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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 300
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Feeling thoroughly embarrassed, Cecelia Conner was at a loss for words. “It really was an accident…”

She had no choice but to act dumb.

But even if she explained herself, nobody in the house would believe her.

“Look at this child of yours… Her hands are all over the place. How could you touch your cousin-in-law

with your leg? Aren’t you far too careless?” Emily Quest’s aunt stood up and berated her daughter to

diffuse the tension in the air.

Stanley Batton ignored them and grabbed a piece of pork before placing it in Xyla Quest’s bowl.

Jeremy Quest looked coldly at Cecelia. “You’re having dinner at my house. You need to respect my

rules. Keep your hands to yourself.”

When Jeremy said these words, Cecelia felt even more embarrassed. It felt as if Stanley and Jeremy

had slapped her in front of everyone. Her cheeks felt unbearably hot.

“Okay… I understand, Uncle.” Cecelia nodded.

Emily’s aunt rolled her eyes at Cecelia before giving her a look, indicating that she should start eating.

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Cecelia immediately picked up her chopsticks and began to eat.

Meanwhile, Emily’s aunt picked up a bottle of alcohol and got up to make light of the situation. Very

soon, everyone forgot about what had happened. After what Stanley did, the young girls who initially

had feelings for him felt even more intrigued by him. They were feeling increasingly envious of Xyla.


After dinner, May Conner’s relatives sat next to Jeremy and herself in front of the television as they

watched the New Year Eve’s program.

Xyla and Stanley bid farewell to everyone before returning to their villa next door.

Once Xyla changed into her slippers inside, she could not resist scanning Stanley up and down.

“What are you looking at? Can’t you recognize me anymore?” Stanley raised his brows.

“I do recognize you, but I feel like I still don’t know you very well… How did you do it? You had actually

exposed the fact that she was seducing you at the dinner table,” Xyla said as she continued to examine

his face.

“What else should I have done? Should I have let her continue rubbing against me with her leg?”

Stanley’s expression turned cold when Cecelia was mentioned.

After finishing his sentence, Stanley walked to the couch and sat down. He picked up a small orange

and began to peel its skin.

Xyla sat down next to him and was about to reach for an orange too. Before she could do so, Stanley

placed the peeled orange in her hand. He then reached for another orange and began peeling it


As Xyla ate the orange, she continued to speak, “I think eight out of then men probably wouldn’t do

that, right? Firstly, men would usually be considerate of women’s reputation. Secondly, men enjoyed

being seduced by pretty women. They find it exciting,” she said.

After that, Xyla rested her chin on one hand. With her elbow pressed against her knee, she continued

to examine Stanley’s handsome face. “You really are an exception,” she said.

In her mind, none of the gangsters were as pure and upright as Stanley.

Most men in that environment would encounter women with a complicated past. The relationships

between men and women were also very messy. However, Stanley seemed to be an exception. His

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soul was not at all contaminated by the environment he worked in. At least, a pure part of him


During dinner, Xyla had drunk quite a bit of alcohol. Now, her cheeks had turned red.

Her hair fell on her sides. ninja.com She was so beautiful that Stanley would never get tired of

looking at her. Xyla’s lips were like irresistible peach jelly, which Stanley was trying hard not to bite.

When Stanley looked into her gentle eyes, he felt as if an electric jolt had zapped his heart.

“You are also an exception…” He said.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

Stanley did not reply to her. Instead, he turned on the television and put the New Year Eve’s program

on. On the television screen, singers wore outfits with different shades of red and were singing along to

their national anthem. It was quite a jubilant vibe.

Beep, beep, beep…

After a while, Stanley’s phone began to ring.