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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 25
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Phoebe stirred, snuggling into the warm body beside her. The woodsie scent she loved surrounded her. Her fingers trailed through a mini

forest of soft hair, peppering a firm chest. The campfire scent became more pungent and was accompanied by the smell of roasted

marshmallows. It made her mouth water.

“Angel, unless we plan to finish...it is best to stop now,” a husky voice intruded her half-wakeful state.

She blinked to find herself pressed against Jason’s muscular torso. Her nose was inches from his neck where his scent was strongest. Face

turning red, she looked up to see Jason watching, his dark eyes swirling. He smiled, leaning toward her and kissed her longingly. Phoebe

moaned as he drew out the kiss, nipping her lip before invading her mouth.

Mani stirred, encouraging the waking urges. Jason groaned, breaking the kiss and catching his breath. Her scent took on the spicy note,

signaling her arousal. It made his mouth water and he hungered for more.

“Goddess angel, you smell so good,” he said. “But if you're not ready, we definitely need to stop.”

“...L..don’t know.”

“Shh. Shh.” He ran his fingers through her hair, sensing her anxiety. “It’s okay. We won't if you're not ready.”

“Why are you so patient with me?”

“Because I love you, angel. And I want you to be happy and comfortable and safe.” He rubbed noses with her as they both slowly came

down from their aroused states. When he felt her relax, he kissed her forehead. “I'll shower first. You rest.”

She nodded and watched him retreat to the bathroom. Phoebe knew the distance was for their own good, but she longed to be near him.

What was going on with her?

“It’s the bond,” Mani said. ‘It’s natural to be attracted to your Mate.”

“Yes, but...”

“He is the first male to ever show you consideration, so it’s not any wonder you wouldn't recognize what it feels like to be aroused by


¢...Is that what it was?”

“Hmm. And he was definitely interested. His arousal scent is yummy.’

“Do you mean that marshmallow smell?”


Phoebe buried her face into the pillow, breathing deep. The dogwood and campfire scent was strong. She was just able to detect the

roasted marshmallow scent again. She wondered if her scent changed too. Everything was moving so fast.

“Actually you're moving pretty slow,’ Mani said. ‘Most males can’t wait to mate, especially an Alpha. He must have some major self-control.

“Maybe he’s not interested.”

“Don’t you dare think that!” Mani growled. ‘It’s because he cares that he’s waiting. He doesn’t want you to have any regrets.’

Phoebe chewed her lip.

“He's trying to romance you, so let him romance you."

“How will I know when I'm ready? I don’t want to make him wait forever.’

“When you're ready, you'll know. I dare say you're almost ready now.”

“But how will I even know what to do?’

“Trust your instincts. That's why I'm here and trust our Mate.”

Phoebe blushed. Mani had never expressed interest in carnal desires before. Now, she was suddenly talking about it so casually. Wolf spirits

seldom showed any interest in sx unless it was with their mate, so that wasn’t unusual.

“Just go with it and don’t think about it too much.”

Jason stared at his email, but his mind was elsewhere. He was happy her nickname made her feel special. Her previous mate hadn't spent a

single minute with her before rejecting her out of hand and apparently no one else had taken interest in her either. While he didn’t like the

thought of any male spending time with her, it did upset him that no one saw her perfection.

“Well, you're deep in thought,” Luke said, “want to share with the class?”

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Jason blinked, looking at his Beta who he had ignored for the past several minutes. Luke sat at his own desk off to the side with a curious

look in his gaze.

“Did something happen last night? Something good?”

“No. At least, not what you are thinking,” Jason said. “It almost happened this morning though.”

Luke jerked to attention. “Almost?”

Jason folded his hands and rested his chin on them. His mood was pensive as he pondered his own thoughts.

“...50 what happened?”

“Last night she said she liked my scent and that I make her feel special.”

“That's good. So what's got you concerned?”

“This morning we kissed.”


“Ismelled her arousal.”


“It’s not the first time, but it was definitely stronger this morning than it was before,” Jason said. “She seemed uncomfortable with it.”


“I think it's the first time she’s ever felt it, if that makes sense.”

It was one thing if no one had pursued her as a partner before, but even Jason had explored other means of release. Self-gratification was a

far cry from being with one’s mate, but it helped take the edge off...usually. He certainly had never heard of one being unprepared for their

natural urges.

“So what happened after that?”

“I calmed her down.”


«...She smelled fantastic,” Jason sighed, rubbing his face.

Luke chuckled. That wasn’t surprising. The scent of one’s mate always seemed tailored to attract them, making them hunger for them. Luke

had a sweet tooth so he hadn’t been surprised his mate had a caramel note to her scent.

