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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 23
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Jason slid the door open and stepped out. The pack fell silent as their Alpha made his appearance. They sensed an immediate change in

him. He had always been tense, disciplined and logical. At times, he was cold, but now there was a new relaxed feeling about him. His smile

was genuine, and for once it reached his eyes. Their Alpha was happy, truly happy. in a way only one’s fated mate could make them.

“Everyone, we're here tonight to welcome four new pack members. I'm sure you've heard rumors and snuck glances whenever you could,

but let me introduce them properly. First and foremost: my mate and Luna, Phoebe.”


Jason reached into the doorway and drew Phoebe to his side. She blushed at his introduction. It was clear she was nervous. Even so, there

was a gentle aura around her, but also something else. Her bewitching silver-gray eyes captivated them and they could just sense the

strength that belied her gentleness. There were layers to their Luna and they were all eager to know more.

Jason wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her temple. Though she wasn’t officially marked, there was no denying his devotion

and claim. She was his Luna, and theirs. Anvone who doubted it would regret it.

“I'd also like to introduce Bridget Johansen,” Jason announced, nodding to where she stood in Noahs arms. The warrior bowed his head,

kissing her and making it clear she was already claimed. “She will be joining our nursing staff and I can assure you her skills are second-to-

none. And finally, Blake and Emma.”

Seated at a nearby table, the siblings froze mid-bite as all eyes suddenly shifted to them. The pair wore their new a_ clothes: matching

striped sweaters, Blake wore trousers and Emma a skirt with tights.

“Come here, you two,” Jason gently beckoned.

They hesitated, but at Norah’s encouragement, they stood and slowly made their way to their new Alpha. Giving Phoebe a final kiss, Jason

stepped down, crouching so he was at eye-level with the siblings. He fondly tussled Blake's hair as Luke approached with a dagger.

Emma whimpered at the sight of the gleaming blade. Jason hugged the nervous pup. He knew his mother had explained the proceedings,

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but it was one thing to be told what was going to happen and quite another for it to actually happen.

“Shh, little one,” he whispered. “I promise it'll only be a little prick. Then it will be over. Everything will be okay.”

Emma nodded, but still looked nervous.

“We'll have your brother go first, okay?” Jason gave her one more squeeze before accepting the blade and looking to Blake. “Ready?”

Blake was nervous, but nodded. He was the older brother and determined to be brave. Jason held out his hand, wishing there was another

way, but he had no other choice.

Blake placed his hand into Jason's much larger palm. Brandishing the blade, Jason pressed it gently into the pup’s palm until it broke the

skin and a small cut appeared. Without a word, Jason turned the blade on himself, cutting his palm rather deep to ensure it would not heal

before he was finished, and pressed their wounds together.

“1, Jason Aiman, Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack, accept Blake Aiman as your Alpha...and father,” he smiled as the pup’s eyes widened.

«...1, Blake... Aiman, swear loyalty to the Blue Moon Pack and accept you, Jason Aiman, as my Alpha...and father.”

Jason's smile broadened, ignoring the subtle gasps of surprise at the addition to the traditional oath. In all his time as Alpha, Jason had only

a passing interest in pups. They were his pack’s future, so he ensured their security, but he never got personally involved with them. Now, he

was declaring these young orphans were his own.

Bridget and Norah stepped forward. They lathered healing salve over the cut before bandaging it. Norah hugged Blake, whispering good

job to him. She had been worried about the pups” initiation, but that went much smoother than she hoped, even more so since Jason

added the last clause.

“Your turn, sweetie,” Jason smiled at the waiting Emma.

She still looked nervous, but seeing her brother's reaction gave her courage. Nodding, she gave him her hand. As gently as he could, he

repeated the procedure and pressed their palms together.

“1, Jason Aiman, Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack, accept you, Emma Aiman, as your Alpha and father.”

She hesitated and seemed to forget what she was supposed to say. Her panicked gaze fell on Norah, who quietly mouthed the oath. Her

eyes lit up in remembrance and she stated, “I, Emma Aiman, swear loyalty to the Blue Moon Pack and accept you as my Alpha and daddy.”

