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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 34
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“Here's an updated budget for the Luna Ceremony,” Luke said as he handed him a folder.

Jason sighed opening it, “Seriously? How much does my mother expect to spend on this?”

Luke chuckled knowing Jason would sign off on it. No expense was too much for his Luna even if she thought they were already spending

too much. Norah was taking full advantage and Lucille and Mona were helping. The pack had gone a long time without a proper Luna so

~ everyone wanted to pull out all the stops. The ceremony was still a week away and preparations were humming along.

The invitations had been sent to various packs and almost all RSVP'd their intentions to join the pack for its long awaited induction. Many

had also included congratulations knowing how long Jason searched for his mate.

Jason was content to see his pack so enthusiastic so he didn’t mind the constantly changing budget. What was more they were already

feeling Phoebe’s influence. The pack was much calmer. There were fewer arguments and almost zero fights. Harassment of the lower ranks,

Soe Sesos hobs bod oboboo-tettoy if was nonexistent. Mealtimes were boisterous but everyone kept it to

Not only was the pack calmer but they were more focused. The warriors were more serious about their training, patrols of the border were

more thorough and rogues were handled more efficiently. In Jason's mind even the meals had improved in flavor and scope but he did miss

Phoebe’s home cooking. She had yet to make a private meal just for them but he didn’t want to disrupt her settling into the pack.

“Garrison dropped off his selections,” Luke added handing Jason another file.

He took this one with intense interest. The warrior had written down eight names. Luke included profiles on each of the wolves with a

description of their strengths, experience, training and achievements. He was pleased to note all were highly decorated warriors with ample


“He included eight names in case there were any you objected to,” Luke said.

Jason nodded. He originally intended it to be a six-man team but eight warriors allowed for alternates making the team more flexible when

it came to traveling. Jason trusted Garrison to organize his team appropriately.

“Approved,” Jason said. “Tell Garrison he can pull his team and start training them.”

Luke nodded. He expected as much. Even after a week Jason's protectiveness over Phoebe had not diminished. If anything it had increased.

What was more Jason's alpha aura seemed to becoming more potent. He exuded it without trying and commanded attention wherever he

stepped into a room. Luke had known Jason's influence would grow once he found his Luna but even he was surprised by just how much.

The phone suddenly rang on the beta’s desk. He glanced at the caller ID before answering, “Elder, this is Beta Luke.”

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Jason perked up at Luke's practiced greeting.

“Of course. He is right here,” Luke brought the phone to Jason. “Elder Ansel, Alpha.”

Jason grunted taking the phone, “Elder Ansel.”

“Ah, Alpha Jason...'m calling in regards to the balm you submitted to us for a patent.”

“You have analyzed it I trust.

“We have completed the first set of trails....but I'd rather not discuss this over the phone.”

“Of course. When should we expect you?”

“Ihave time in a few days and I was planning to attend your pack’s Luna Ceremony.”

“We look forward to your visit,” Jason agreed.

The line disconnected and Jason handed it back to Luke with a thoughtful look. Luke eyed the phone than his alpha, “What do you think?”

“You know how long wolves have searched for a means to heal silver wounds.”

“Practically since we started roaming the earth,” Luke nodded.

“I figured they'd want to keep the information secure until it's confirmed,” Jason said.

“Which is why he didn’t want to talk about it over the phone.”

Jason nodded. He had absolute faith in Phoebe so he was confident in the balm Bridget developed. The Council didn’t have the luxury of

his confidence so they would want to confirm everything concerned with the balm. His only worry was that the balm had originally been

invented in another pack as such Rimrock could claim propriety. But Phoebe and Bridget had made it independently without using any of

the packs resources and Jason hoped that would give his pack the edge.

In any case they wouldn't know the Council's thoughts until the Elder arrived. Jason was prepared to defend Bridget’s rights to her creation

regardless of whether Blue Moon was awarded the patent rights. He was already researching the next step.

Every pack had their specialty that earned the majority of the pack’s finances. Blue Moon specialized in security. Wolves, witches and

humans alike contacted them to provide security teams for important personages. Other packs specialized in medicine and medical

treatments. Although it would mean less money for his pack if they partnered with another they could be able to manufacture and

distribute much more easily.

Jason was willing to sacrifice some of his pack’s potential profits if it meant more creatures who needed the balm would receive it.

Ultimately he would leave the final decision to Phoebe and Bridget to determine how they would market and distribute the balm.

