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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 138
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“Shocking! The children’s cookies made by the Sullivan Food Group contains expired ingredients.”

Xyla Quest smiled before she quickly turned the doorknob and walked downstairs as she opened the

news article.

“Today, Megan Courtney, a factory worker in one of the Sullivan Food Group’s bread and biscuit

factories, filed a report against the Sullivan family. She claimed that the Sullivan family used expired

ingredients to produce its ‘Finger Biscuit’, ‘Fruit Dodo’, and ‘Vege Dodo’ biscuits to cut down on the cost

of production. The worker also provided many pictures she secretly took of the original ingredients in

the Sullivan Food Group’s storage warehouse. In the pictures, a lot of the flour already had molds on

them. On top of that, the vegetables and fruits were also visibly rotten. According to a detailed report,

all three products are managed by Tom Sullivan, the heir of the Sullivan Group. They are also produced

in the same factory. Not only did the whistleblower, Megan Courtney, leak such information to the

police, she also posted the same content on Instagram.”

At the end of the news article was a screenshot of Megan Courtney’s Instagram account with her real

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name attached. Apart from texts, Megan also provided a lot of pictures as proof.

Within a few minutes of the news article being released, the post’s comments had already exceeded a

hundred thousand.

Xyla’s smile became wider as she carefully scrolled through the comment section.

“How could you do this to children’s food? Tom Sullivan, you are a heartless dog!”

“My child is three years old. He has been eating these three products from the Sullivan family every

day. I thought well known brands like this were trustworthy. I can’t believe something like this

happened. Go to hell, Tom Sullivan! The entire Sullivan family should burn in hell!”

“Curse you, Sullivan family! Businesses like this should be kicked out of the country! Disgusting bugs!”

Hateful comments filled the comment section. Every single sentence and word that came into sight

made Xyla feel appeased.

Without her realizing it, she had already walked out of the large building.

Since it had begun snowing heavily outside, Xyla quickly got into her car and turned on the engine.

However, she did not immediately depart Instead, she opened some social media applications and

looked at the list of most popular topics.

The embarrassing news related to Emily Quest was still on the number one spot. Xyla began to feel

respectful toward the person who bought that position for Emily’s news.

Meanwhile, the second spot belonged to ‘#Sullivan family uses expired ingredients#’.

The third spot belonged to ‘#Employee of Sullivan family becomes whistleblower#’.

The fourth spot belonged to ‘#Emily Quest and Tom Sullivan’s wedding#’.

The fifth spot belonged to ‘#Emily Quest’s fraud#’.

The sixth spot belonged to ‘#Tom Sullivan and Emily Quest get married#’.

Out of the ten most popular topics on the internet, Tom and Emily took up six of them. They were

known as the most infamous couple of the year.

Xyla felt extremely happy at the sight of this list.

Even without opening the articles, she knew what they contained and what people were scolding them

for. However, even so, she still opened the articles and checked them out one at a time. Each of the

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posts contained hateful comments from internet users who fully showcased their abilities in insulting


“Tom Sullivan and Emily Quest are a dogged couple. They are a complete joke. Can’t they just be

normal human beings? I wish the two of them would die together.”

“While one of them uses expired ingredients to make children’s food, the other one creates a false

rumor about her family’s property development. The a**hole and b*tch are a match made in heaven.”

“I think the Sullivan family is done for. Never mind the fact that they raised a useless son, they even

welcomed a crazy b*tch into their family. I would like to dedicate a pitiful song to Tony Sullivan.”

“I will never eat anything produced by the Sullivan family. Let’s work together to bring them down on the

internet. We’ll make sure they get famous for the wrong reasons!” .

After Xyla continued to browse on the internet browser, she eventually found a video of May Conner

slapping her within a negative article related to Tom and Emily’s wedding.

A line of text accompanied the video.

“Xyla Quest and her stepmother.”

In the comment section of the video, internet users wrote hateful things directed at May Conner.

“This old woman has gone too far. How can she hit a person like that? Nothing justifies this behavior.”