“Well, she probably thought you smelled just as good.”

Jason grunted.

Luke gave his friend a sympathetic look. At first, he thought Jason's problem was solved as soon as he scented his mate, but now Luke

realized it was only the beginning. Jason was determined to move at Phoebe’s pace. Luke only hoped his friend could take the slow pace

when everything in him urged him to complete the bond.


Jason grunted as the border guards opened a link to him, “I'm here.”

“Alpha Thomas is at the main gate. He says he wants to talk to you.”

“Thomas?” Jason gave Luke a questioning look.

The Beta shrugged. Alpha Thomas was a close ally. A visit wasn’t unusual; however, he usually planned his appearance well in advance.

Neither of them could remember a time he showed up unexpectedly.

“Does he say why?”

“No. But he’s here with his normal escort and...daughter.”

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“send him through.”

Jason waited for their affirmative before closing the link.

“Here with his daughter,” Luke repeated.

They shared a look, thinking about the incident at breakfast.

“Where is Phoebe?”

“At the daycare, last I checked.”

Jason nodded. Unlike her old pack, here the young ones were minded by a collective of mothers and some unmated she-wolves each taking

turns watching and entertaining them for the day. Naturally, the daycare had been a topic of discussion throughout the course of last

night's party and he wasn’t surprised when Phoebe showed interest in it. As an education professional, she had several ideas about how to

improve and organize it.

“Have Ben find her and stick close.”

“Expecting trouble?”


There were consequences for assaulting an alpha’s offspring. Phoebe may be his mate, but she wasn’t marked yet. Until then, her position

as Luna was unofficial. As far as he was concerned, those were just formalities. Thomas was usually a reasonable wolf, but very defensive

when it came to his daughter. However, if he insisted on retribution, he would find Jason was equally protective of his mate.

“What do you think?” Jason asked.

“This pack will defend its Luna to the death.”

Jason nodded. If Thomas or Katrina intended a fight, it would be one they couldn’t win, though he hoped it wouldn't come to that. Their

packs had been allies since Jason’s great-grandfather’s time. He hoped they could maintain amicable relations.

After several minutes of waiting, there was a knock on his door. Luke stood to answer it, bowing to the alpha and announcing the new

arrivals, “Alpha Thomas and Katrina.”

Jason nodded, closed his laptop and stood. Ignoring Katrina, he greeted Thomas with a handshake, “Welcome. Can I offer you a drink?”

“No, that’s quite all right,” Thomas answered, surprised by Jason’s cordial greeting and relaxed demeanor.

Jason gestured to one of the couches for them to sit while he sat in a chair. Katrina hesitated, expecting him to ask her to join him, but Jason

didn’t spare her a glance. Luke and Thomas's escort remained at the door, waiting for their respective Alpha’s command.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” Jason asked, feigning ignorance.

Thomas cleared his throat, glancing at his daughter to Jason and back again. Jason merely maintained an enigmatic smile and waited.

“As you know, my daughter was visiting your pack. She suddenly returned yesterday very upset. It seems one of your pack members

assaulted her.”

“Did she also tell you that the alleged assault was in retaliation for her assaulting one of my pack members?”

Thomas glanced at his daughter, brows furrowed. Jason knew it was unlikely she explained the entire situation. Katrina always cast herself as

the victim.

“It wasn’t my fault!” Katrina whined. “I was only defending myself.”

“My Beta, Gamma, my sister and myself witnessed the entire incident. Would you like to hear our testimonies?” Jason asked, eyeing her with

a frown.

Katrina fell silent.

“Then there are witnesses to what your pack member did to my daughter,” Thomas said, satisfied. “What do you intend for their


Jason shifted his gaze back to the other alpha. It seemed nothing changed. When it came to Katrina, Thomas was blind and deaf. Ever since

he lost his mate, Thomas doted on his daughter. Jason had no issue with that, but spoiling her did her no favors.

“Nothing,” Jason simply said. “I don’t punish my pack members for defending themselves or each other.”

“This is unacceptable!” Thomas stood. “I demand satisfaction!”

“You would do well to remember whose office you are in,” Jason remained seated. His gaze swirled, waiting for the other alpha to calm

down or else complete the challenge.

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Thomas hesitated before clearing his throat and sitting down. It wasn’t like him to lose his temper or make needless demonstrations. Yet,

Jason’s outward calm unnerved him. Thomas had known Jason since he was a pup. Ever since Jason’s father passed away, Thomas thought

of himself as an advisor and Jason usually acquiesced to him as an elder. But now there was a new dominating aura surrounding the young

Alpha and he showed no sign of standing down.

