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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 245
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Xyla Quest had always thought of Josh Batton as a business partner. To her, he was merely an artiste

who could rake in a lot of money for her company. However, now that he was confessing his feelings

for her, how should she reject him?

How could she politely reject him without hurting his feelings?

Xyla felt a headache coming on. The more she thought about it, the worse the headache became.

Therefore, she opened Twitter once again.

The first thing that came into sight was the note that she had over 9,999 notifications. Subconsciously,

she clicked on the notifications panel. There were countless private messages, tags, and comments.

Instead of taking a closer look at the comments, she directly opened her private messages. They were

all from people who either had Josh’s name or his picture on their profiles.

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“Sister Xyla Quest, I’m so sorry that I jumped on the bandwagon and insulted you. I’m truly sorry. Mary

Sullivan went too far. I will scold her for you,” someone said.

“Sob, sob. My favorite idol has never said something about a woman. You are the first one to

experience it. When he said he wanted to seduce you, I think he was being serious. Sister, I am very

envious and jealous of you. Also, I’m going to scold Mary Sullivan for you,” someone else said.

‘Sister, will you accept my favorite idol? Although I am unwilling to share someone as wonderful as him

with another person, I will give you my blessings if you end up getting together. Also, there’s something

else I want to say even though it might not sound nice. I’m very jealous of you,” another person said.

Most of the private messages sounded rational. Although Josh’s fans were emotionally affected, none

of them intended to stop being his fan. Moreover, they seemed completely different from the fans of

other celebrities. They were actually able to offer their blessings for their idol’s love life.

Perhaps, it was because Josh was truly a wonderful person. After all, with his good looks, it was

impossible for his fans to abandon him just like that.

After briefly going through her private messages, Xyla exited from the notifications and shifted her

attention to the list of most popular topics on the Internet.

Number one: ‘#Mary Sullivan Frames Xyla Quest#’

Number two: ‘#Does Josh Batton Like Xyla Quest?#’

Number three: ‘#Mary Sullivan Cyberbullied#’

Number four: ‘#Josh Batton#’

The word ‘explosive’ was at the end of all four hashtags.

Xyla’s attention was instantly caughtby the third line which mentioned Mary being cyberbullied. She

immediately clicked on the link.

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Many members were publishing posts about how Mary bribed them to frame Xyla. They were also

criticizing Mary for her behavior. Meanwhile, other netizens also expressed their hatred against Mary.

The things they wrote were unimaginably vicious.

Whatever Mary had previously planned for Xyla, it was all now happening to Mary herself. The more

comments Xyla read, the happier she felt. Once she was satisfied, she went to Mary’s main account to

have a look. The first three Twitter posts on her page were filled with hateful comments. Moreover, the

comments were equally as spiteful as the ones in the previous articles.

Someone wrote, “Mary Sullivan, you b*tch. I hope you get run over by a car and die when you leave

the house. You don’t have to apologize. I only want you to die.”

“In order to frame Xyla Quest, you manipulated us Josh Batton fans. You even dragged our idol into

this mess. You are a useless snowflake. Go to hell!” added another person.

“Why are there so many people with cancer but you aren’t one of them? I hope you get ill and die soon.

Don’t call yourself Mary Sullivan anymore. You should be called Black Sullivan,” someone else wrote.