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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 22
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Phoebe sighed as she looked at the closet. Her side was still quite thin compared to Jason's, but it was more than she ever imagined. By the

time they returned, the omegas had already unpacked her luggage. They also helped to carry in and put away her purchases from today’s

shopping trip. There was only one bag she wouldn't let them touch, and that was the Q Victoria's. Secret bag still in her hand.

Biting her lip, she tucked it beside the dresser where it was out of the way and hopefully out of sight. Stepping out of the closet, she

suddenly found herself enveloped in an embrace. The scent of dogwood and campfire surrounded her as he leaned down to nibble her ear.


“Did you have a good time, angel?”

“Yes. I love your mother and sister.”

Lo . Sitting with his back against the headboard, he held her in his lap as he nuzzled

her, kissing the nape of her neck and inhaling her earthy scent.


“Sorry angel, but Lobo needs this.” Jason continued to tease and kiss her.


Jason suddenly pulled away at the mention of his wolf's name. Phoebe looked at him curiously. Finally, he said, “My wolf.”

Her eyes widened and shimmered silver, “Oh, your wolf’s name is Lobo... Mine is Mani.”

Lobo immediately chanted his mate's name. Jason smiled, playing with her hair, “Mani. Beautiful. Just like you.”

Phoebe shivered when he said her wolf's name and in her mind Mani rolled belly up in sheer pleasure of hearing her name pronounced in

his deep baritone voice. In many ways, sharing the name of one’s wolf was the ultimate form of intimacy. Almost Q Jike.a dragon or a fairy

sharing its true name. Though sharing their wolf's name didn’t have quite the same power as that, it was still a deep sign of trust.

He kissed her, deepening it when she offered no resistance. Hungrily, he trailed kisses down her neck, finding her marking spot and sucking

hard on the sensitive area. Phoebe moaned as shocks of pleasure went through her and her core tightened unexpectedly.

When his teeth grazed the sensitive area, she let out a startled gasp as pleasure pierced her, causing her core to contract. Her vision turned

white as her body convulsed and pure bliss flooded her.

Jason suddenly pulled away, leaving her panting, “s**t. 'm sorry, Phoebe. I'm so sorry, angel. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Phoebe slowly caught her breath, looking at him curiously. Why was he apologizing?

“Oh, he’s so cute,” Mani chuckled. ‘He thinks we're afraid. Do be a dear and let him know we enjoyed it."


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“Just do to him what he was doing to us.’

“I don’t think I can,” Phoebe felt her face warm.

“Sure you can. I'll help.’

Phoebe hesitated, recalling her conversation with Lucille. Is this what she meant by trusting her instincts? ‘All right.’

Phoebe felt Mani pressing forward, synchronizing with her as she calmed Phoebe’s anxiety and encouraged her. Taking Jason's face in her

hands, she pressed her lips to his, kissing him and silenced his panicked apology. She kissed along his jaw and down his neck, eliciting deep

groans as he relaxed, enjoying the electric charges her touch caused.

“Right there,” Mani instructed, ‘where his neck meets his shoulder. That's the marking spot and it'll drive him crazy.’

Phoebe hesitated before lowering her mouth over the spot, following Méni’s instruction. She ran her tongue along the skin, sucking hard

and felt Jason suddenly tense with a moan. He shuddered as her teeth grazed the spot. She nuzzled him, nipping his ear before slowly

easing away.

His eyes swirled as he stared into her silver-gray ones.

“Did you like what 1 just did?” Phoebe asked.

He swallowed hard, not trusting his voice, but managed a nod.

“Good. Because I liked it too.”

He blinked and realized what she was saying. A smile made his eyes sparkle with amusement, “So...that’s the wicked humor my sister talked



He rolled them so she was lying under him before capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss. Her fingers curled themselves in his hair,

sending sparks directly to his brain. He caressed her thigh, tugging her close and grinding their hips together. She moaned as her scent took

on a spicy note, driving him crazy with hunger and his pants became uncomfortably tight. He wanted nothing more than to rip away the

barriers between them.

Jason pulled away, forcing a deep breath and trying to marshal his control before he truly went too far. She was just too irresistible. Under

him, Phoebe struggled to catch her own breath.

“You play a dangerous game, angel.”

