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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108

“Here you are,” Phoebe said handing the next book to Emma who hurriedly delivered it to Norah to shelve with the others

It had been two months since the New Year Ball, which by all accounts was a rousing success. She had been happy to see alphas and lunas

of multiple ranks mingling with each other every night and actually be able to converse freely without animosity or dominance

There was some tensions earlier in the week but everyone seemed to get along and it allowed her to reconnect with several lunas, including

Koko. Someone she hadn't expected to see was the newly appointed Alpha

Michael and his Luna Maryanne from Rimrock. Maryanne seemed to be quite demur until asked about her expertise: computers and


Once the subject was open she came alive rattling off complex code and algorithms like nursery rhymes. Thanks to her Rimrock was

recovering its losses much more quickly. Michael also accepted Jason's offer to send trainers to whip their warriors back into shape

Phoebe was happy to learn her former pack would be all right and eagerly accepted Michael's invitation to visit after her pups were born.

The Rimrock pups were excited to see her and give her full reports on what they learned in her absence. Maryanne and Kleio also hit it off

rather famously and spent a good portion of the night discussing how to digitize New Moon's vast collection and preserve it for future

generations. The future for wolves looked bright indeed

Meanwhile Helen spoke with several human doctors about the difficulties with a multiple-births. They were all too happy to share their

knowledge on a subject werewolves normally had very little interest

Chapter 108

For humans, the risk for complications was much higher with the birth of multiples. Multiples seldom made it full term, usually being born

premature, but that was considered normal. Additionally, they were usually born via c-section, especially with multiple births involving

triplets and above

However, not everything translated to werewolf pregnancies. While human multiples were born earlier than normal, it seemed a werewolf

multiple was opposite. Six months was the normal gestation for a werewolf and Phoebe was already a month overdue but as they had no

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precedents to gauge whether this was typical. Doctor Evans assured her, it was probably normal but as a precaution ordered bed rest while

they continued to monitor her progress. It was actually getting annoying and Mani was beginning to chaff under the restrictions

In fact, her wolf had been getting rather moody lately, vacillating between contentment, depression, boredom and frustration. And it was

beginning to affect Phoebe’s mood as well. Numerous times Phoebe caught herself snapping at others over the smallest things. She

apologized after each incident and others seemed to understand but she still felt bad and afterwards Mani would descend into another

depression spiral

Phoebe wasn’t sure what was wrong with her wolf. Everyone assured her it was just pregnancy hormones but she couldn't shake the feeling

it was something more especially after reading Eris’s diary, which was now with Kleio for restoration and copying. At the end of the diary,

Eris mentioned she was worried about her pup’s future and how well it would cope in a changing world. The later entries suffered the worst


and Phoebe felt something important was lost in those missing words,

perhaps the very key to Mani’s melancholy

It was Mani’s moroseness that ultimately triggered Doctor Evans to

Chapter 108 f order bed rest. Post-partum depression was rare in wolves but it did happen and the doctor wanted Phoebe to focus and

bond with her pups before their birth in hopes of alleviating the risk

It was also the reason she was currently ensconced in a comfortable chaise lounge sorting books while Norah, Emma and Blake helped

shelve them. They all claimed they wanted to be helpful in setting up her room but it was just to keep an eye on her. Phoebe really didn’t

mind and appreciated their concern. It was going to be hectic with the twins so she needed to enjoy these quiet moments

“Oliver Twist,” Phoebe announced, handing the book to Blake. “D for Dickens.”

Norah dutifully moved the ladder before climbing up to the correct shelf. Phoebe’s father had organized his book by topic or subject first

then by author's last name. After his death she hadn’t had the heart to reorganize his shelves but now that she was starting from square

one she elected to go strictly alphabetical by author's surname

Phoebe reached for the next book and a sharp pain suddenly assailed her. She breathed out slowly, waiting for it to subside. For the past

several weeks, she had been experiencing contractions, another reason for her bed rest. The pain subsided and she breathed easier again. A

few minutes later came another pain worse than the first

Phoebe groaned, trying to breathe through it like she did the last one but it was slow to subside. She gripped the edge of the box until it

finally eased

“Phoebe, are you all right?” Norah asked

“2’m not sure,” she hugged her stomach as the pains came and went. * I think..I might be going into labor.”