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“Elder Ansel, welcome,” Luke greeted as the aged wolf exited the armored SUV.

Almost seventy Ansel looked closer to fifty-five as wolves aged more slowly once they reached their twenties. His once black hair was salt n-

peppered now but his blue eyes were still clear and keen. He smiled amicably to the Beta.

“There seems to be quite a lot of activity,” Ansel noted looking where the pack members were stringing lanterns and icicle lights.

“The Luna Ceremony is in three days,” Luke smiled. “Were expecting the alphas weve invited to stare arriving later today.”

“Ah yes,” Ansel nodded though he was already well aware as he planned to stay to witness it himself.

“We've prepared a room for you. Did you want to head there first?”

“No.1 think it would be best to see Alpha Jason first.

“Of course, follow me.” Luke expected as much and led the Elder up to the office while others carried his bags to the prepared room.

Luke knocked on the door before opening it and announced their guest. Jason immediately stood coming around his desk to shake hands

with the Elder having already been informed of his arrival through the link. Ben was also in attendance.

“Would you like a drink?” Jason asked gesturing for Ansel to sit.

“Yes please, my usual.”

Ben nodded retrieving brandy from the cabinet and poured for their guest. For Jason he poured whiskey before joining Luke at the door to

ensure they were not interrupted. Ansel sniffed the brandy savoring it. It was human made so it wouldn't affect him but the flavor was much

better than a werewolf blend as aconite added a bitter aftertaste.

“Very fine,” Ansel sighed. “First, I believe congratulations are in order. I know you've been looking for your mate for a long time.”

Jason nodded, “I have but she was worth the wait.”

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exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

Ansel chuckled. Jason sounded like a wolf in love and the devotion was certainly genuine. When Ansel originally received the invitation he

was worried knowing how long Jason waited for a mate and thought perhaps he had taken a chosen mate. A chosen mate was fine for

other wolves but for an alpha, especially one as powerful as Jason, it could have dire consequences. But it was clear to him Jason had found

his true, fated mate. He was relieved.

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Blue Moon had suffered considerably with the disharmony of their previous Alpha and Luna. After taking over Jason had instilled a sense of

stability and the pack’s bonds were largely repaired but without a Luna it was incomplete. A fated mate was always an alpha’s first choice

and in the past they found them with relative ease. Now; however, it was becoming more difficult for higher ranked wolves to find their

fated mates and the Council was at a loss to explain why.

Knowing how important mates were the Moon Goddess generally ensured they would find each other. Mates were often found in

neighboring packs if not their own. But there were exceptions. It had taken Jason over a decade and his mate had been found in a pack a

considerable distance away. Ansel expected great things from Jason's Luna.

“I look forward to meeting her,” Ansel said taking out a file, “as to the other business that brought me here.”

Jason accepted the thin folder and looked over the graphs illustrating the test results.

“As I explained over the phone we completed the first round of tests and they were...unbelievable. The healing rate of wounds was almost

three times faster with the balm and scarring was dramatically lessoned,” Ansel said.

Jason was surprised to see the numbers but not by the result after Bridget and Phoebe explained it. He had full faith and trust in their

balm’s remarkable ability.

“We wolves have been searching for millennia for a cure for silver and we've never come as close as this. I must ask...how did you do it?”

“I didn’t,” Jason shook his head. “The honor goes to someone else.”

He looked to his Beta and Gamma giving them a nod. Ben bowed before departing. Ansel watched the silent exchange with a note of

curiosity. He didn’t sense them link which meant this was preplanned or the Gamma knew his Alpha’s intention without the need for

instruction. They waited several minutes before a knock announced the Gamma’s return. With him arrived a pair of she-wolves.

Jason stood immediately claiming the polite, silver-eyed one kissing her temple. The gesture seemed familiar to them both. Even so she

blushed at his attention.

“Elder Ansel,” Jason finally tured to his guest, “I'd like to introduce my mate and Luna, Phoebe, as well as our new pack member, Bridget.”

“Luna, hello,” Ansel hurriedly stood bowing to the dark-haired beauty.

“Phoebe, this is Elder Ansel from the Council,” Jason explained.

“Hello,” she sweetly smiled. “Please sit.”

Bridget sat on a chair while Jason pulled Phoebe into his lap refusing to allow her to sit anywhere else. Ansel watched as unobtrusively as he

could noting the Alpha and Luna’s body language and was satisfied though it was still unclear as to why the Moon Goddess made it so

difficult for them to find each other. There had to be a reason behind it.