Emma gave a squeak as her soul knit into the greater web of the pack. It would be several years before she or her brother would be able to

access it properly. For now, it was a protective blanket. Bridget and Norah quickly cleaned and bandaged her hand just as they had done for

her brother. Since the pups’ wolves had not yet emerged, their healing abilities were repressed. The balm would help the wounds heal faster.

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Jason stood, looking at his own hand to see it was already beginning to heal. He had to finish quickly or else he would have to cut himself

again. Nodding to Bridget, she stepped forward. She offered her hand and winced as he cut it. Behind her, Noah growled and struggled not

to come to her aid.

“Bridget Johansen, I, Jason Aiman, accept you into the Blue Moon Pack as your Alpha.”

“1, Bridget Johansen, swear loyalty to the Blue Moon Pack and accept you, Jason Aiman, as my Alpha.”

She breathed deep as the pack link opened up to her and she received the others’ welcome. Noah immediately came to her side and held

her close, nuzzling her as Norah bandaged her hand. It had taken everything he had not to rush forward when the blade was turned on her.

He felt her pain through their mate bond and his wolf demanded they protect her despite knowing she was not in any danger.

Smirking at his warrior’s possessiveness, Jason returned to Phoebe, wishing there was any other way to complete this ritual. In the end, he

couldn't turn the blade on his own mate and Luke had to step forward. He cut her palm while Jason struggled to keep Lobo from ripping

his Beta to shreds. Pressing their palms together, Jason pulled her close, pressing his forehead to hers.

“1, Jason Aiman, Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack, accept you, Phoebe Luan, as your Alpha, your mate and as my Luna.”

Phoebe shivered, taking a deep breath, “1, Phoebe Luan-Aiman, swear loyalty to the Blue Moon Pack and accept you, Jason Aman, as my

Alpha...my mate and as your Luna.”

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smiling, he kissed her forehead, savoring her words and feeling her soul knit into the packs collective link. She was one step closer to being

completely his. Bridget and Norah cautiously approached, quickly bandaging her hand and his though his wound was nearly healed.

“Mommy,” Emma approached, “does this mean we are a real family now?”

Phoebe smiled, scooping up the pup and rubbing her nose, “Yes. Yes it does.”

“Yeah!” Emma squealed, throwing her arms around Phoebe.

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Phoebe hugged her close, fighting back tears. After her rejection, she had resigned herself to never having pups of her own, so it had been

easy to devote herself to the other pups and, in particular, caring for the orphaned siblings. Second-chance mates were never guaranteed,

50 she hadn't considered the possibility and others warned her males didn’t like caring for pups that weren't their own.

“Does that mean you're our new daddy?” Emma looked at Jason.

Jason’s expression softened as he took both of them into his arms, “That's right.”

Without hesitation, she reached for him and hugged him as he held them both close. The pack watched, holding its collective breath. This

was a new side of their Alpha they had not seen before. Already their Luna's presence was being felt as she softened their stern Alpha.

“Blake! We have a mommy and daddy again!” Emma announced, looking at her brother who stood nearby, hesitating to approach.

Jason beckoned the anxious pup to his side, picking up the young one and hugging him close. He felt Blake tremble in his arms, overcome

with emotion. For the pup who had always struggled to be the big brother, it was probably overwhelming. But he no longer had to be

strong on his own.

“You have much more than just a mom and dad,” Norah corrected. “You have a grandma and an aunt and uncle too.”

Emma bounced in Phoebe’s arms, clapping her hands as Ben and Lucille hovered nearby. In fact, they had more than just one aunt and

uncle. Though Luke and Mona were not related, as the Beta pair as well as Jason’s childhood friend, they would treat the pups as their niece

and nephew. Once the pups were comfortable again, they returned to their table to eat under Norah’s watchful eye.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Phoebe quietly said as they watched the pups.

“I told you, angel,” Jason held her close. “What's precious to you is precious to me.”