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Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 2253: Brother And Sister
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Chapter 2253 Brother And Sister

The reason for that was… Xia Jinyuan had a clear cold light in his eyes,…because there were some things that he and Little Fox couldn’t intervene!

Alas, what was his Little Fox doing now? Chatting with the old Sir and Devil King?

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He really didn’t expect that the Devil King, whom he had warned not to “come late,” became his Little Fox’s brother. Plus, he was the one to introduce the two of them. He must admit he was quite fated to Little Fox!

On this day, Ye Jian stayed with the old man all day. She did not go anywhere except to stay at home. The old man who recognized his granddaughter was so energetic that he could even speak vigorously. In the evening, he ate half a bowl of rice more than usual.

He went to bed at night a full two hours earlier than usual. He usually didn’t go to bed until 12 o’clock. But today, he felt sleepy at around 10 o’clock. He even said, “A hundred years old is still young; I must live until at least 110 years old.”

His words made Ye Jian and Li Jinnian laugh out loud, and Li Jinnian even said, “You are only 88 years old now; you should live to be 120 years old.” The old man happened to be born in the first year of the Republic of China.

“I don’t look forward to being alive until I’m 120 years old. I will try my best to live to 110. I will be happy to see you two get married and have children so that I can hold my great-grandson.”

When talking about children, the sleepy old gentleman regained his energy and said with great interest, “I became a grandfather at the age of 61. This year, I am 88. It’s a lucky number; I want to see if I can be a great-grandfather at the age of ninety. Ye Jian is still young. If I’m not mistaken, female soldiers have to be 24 years old to get married and have children. Higher officers even have to delay their marriage age. I will see if I can hold my grandson when Ye Jian is 26 years old.”

“Then I have to wait six more years, I have to live well, and strive to live to 110 years old, live in a full house of children and grandchildren.”

What the old man looked forward to most now was a house full of children and grandchildren. Before going to bed, he did not forget to tell his grandson Li Jinnian to write the letter and get it sent to Ye Jian’s father as soon as possible. It would really make him happy.

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Li Jinnian felt that his uncle wouldn’t be happy, though. Instead, he would be so excited that he would dance and cry.

Closing the door gently, he said to Ye Jian with a soft smile on his face, “Since I was 24 years old, the old man had already begun to talk about wanting to hold his great-grandchildren. Now, with you, we can share the responsibility together, and the pressure is half less.”

He joked very seriously.

Ye Jian smiled until her shoulders twitched, “Then you should carry more. You are seven years older than me. It’s time for you to get married and have children.” Li Jinnian was 27 years old this year. It was the time for him to get married and have kids.

“If I found the right girl, I would definitely marry her immediately.” Li Jinnian laughed and walked a few steps to push open the door of his small study room, which he stayed in during the day. “Come in and sit down. I will tell you about the history of the Fu Family, then you will know why my grandfather hopes that we can get married and have children.” Li Jinnian knew that she was bold. Last time, with his identity and status, she didn’t dare to tease him. Now that she had an older brother, she had become bold enough to make fun of him directly.

He really hoped that their relationship would become stronger.

The old photo album was opened again. Li Jinnian pointed to the group photo in front of the Fu Family’s old house. His cold voice rendered the darkness of the night dark, and he spoke softly, “The Fu Family is a rich family of merchants. But it declined the year my grandpa was 28.”

From a prosperous to a defeat, from a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River to the poorest family. They didn’t even have a place to live. Looking through the album and listening to Li Jinnian’s explanation on the history of the Fu Family, Ye Jian’s heart was once again sinking so much that she felt difficult to breathe.