamed by last night's events. He thought it was best if he left for

the time being, not wanting to sour the mood of the weekend. But as he approached he was suddenly hit by the scent of strongly sweet

bluebells with a more subtle minty smell. The smell brought him to a sudden halt as he stared at the statuesque she-wolf in front of him

Like the others, Lily had turned at the sound of the males voice and now stood transfixed as the scent of sandalwood and clove filled her


Jason moved to say something, but Phoebe stopped him with a nudge, a gentle smile on her face

William finally broke his silence with a hesitant question, “Mate?”

Lily trembled as she nodded. William finally moved, closing the distance between them, pulling her towards him. He eagerly captured her

mouth with longing and tenderness she couldnt believe. She was several

Chapter 39 Ww inches taller than him despite wearing flats, but that meant nothing as he eagerly explored her mouth

Jason and Reed stood in open shock. Neither had expected this turn of events. Phoebe leaned against Jason, pulling his arms around her.

He sensed her contentment and hugged her close

When the pair finally broke their hungry kiss Phoebe cleared her throat saying, “Perhaps you two would like to have your breakfast in a

quieter table?”

She gestured toward a few tables scattered along the wall that offered a little more privacy. The pair merely nodded and made their way to

one of them, not taking their eyes off each other. Phoebe bit her lip, trying to contain her mirth even as she opened a mindlink


“Yes, Luna.”

“1 know you are busy, but I would appreciate it if someone could head to Alpha William's suite and...fumigate it. He just met his fated mate

and I don’t think she'd appreciate another female's scent.”

“Of course, Luna. Leave it to us.”