“It's all right,” Norah gripped her hand. “Breathe, one, two..good

Chapter 108 Come on, we need to get you to the hospital.” “Jason?” “Mom?” “It's time. Phoebe needs you.”

She felt his surge of panic before the link closed. Focusing on Phoebe, Norah helped her to her feet and carefully led her toward the


Phoebe could barely waddle as she fought the pain of the contractions getting stronger as she moved

They just managed to reach the landing when Jason suddenly rushed around the comer to meet them. His gaze was full of worry as he ran

Up the steps to her. Cupping her face, he pecked a kiss on her lips before taking over from his mother and escorting her to the waiting


Phoebe leaned against him. His scent and touch calming her beyond words. He half-carried her to the front doors of the packhouse where

vehicles waited to rush them to the hospital. It seemed laughable that they would need to use a vehicle for such a short distance but she

certainly wasn’t going to walk

Jason helped her in before rushing to the other side. Luke was behind the wheel and drove off the moment they were settled in the


Behind them, Norah, the pups and Lucille climbed into the other SUV with Ben to follow

“Doctor Evans! Phoebe’s in labor!” Jason announced holding Phoebe’s hand as she winced with another contraction

“We're ready,” was the immediate answer

Over the last couple weeks there had been a couple false starts but the staff was waiting in eager anticipation for their Luna to give birth.

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None dared fall behind when the warning was given

Chapter 108 ~~

They arrived at the hospital moments later but for Phoebe it felt like years as she breathed through her contraction, trying to time them in

her mind. As soon as the vehicle came to a stop Jason was out and circled to her side to help her out

Bridget was at the door with a wheelchair for her. Phoebe gratefully collapsed into the chair and Jason wheeled her in. Bridget led the way

to the maternity ward where their room was already prepared. Jason helped her onto the bed and waited anxiously as they hooked her up

to the vital signs monitor and began measuring her contractions now coming and fairly regularly

“We're still about six minutes apart,” Doctor Evans concluded. “Alpha, Luna, it'll be a good idea to relax. This may take awhile.”

“But the babies are coming,” Jason said

“Yes,” she smiled. “They are definitely on their way.”

Jason let out a heavy sigh, kissing Phoebe’s hand and held her close

Finally, their wait was almost over and their pups would soon make their entrance into the world. Elder Ansel made him promise to alert

them the moment the twins arrived as the werewolf community was also waiting in anticipation

“I'm sorry, I hope I didn’t pull you out of an important meeting,” Phoebe apologized. He had been working tirelessly to clean up the last

loose ends of the previous king

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jason scoffed, “there is nothing more important in this world than you and our pups. Everything else can wait.”

He kissed her forehead and nuzzled her, making her chuckle and easing her anxiety. Jason never failed to make it clear she came first. Jason

stroked her cheek, smiling as she leaned into his touch

“Rest, Phoebe,” Jason finally said. “The doctor said we'll be here for

Chapter 108 awhile.”

Phoebe nodded. She dosed on and off. Norah, the pups, Ben and Lucille, Luke and Mona, Dash and Cam, and Noah took turns coming in to

visit as the labor slowly progressed. Bridget remained on hand to monitor her when the doctor had to step out

When Phoebe got closer Bridget helped her into a hospital gown with the contractions growing closer and more painful. Phoebe let out a

pained gasped during a trip to the bathroom feeling something shift and her inner thighs were suddenly coated in a fluid. She looked at the

puddle at her feet then at Bridget

“Is that?”

“Yep, your water broke. Your pups are definitely on their way now.” so’ H 24K