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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 157
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“Then, why did you sigh?” be pressed.

“I’m just a little worried. You do know what it’ll mean for me if word of our deal gets out, right?”

Having said that, Xyla sighed again. Since it wasn’t him who had told on her, but Sebastian who had

caught a glimpse of their WeChat messages, she couldn’t blame Five Batton. It was just a case of bad


“I’m sorry, it’s my fault.” Stanley looked earnest.

“It’s okay. Just be careful next time,” said Xyla pleasantly.

Stanley continued to reassure her, “Don’t worry, none of them would dare say a word.”

“Okay,” replied Xyla, choosing to believe him.

The two were only focused on talking to each other, completely unaware of the expression the three

others had inside the Honda. Sebastian, Henry, and Gary all looked like they were questioning their life


Henry swallowed hard, turning to Sebastian like he had seen a ghost, then looking at Gary who was

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seated in the back. He spoke quietly, “Is that person outside really the Old Fifth we know?”

“Who else?” replied Gary.

Henry rubbed his ears vigorously. “Brothers, is something wrong with my ears? Did Old Fifth actually

say sorry to someone? And are my eyes also impaired? Why is Old Fifth so docile in front of Sister-in-

law? It’s like his wife is fully in control! I’m starting to question my own life.”

“Is Old Fifth possessed by something? Otherwise, why would he change so much recently?” exclaimed


Henry nodded eagerly. “I think so too. Do you guys think he’s being possessed by Asmodeus?”

Sebastien gave a solemn nod. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

Looking at them both, Gary pinched the bridge of his nose helplessly. “Are you two writing a horror


“This is too terrifying for a horror story, okay?” said Henry.

“Don’t ask. We don’t know,” said Sebastian.

The snowfall of this year’s winter was heavier than the last. As Stanley and Xyla talked, snow started to

fall from the cloudy skies again. Taking them by surprise, the snow dyed their hair white. Under the

illumination of the warm-colored streetlights, the snow seemed to feel warmer as well.

Feeling cold, Xyla rubbed her hands together as she looked at Stanley. “If there’s nothing else, you can

get back into the car. I’m heading inside as well. It’s too cold.”

Stanley nodded. “See you tomorrow then.”

Xyla waved at him. “See you tomorrow.”

Having said that, she braced the winter breeze and hurried into the bar. Once inside, she shook the

snow off her body before heading straight for the counter.

Stanley stood outside, unmoving. Only when the girl’s silhouette had disappeared from his line of sight

did he turn to get back into the car. Looking up, he saw Sebastian poking his head out from his lowered

window, waving at him.

Ignoring him, Stanley strode over and got in. At the same time, Henry immediately got out, opened the

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door on Stanley’s side, and squeezed into the back passenger seat.

Closing the door, he studied Stanley’s face in great seriousness. “Old Fifth, you’ve changed.”

Stanley looked indifferent. “Oh…”

“I admire no one but Xyla Quest. To think she managed to stick angel wings on Satan’s back,” Henry


Stanley frowned. “..? Who’s Satan?”

Sebastian turned his head lazily to glance at Stanley. “Don’t you know? Those women who love you

but can’t have you all call you the aloof Satan.”

Stanley instantly shut them out. Opening up his WeChat, he searched Xyla’s timeline.

“Old Fifth, this is favoritism. This is double standards. You never look at our timelines and have never

been that gentle to me,” complained Henry.

“You’re not worthy,” Stanley responded coldly.

Henry rolled his eyes at him. “F*ck!”

Gary, who had been quiet the whole time, teased, “Why are you humiliating yourself when you already

know the answer?”