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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 70
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The blonde woman began to hesitate.

Should she confess? Can this person be trusted? What if after she confessed, not only was there no

money, but they would even hand her to the police instead?

Moreover, that person had once told her that they would support her no matter what happened. That

person was clearly more reliable and capable. After some thought, she figured she should trust that

person instead.

Besides, what was there to fear if that person was going to support her?n.i.n.j.a n.o.v.e.l That person

had told her not to be afraid no matter what happened.

At this thought, she immediately regained her senses. Her body was filled with confidence, and even

her back straightened.

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She started struggling vigorously again. “What money? What do you mean by someone hiring me? Are

you mental? Jail? What rights do you have to send me to jail? I should be the one sending you to jail,

shouldn’t I? I came here to buy a house. When something happened to your property, I came here with

everyone to ask for a refund. Now, I’m oddly accused by you for causing a ruckus.”

“I’m even restrained by your security guards for no apparent reason. Do you know that this is illegal?”

“Are you a cop? What authority do you have to ask to see our identification details? I said that I forgot

to bring my agreement, so it’s at home!”

“Everyone, look! The Quest Group people are reluctant to refund us the money, ninja.com fast

update so they slandered an innocent person and even got their security to restrain my freedom.

They’re even trying to pressure me into making me admit that I’m here to cause a ruckus!”

“Isn’t this just a case of bullying others with their authority? Everyone, don’t listen to her lies! She is just

trying to delay us and using this tactic to divert your attention!”

The blonde woman continued to put up a front, yelling a t the top of her lungs and struggling. According

to her judgment, this was the only way she could escape!

This woman’s reaction exceeded Xyla’s expectations. ninja.com content From her looks,

ninja.com Xyla had assumed that she was close to confessing. Yet, who knew that. this woman

suddenly became adamant about not confessing at the most crucial moment.

How stubborn!

The woman’s face was starting to irritate Xyla and make her resentful. The tiny bit of patience she had

left was almost gone. However, she knew full well that she had to stay calm right now, no matter how

furious she was.

The crowd that had initially wavered was now resolute again. They started insulting Xyla fervently.

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“Aren’t you crossing the boundary? There’s something wrong with your property, and not only are you

unwilling to refund us, but you’re also pressuring and forcing someone to say that they were hired to

come here?”

“’What bullies! You have even dragged the quality control department over. This is collusion! You’re

both the same!”

“This Xyla Quest thinks that just because she has a bit of filthy money, ninja.com she could bully

others! How rotten! We have to keep our heads clear and not fall for her schemes!”

Everyone stood opposite her looking like they were her enemies. Xyla was amused.

Just then, there was a commotion at the entrance. Following suit, over a hundred black-clothed men

rushed inside in an agile and impressive manner, opening up a path. The people on the outside

reflexively made way for them.

When the people inside saw this, they, too, opened up a tiny path for them.

It all happened in three mere seconds.