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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 105
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Emily nodded. “I think so. I can’t move it!”

“Get to work! You have to work even if your bones break!” the bald inmate spoke coldly again.

She despised people who bullied the weak. Once upon a time, she was forcefully taken by her factory

manager again and again because she was weak.

To keep her job, she stayed quiet the whole time. And because she was easy to bully, the man got

worse and even forcefully took her in front of her own daughter.

Her daughter went up to hit the man, but he pushed the child away. The child’s head hit the door

handle, and she ended up dying on the spot. Because of this, she could not resist killing that son of a


She hated trash who liked to bully others!

“Hurry up!!!” the bald inmate roared again.

Having just suffered damage, Emily dared not fight back. She obediently returned to her seat. She had

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just sat down when she felt something stab deeply into her right butt cheek.

The severe pain immediately made her turn pale!

“Ahh!” She immediately screamed and sprang up, turning to look at the place she was stabbed in.

There was a silver needle pierced deeply inside, with only a small portion ninja.com left on the

outside. A red thread used for embroidery was running through the eye of the needle.

Emily immediately turned to look at the two women sitting on either side of her and bellowed, “Who was

it? Confess now!”

“It was me… What are you going to do about it?” A cropped-hair inmate scoffed.

“How can you bully someone like this?” Emily wanted to murder them all and hang them on the city

walls under the scorching sun for ten days!

“Is this called bullying? I can do worse.” As she spoke, the cropped-hair inmate abruptly got up and

strode into the toilet. She came back out with a pail of cold water.

The next instant, she swiftly poured the cold water onto May’s and Emily’s beds.

“Are you mental? It’s winter now, are you trying to freeze us to death?” Emily roared again. Veins were

popping in her neck.

“That’s right!” The cropped-hair inmate scoffed.

“Sit back down this instant and get to work! Otherwise, I’ll kill you!” The bald inmate simply walked over

and viciously grabbed Emily’s long hair ferociously.

Putting aside how her butt and wrist hurt, even if she was fine, sitting here on such a cold winter’s day

was enough torture. However, due to the bald imnate’s authority, Emily could only endure the pain and

sit on the ice-cold bed to continue with her embroidery.

Whenever she moved, ninja.com fast update the pain in her wrist would shoot up to her brain, but

she could only grit her teeth and bear it. There was no outlet for her grievance. The icy chill slowly

spread throughout her body. She started shivering from the cold.

May’s heart ached terribly. She couldn’t resist slamming on the door madly and yelling, “Is someone

there? Save my daughter! Save us!”

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However, there was no response. Having been a rich lady for so many years, she always ordered

people around, no matter where she was always on top. But at this moment, everything was different.

In this place, she had experienced what it means to cry out to the heavens and earth to no avail.

Hell was just a momentary slip away from heaven.

‘Xyla Quest, you b*tch! I definitely won’t let you off!’ She slammed at the door for a long time, but no

one responded to her. She started crying in despair.

The bald inmate rushed over to her, looking annoyed.

She viciously tugged May’s hair and dragged her back to her bed. During the entire journey, May kept

struggling and yelling hysterically. However, it was futile. The woman was strong as a bull, and May

couldn’t compete.

Soon, she was tossed onto the ice-cold bed.

The bald inmate ordered harshly, “Get to work, now! If you keep screaming, I’ll kill you both!”