“Jason, I respectfully request you hand over the pack member who assaulted my daughter for proper punishment.”

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“If she wishes to go with you, won't stop her,” Jason said, glancing at Luke. “But I will be by her side at all times.”

With a nod, Luke stepped out. Thomas looked from one to the other, still unnerved by Jason's piercing gaze. Though he had not yet

summoned his alpha aura, there was something dangerous in Jason’s eyes. It was as if Jason’s wolf was pacing around, sizing up Thomas's

wolf like he was a meal. Try as he might, Thomas couldn’t shake the intimidation he felt as Jason’s calm gaze bore into him.

A knock at the door mercifully broke the standoff. Luke stepped in, holding the door for a petite, pretty she-wolf. He bowed to her as she

entered. Jason was on his feet in an instant, beckoning her to his side.

Phoebe gave them both curious looks, but went to Jason. Luke managed a brief explanation, so she was not surprised to see Katrina or the

other Alpha. Taking her hand, Jason kissed it before pulling her close and kissing her temple. Both were familiar gestures so she only

blushed slightly in front of their guests.

“Phoebe, you remember Katrina. Let me introduce her father, Alpha Thomas of the Blood Moon Pack,” Jason said. “Thomas, this is my mate

and Luna, Phoebe.”

Jason watched as Thomas and Katrina's mouths dropped. He wasn’t surprised. Many knew he had been searching for his mate for a long

time, but few outside his pack knew she had been found. Phoebe didn’t seem the least bit perturbed.

Inclining her head, she calmly greeted, “It’s nice to meet you Alpha Thomas. I understand our packs are close allies so you are always


sitting down, Jason gently pulled Phoebe into his lap. One hand remained at her back while the other naturally rested on her thigh. Phoebe

raised a brow at this position, but thinking it rude to mindlink in front of their guests, refrained from questions.

She leaned against him, her near arm resting on his shoulder and allowing her hand to rest along his neck. Her fingers curled through the

hair on the back of his head and sent tingles through him like electric shocks. Bewildered, Thomas and Katrina slowly returned to their seats.

“To what do we owe the honor of this visit?” Phoebe asked.

“Alpha Thomas is here because of yesterday...the incident at breakfast,” Jason said as delicately as possible.

“Of course,” Phoebe nodded, ignoring Katrina and looking at Thomas. “Is this going to be a formal apology to us and the pack or do you

prefer to make a personal one to the she-wolf that was attacked. Either is acceptable.”

Jason fought a smile at Phoebe’s matter-of-fact tone. Returning to his position at the door, Luke bit his lip to keep from laughing. Neither

expected such a quick response from Phoebe.

“I'm sorry?” Thomas asked. “I'm afraid I don’t follow.”

Phoebe inclined her head as if sharing his confusion before saying, “Your daughter attacked and maimed a she-wolf yesterday. I think an

apology is the very least we should expect.”

“Y-yes...well...that she-wolf insulted my daughter first.”

Phoebe’s gaze narrowed as she frowned, “I take it then you approve of your daughter's action and you also believe attacking a pack

member, slashing their face with silver-laced claws, is an appropriate response when the wolf in question has forgotten to add pepper to

your omelet.”

Phoebe enunciated every word carefully and gauged his response. Katrina didn’t strike her as a particularly truthful wolf. She was not

surprised Thomas was not properly informed.

“Then please tell me, Alpha Thomas, what is the appropriate punishment for your maid when she forgets to fluff your pillow: a week in

prison, I suppose?”

Jason struggled to contain his mirth as Thomas's face reddened. But Phoebe wasn’t done. From the start, the incident left a bad taste in her

mouth and Mani pushed her to speak her mind.

“Alpha Thomas, having a face scarred by silver claw marks may not seem like a great hurdle for you and your warriors, but for a young,

unmated she-wolf the prospect is quite devastating.”


“Sh-shut up!” Katrina suddenly leaped to her feet. “You b***h1”

Jason growled, but Phoebe barely acknowledged her. She had ignored the she-wolf’s presence, but suddenly turned her gaze on Katrina,

her gray eyes shimmering silver as Mani pressed close.

“If you intend to act like a child you should expect to be treated as one. Since you can’t handle a simple conflict without involving your

daddy, I suggest you sit down and be quiet. The adults are talking.”

Katrina's face burned beet red as Jason and Luke fought to keep their laughter contained. Phoebe was so calm it was hard to believe she

was the same, shy she-wolf they met in Washington. Even Thomas's escort was having a difficult time maintaining his composure.

“Y-you...You're nothing! A nobody,” Katrina declared. “I'm supposed to be Luna!”

“Now we both know that isn’t true...or else you would be in my seat.”