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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 328
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Resurrecting the Genius Within Chapter 328 Campus Voting "Is there anything Isabelle can't do? It's pretty tough for my idol to be in the sschool as regular students," "Think Isabelle has any hacker buddies? Maybe like Mr. Carter." 81% Finished Another classmate said, "Imagine being recruited by the country, and then suddenly another Bella appears to challenge Isabelle, and then a big shot shows up to teach us. That's like a storyline right there!" "Speaking of hackers, I've heard sstuff lately from my sources.

"I might be curious about odd things, but seriously, why did Isabelle give Joshua a computer? They barely know each other, don't they?" "Even school romances are getting interesting. When will Mr. George return to school and heat things with the 'George-Isabelle' couple? Otherwise, I might start scaling walls!" "We can't compete with guys like Mr. George and Mr. Danny. Isn't Joshua better-looking than us? Why did she pick him?" The computer thing was just a small event. Still, Isabelle's computer skills, seeming like those of a hacker, got everyone talking and guessing about what was going on between Isabelle and Joshua.

In the afternoon, a guy from the back row cautiousl called to Isabelle in the front, "Hey, Isabelle." Isabelle turned around.

The guy nervously inquired, showing his phone, "I wanted to ask about this." Isabelle glanced at his phone screen, seeing George's nat the top, followed by Jim, basketball. good-looking white-haired guy, Danny, Joshua, and James.

Someone must've been too bored to set up a poll.

'Vote for the campus's hottest guy with the strongest chemistry with Isabelle.' The good-looking guy with white hair should be Yves.

What's up with the basketball? It's got a crazy number of votes. George, who's in the lead, got 800 votes in just over half an hour.

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The boy asked smoothly, "The girls in our class did this. Have you figured out who you're voting for, Isabelle?" Isabelle stays quiet.

The boy says, "I'll go with basketball since most guys pick that." More and more folks are joining the vote. George, a big shot in Taragon City, is ahead thanks to his popularity. After just one class, more than two thousand votes were already in.

1/3 Chapter 328 Campus Voting favourite duo.

Finished People kept snapping screenshots of the vote counts and sharing them on forums, keeping everyone updated on the latest voting trends. Seven threw in photos of the key players involved.

Photos of Isabelle and Jim embracing, George walking confidently, and Yves at the welcparty, along with Isabelle playing basketball, were all unearthed.

These group shots were undeniably the most effective campaign materials.

Several nearby schools also hopped on board the excitement.

Dylan was darting around the office with a pile of papers when he suddenly got a message from George. Dylan wondered, "Vote? What's this all about?" He clicked on it and found: 'Vote for the campus's hottest guy with the strongest chemistry with Isabelle. Dylan was taken aback. He scrolled down.

Votes for George.

Votes for Basketball.

Votes for Jim.

Dylan realised. "Is Mr. George campaigning?" Feeling awkward, Dylan, holding a stack of documents, struggled to respond to the message.

He meant to reply with a simple 'Got it, but accidentally tapped the screen and sent the wrong message. Dylan stared at it in disbelief.

He had sent a panda emoji with its middle finger up, along with the message, 'Do you think you're worthy?" Oh no. Dylan panicked and swiftly deleted the message.

'Cto my office, George messaged After another class, the votes took a sudden turn.

Initially lagging behind basketball and Jim, Yves suddenly surged ahead, surpassing the frontrunner, George.

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"One hundred thousand votes? Seriously? We only have a few students, including those from the neighbouring school. Are they cheating with the votes?"

"Who's cheating? Which obsessed fan is behind this? Instead of voting fairly, they're using one hundred thousand votes. Find out who it is so I can give them a talking-to." "You can't manipulate the votes. It's all genuine people voting." "Then was it hacked? Who has nothing better to do? Can the votes be reset?" 2/3 14.48 Tue, 25 Jun Chapter 328 Campus Voting.

Isabelle got the voting link from Danny.

Finished When she opened it, she was stunned to see a significant one hundred thousand votes behind Yves' name.. "This guy must have a lot of free time." Yves, situated in Melfrey, glanced at the voting results and casually tossed his phone aside.

Speaking in another language, he directed his assistant beside him: "Could you please delete all the votes from this person named George?" Yves' cunning move immediately rendered the voting meaningless.

After finally finding a shared entertainment activity, everyone e voting results, eagerly awaited the voting only to have their anxion shattered by malicious actions. They rushed to online forums to condemn the obsessive fans cheating with votes. Little did they know, the very person involved orchestrated it all.

George looked at Yves' vote, which had overtaken him in the rankings O despite everyone knowing the votes were tampered with. It was hard to ignore, and it completely soured his mood. 1.8K ☐ 14:28 Tue, 25 Jun Resurrecting the Genius Within X