“Do I?” she asked innocently.

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He growled. His eyes swirled. Hers shimmered in response. Jason kissed her nose and she snorted a laugh. Jason chuckled and nibbled her


“My mom’s planning a party tonight to welcome you, the pups and Bridget to the pack. I'll make you all members. You'll also join the pack

link, s0 you will be able to mindlink anyone you need to talk to. I'm sure they will be clamoring to meet you once I officially introduce you

as my Luna.”

“That sounds nice.” Though she was still hesitant to be Luna, Phoebe liked the thought of being part of a pack link again.

Jason hesitated, “Since none of you have blood relatives in Blue Moon, you'll have to take a blood oath.”

“Blood oath?”

“You have to swear loyalty to the pack and me as Alpha, and we seal the oath with blood,” Jason said.

He traced a line down her palm, watching her reaction. Blood oaths were no longer common. Most packs made do with simple loyalty oaths

and opened the pack link to new members psychically. The bond was not quite the same and relied on the mate bond to tether it. Older

packs like Blue Moon required a more substantial bond to join pack members.

“The pups too?”

“Yeah. It Il only take a moment and we'll have bandages and salve on hand,” Jason explained. “But it will also seal my connection and bond

to them, so it might be beneficial in the long run.”

Phoebe was pensive. She didn’t want the pups to suffer any pain, but it seemed Jason was already making preparations to ensure their

comfort as much as possible. Given Blue Moon's long lineage and bloodline, it was not surprising it employed blood oaths.

“All right,” Phoebe nodded.

“Thank you, angel,” Jason nuzzled her.

They lay together for some time, enjoying each other's nearness and lingering kisses. Jason didn’t seem to be in any hurry to get back to

his work, but Phoebe didn’t mind. Every kiss and caress caused her body to tremble with pleasure she had never experienced before and

she wanted more. In truth, Jason was under strict orders to keep Phoebe occupied while the final preparations for the party were completed.

He and his wolf had no objections to this arrangement, but eventually the time to join everyone approached. Reluctantly, he retreated to the

bathroom for a quick shower before relinquishing it to Phoebe. When she emerged wrapped in a towel, he was already dressed in a black

silk button-up and trousers.

Phoebe stared at her new wardrobe, asking, “What do you think I should wear? I mean, is it formal?”

“Casual is fine,” Jason chuckled, hugging her from behind. He bowed his head to kiss her neck and nibble her ear to ensure his scent

wrapped around her again. Phoebe moaned softly, leaning against him, and he was tempted to take her back to bed, but this party was

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important for the pack.

With a sigh, he looked over her side of the closet. Even after today’s shopping spree it was barely a third full, but there was plenty of time to

spoil her.

“Anything will be fine...especially if you wear something from that.”

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on novelenglish.net for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away,

exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

“From what?” Phoebe asked before noticing his attention was on the Victoria's Secret bag. She blushed deep red.

“Is that a no?” he asked, not bothering to hide his disappointment.


He kissed her with a chuckle and said, “It gets cold after dark...so make sure to pick something warm.”

“All right.”

Phoebe eventually settled for black, thermal-lined leggings and a gray turtleneck. She stepped out of the closet and looked at her reflection

self-consciously. Jason embraced her again, kissing her temple and admiring her modest yet tantalizing look. In truth, she could wear

anything and be just as tempting.

Leaving their suite, they quietly made their way downstairs. Phoebe made it to the first landing before she hesitated at the pain of the

stitches. Without a word, Jason scooped her up and carried her.

“Jason! I can walk.”

“know. It’s better this way.”

Phoebe laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling him. Jason growled with pleasure.

Reaching the first floor, he carefully set her on her feet and led her to the patio hand-in-hand. Phoebe hesitated at the sliding doors looking

out into the evening where over five hundred pack members were gathered. More would arrive as the evening progressed. No doubt

attendees were deliberately spacing their arrivals so she wouldn't be overwhelmed, but Blue Moon was such a large pack. She wasn’t sure

she could do this.

Jason hugged her, “They'll love you, angel. Promise.”

Phoebe leaned into his comforting embrace.

“If you feel uncomfortable, we can just go...so be sure to tell me. Okay?”


“Good. Deep breath.”

Phoebe sighed.

“...And here we go.”