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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 92
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Chapter 91 A New Beginning in Taragon City 74% "How much money can you make from a month of summer work? You even boughtflowers and at watch Isabelle shoved the card into his pocket. “I can't be bothered carrying this around, letknow if you need more." Ethan thought about Isabelle's temperament and finally accepted the card.

"Isabelle, I couldn't help but notice the man who was with you when you got off the plane last night. Was he from Taragon City?" "Why do you ask?" "He struckas someone out of the ordinary. I know you can handle yourself, but Taragon City is a whole different ballgcompared to our small town. I just worry that you might act impulsively. Especially now, you've beceven more strikingly beautiful... Can he watch out for you a bit?" Isabelle thought of George and nodded. "Yes, he's quite influential in Taragon City, even more so than the mayor. You don't need to worry." Although Ethan detected a hint of exaggeration in her tone, he felt somewhat reassured.

"Alright, just promise to callif you need anything." Isabelle dragged her suitcase towards the departure hall. Ethan remained standing, watching her go. His hand gripped the card tightly in his pocket, feeling the weight of the money for the first time. It made him slightly nervous, but he was determined to manage it responsibly. George's phone buzzed silently during the meeting, prompting a slight frown from him.

Initially, he ignored it out of habit, but soon, almost involuntarily, his hand reached for the device.

Upon seeing the caller's identity, his frown softened, and he discreetly glanced at his nephew Sam seated beside him.

With a subtle gesture, he interrupted the ongoing presentation and took the call.

"Miss Jenkins has arrived in Taragon City?" George's voice cut through the room, causing the attentive staff to exchange puzzled glances.

It was the first tthey'd seen George take a call during a meeting.

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Even more surprising was his tone and the mention of "Miss Jenkins." George continued talking as if no one else was there. "You're arriving tonight? What time? Do you needto pick you up?" Uncle George personally picking someone up? And with that eager tone? This was absolutely unheard of. On the other end of the line was a woman, a fact that left Sam staring at George in astonishment.

His mind raced with questions, wondering. Is Uncle George finally falling in love after all these years?' 1/3 Chapter 91 A New Beginning in Taragon City When did this happen? How cI didn't hear any rumors?" Is there a prominent Jenkins family in Taragon City" And what about Miss Sullivant Meanwhile, in the departure lounge, Isabelle broached a different topic.

"I wanted to ask, was it Mr. Harris who arranged for the Harris family people to secretly protectearlier?" "Of course, George replied, slightly puzzled by her question.

Isabelle continued. "Oh, then they should still be around my house, right?" A hint of surprise flickered across George's face. With Isabelle's capabilities, it seemed odd that she wouldn't already know if they were still present.

The guards had long been withdrawn as they were deemed unnecessary.

Having shared a roof with Isabelle for two months, George, being astute, grasped the implication behind her words and tone.

Sensing her underlying request, he decided to play along. "Yes, they're still there," he assured her.

Isabelle said, "Then I feel relieved about my family in Norward City" So that's what she was getting at.

Understanding Isabelle's true intention, George couldn't contain his amusement, a smile spreading across his face, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

It was a subtle exchange, a testament to the art of conversation.

Isabelle had skillfully hinted at her desire for protection without making a direct request or seeking any explicit favor.

To call her clever would be an understatement.

The individuals in the meeting room observed George's broad smile with a sense of unease, realizing the peculiarity of his behavior. Sam's reaction mirrored their own astonishment, confirming just how out of the ordinary George's actions were.

Then I'll leave my family's safety to Mr. Harris,” Isabelle stated with a sense of trust.

"Miss Jenkins, rest assured, George assured her before ending the call. However, his initial impulse to task Dylan with the arrangement was checked by the reminder of Dylan's recovery in Melfrey.

After the meeting concluded, George delegated the task to another assistant, instructing them to select a dozen skilled guards to dispatch to the Jenkins Residence in Norward City.

Following the Duel Tournament, Isabelle remained vigilant, knowing that Dark Shadow would likely target her. She sensed their presence during an outing, confirming her suspicions.

If not for her associar with the God's Armament Qiance. Isabelle believed Dark Shadow would have with the God's Armament 2/3 74% Chapter 91 A New Beginning in Taragon City made their move sooner. Her decision to arrive in Taragon City a day earlier was partly influenced by Eleanor and partly by her awareness of Dark Shadow's looming thrlier was partly influenced by Without her own trusted allies present, Isabelle found herself relying on George for assistance. She harbored concerns that Dark Shadow might target Ethan and William, adding to her anxiety.

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Before boarding her plane, Isabelle received a call from Timothy, who mentioned that his son Zack would also be studying in Taragon City, conveniently located near her school. He offered her a ride to campus.

"I'm about to board the plane. I'll arrive tonight," Isabelle said.

Timothy smacked his thigh in frustration, realizing he had missed the opportunity to offer Isabelle a ride.

Isabelle stayed in a hotel that night and went to the school the next day to register.

The following morning, she arrived at Taragon University, dragging her suitcase along the pavement m Standing before the imposing gates, she gazed up at the campus with a mixture of determination and apprehension. Considering Isabelle's background, grades, and circumstances, her future seemed painfully predictable.

Without intervention, she would likely follow the spath as many others in her situation: relegated to e alife of toil in a factory after completing high school. Enduring bullying and exploitation, her meager carnings would be siphoned away by Eleanor.

Eventually, she would be pressured into a marriage of convenience, her dowry a paltry sum compared to her worth.

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