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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 312
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Chapter 312 The New Student 45 Pearls "Miss, he doesn't have a laptop yet. He brainstormed ideas for the group project and put together the PowerPoint presentation, but he might not be familiar with PowerPoint. Do you think we should maybe swap him out for someone else?" "Okay, got it. So, um, you could kinda fill him in, right?" The teacher motioned for the guy lingering at the back to take a seat.

"Wait, seriously? I can't do that." Trying to lend a hand to the new student, he suddenly found himself in a rather awkward spot, much to his chagrin.

As the guy at the back eased into his seat, ready to jot down notes, he caught someone's eyes on him.

He looked over and found it was the sgirl who had completely stolen the spotlight just a few moments ago when she strutted onto the stage - Isabelle.

Baffled, the boy redirected his focus to the front of the class, trying to shake off the odd sensation of being scrutinised.

But Isabelle persisted in her gaze, her eyes fixed on him, unwavering. She felt a sense of both recognition and confusion. His face seemed oddly familiar to her, yet he wasn't someone who belonged in their class from the start.

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Even through her blurred vision, Isabelle recognised him as the sboy she had caught sight of before. It was at the gas station, just as she exited, waiting for the traffic light.

She had trailed him into the alley but lost him in the maze of shadows.

Then, yesterday evening, while out walking her dog near the school grounds, she had caught a fleeting glimpse of him once more, Watching Isabelle fixate on the new student at back, the boy behind her summoned his courage and spoke up, "Um... Isabelle, he's new here." His nerves were so jittery that he found himself tightly gripping his toes.

Ever since Isabelle completely owned the basketball gagainst the neighbouring school last time, breaking the backboard and all, every guy in the school had been totally idolising her.

In the boys' dormitory, the hot topic of discussion every day circled back to Isabelle. They played the basketball video on repeat, each viewing igniting fresh waves of excitement.

For those already passionate about basketball, their adoration for Isabelle bordered on indescribable intensity. Isabelle leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. "What's his name?" The male classmate was caught off guard by Isabelle addressing him, causing his heart to race and his breath to quicken. "His nis Joshua Marley. He showed up the day after you were out, and now he's like Balance: 1419 + 458 1 Coins 1 Pearls Chapter 312 The New Student "Hm... he doesn't seem to have cfrom another school. I... I'm not really sure.

"Um, do you wantto ask around for you after class?" 95%*** +5 Pearls The new student was attentively focused on the lesson, yet those eyes continued to linger on his face. Unable to resist, he glanced back, only to find Isabelle still looking at him.

"Hey, um, Joshua? The counsellor's looking for you, you should probably go see him.

As class ended, a classmate called out to the new student by the classroom entrance. Without hesitation, Joshua swiftly got up and made his way out through the back door.

In the counsellor's office, the counsellor passed Joshua a pen. "Joshua, the financial aid has been approved. Just sign here.

"The funds for financial aid were already used up, but our principal covered it out of his own pocket. Joshua, you've got to buckle down and make sure you don't disappoint our principal," the counsellor emphasised.

Joshua nodded and signed his name.

The counsellor added, "Feeling a bit uneasy when you're new is totally normal. Just hang out with your classmates more, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to cto me.” As he stepped out of the office, he found Isabelle standing at the doorway.

He nearly bumped into her but gave her a brief glance before walking away, preoccupied with his own thoughts.

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Isabelle watched him until he disappeared from view.

Just as Magnus had brewed a pot of tea, Isabelle entered.

"Isabelle, what a wonderful unexpected visit! I've missed seeing you around. I was beginning to think you'd vanished from the school and leftbehind. Here, have a cup of our newly brewed tea." Isabelle settled into a chair.

Magnus eagerly asked, “Isabelle, are you here to givean acupuncture treatment? I'm amazed you still remember me." Isabelle replied, "I'll do it in a couple of days. Today, I cto ask you about someone." Magnus asked, "Askabout someone? Who are we talking about?" "A new student in the class." "You mean Joshua, right?" "Yes.

"What's his background? Balance: 1419 1 Coins 429 1 Pearls 08:04 Sat, 22 Jun Kiss Chapter 312 The New Student Magnus handed over Joshua's profile to Isabelle.

"He didn't transfer. His circumstances are rather exceptional." 95% +5 Pearls

Magnus took a moment to collect his thoughts and then delved into m Joshua's situation detail. The content. is on novelenglish.net! more

"This kid has been through a lot. His mother's seriously ill, his dad's battling alcoholism and neglecting them both, and he's been grappling with it all since he was a kid. He's been working part-tsince middle school to help take care of his sick mom, and he almost didn't make it to the college entrance exam because of his dad's behaviour. He even ended up missing one of the exams for a bunch of reasons.

"This kid's got sserious talent. Even though he missed an exam, his om grades are exceptional. He could easily get into a top notch university. But, unfortunately, because of his family situation, he decided to forgo college and becan apprentice at an auto repair shop. He's balancing taking care of his mom with making a living."